This is tested with 8x g5.x4large AWS instances with 24GiB each.
If it's not deployed yet, follow the section of 5.1 Deploy RHOAI and Prereqs in the README.
kubectl apply -k 3-demo-prep/overlays/$MODEL_TYPE
- Deploy Custom CRD and vLLM Multi Node Serving Runtime Template
kubectl apply -k 4-demo-deploy-is-sr/overlays
oc process vllm-multinode-runtime-template -n $DEMO_NAMESPACE | kubectl apply -n $DEMO_NAMESPACE -f -
- Check the GPU resource status
podName=$(oc get pod -n $DEMO_NAMESPACE -l app=isvc.$MODEL_NAME-predictor --no-headers|cut -d' ' -f1)
workerPodName=$(kubectl get pod -n $DEMO_NAMESPACE -l app=isvc.$MODEL_NAME-predictor-worker --no-headers|cut -d' ' -f1)
oc -n $DEMO_NAMESPACE wait --for=condition=ready pod/${podName} --timeout=300s
- Send a RESTful request to the LLM deployed in Multi-Node Multi-GPU:
curl https://$isvc_url/v1/completions \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{
\"model\": \"$MODEL_NAME\",
\"prompt\": \"What is the biggest clothes retail company in the world?\",
\"max_tokens\": 100,
\"temperature\": 0