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Radha Giduthuri edited this page May 4, 2017 · 19 revisions

Khronos OpenVX Tutorial Material

Electronic Imaging 2017

Agenda and slides from half-day short course EI19: OpenVX: A Standard API for Accelerating Computer Vision on Sunday, January 29, 2017.

  1. OpenVX ecosystem overview (pdf | pptx)
  2. Hands-on programming session #1 - graphs (pdf | pptx)
  3. Brief overview of new features in OpenVX 1.1 (pdf | pptx)
  4. Hands-on programming session #2 - user kernels (pdf | pptx)
  5. Virtual machine (2 GB)


Agenda and slides from the half-day Course: OpenVX: a Framework for Accelerating Computer Vision on December 7, 2016.

  1. OpenVX ecosystem overview (pdf | pptx)
  2. Hands-on programming session (pdf | pptx)
  3. Brief overview of new features in OpenVX 1.1 (pdf | pptx)
    • OpenVX Neural Networks extension
    • OpenVX Import/Export extension

Embedded Vision Summit 2016

Agenda, slides, and video from the full-day Khronos OpenVX Tutorial on May 4, 2016.

  1. OpenVX ecosystem overview (pdf | video)
  2. Introduction to OpenVX and Exercise #1 (pdf | video)
  3. OpenVX Graphs and Exercise #2 (pdf | video)
  4. Avoiding copies: images created from handle and ROI (pdf | video)
  5. OpenVX User Kernels and Exercise#3 (pdf | video)
  6. Welcome to the Era of Machines That See (pdf | video)
  7. OpenVX 1.1: Summary of deltas from OpenVX 1.0.1 (pdf | video)
  8. NVIDIA VisionWorks (pdf | video)
  9. AMD OpenVX -- open-source on GitHub (pdf | video)
  10. Imagination OpenVX and OpenCL - User Nodes (pdf | video)
  11. Synopsys experience with OpenVX for Face Tracking (pdf | video)

Santa Clara Valley IEEE Signal Processing Society Chapter 2016

Refer to OpenVX: A Framework for Accelerating Computer Vision for the slides and other material from this half-day tutorial on April 1, 2016.

Electronic Imaging 2016

Half-day short course EI11: OpenVX: A framework for accelerating computer vision on February 14, 2016.

CVPR 2015

Half-day tutorial OpenVX: a framework for accelerating computer vision on June 7, 2015.

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