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Radha Giduthuri edited this page Jan 2, 2018 · 19 revisions

Khronos OpenVX Tutorial Material

Embedded Systems Conference 2017

Slides for this 2-hour tutorial on December 5, 2017.

ARC Processor Summit 2017

Slides for this 30 min talk on September 26, 2017.

Khronos Webinar 2017

Slides and video from the OpenVX 1.2 Overview webinar on September 14, 2017.

ARC Processor Summit 2017

Slides for this 30 min talk on September 26, 2017.

IEEE Santa Clara Valley 2017

Slides for this 60 min talk on August 31, 2017.


Khronos BOF: Refer to OpenVX, NNEF, OpenCL and SYCL for slides and videos.

Embedded Vision Summit 2017

Agenda, slides, and video from the full-day Khronos OpenVX Tutorial on May 3, 2017.

  1. Presentations
  2. OpenVX Tutorial Videos

Use the openvx_tutorial github repository for basic introductory exercises. The exercises covered by the above links require basic understanding of OpenVX, so I suggest going through the exercises in this repo before attempting exercises in the above videos.

Electronic Imaging 2017

Agenda and slides from half-day short course EI19: OpenVX: A Standard API for Accelerating Computer Vision on Sunday, January 29, 2017.

  1. OpenVX ecosystem overview (pdf | pptx)
  2. Hands-on programming session #1 - graphs (pdf | pptx)
  3. Brief overview of new features in OpenVX 1.1 (pdf | pptx)
  4. Hands-on programming session #2 - user kernels (pdf | pptx)
  5. Virtual machine (2 GB)


Agenda and slides from the half-day Course: OpenVX: a Framework for Accelerating Computer Vision on December 7, 2016.

  1. OpenVX ecosystem overview (pdf | pptx)
  2. Hands-on programming session (pdf | pptx)
  3. Brief overview of new features in OpenVX 1.1 (pdf | pptx)
    • OpenVX Neural Networks extension
    • OpenVX Import/Export extension

Embedded Vision Summit 2016

Agenda, slides, and video from the full-day Khronos OpenVX Tutorial on May 4, 2016.

  1. OpenVX ecosystem overview (pdf | video)
  2. Introduction to OpenVX and Exercise #1 (pdf | video)
  3. OpenVX Graphs and Exercise #2 (pdf | video)
  4. Avoiding copies: images created from handle and ROI (pdf | video)
  5. OpenVX User Kernels and Exercise#3 (pdf | video)
  6. Welcome to the Era of Machines That See (pdf | video)
  7. OpenVX 1.1: Summary of deltas from OpenVX 1.0.1 (pdf | video)
  8. NVIDIA VisionWorks (pdf | video)
  9. AMD OpenVX -- open-source on GitHub (pdf | video)
  10. Imagination OpenVX and OpenCL - User Nodes (pdf | video)
  11. Synopsys experience with OpenVX for Face Tracking (pdf | video)

Santa Clara Valley IEEE Signal Processing Society Chapter 2016

Refer to OpenVX: A Framework for Accelerating Computer Vision for the slides and other material from this half-day tutorial on April 1, 2016.

Electronic Imaging 2016

Half-day short course EI11: OpenVX: A framework for accelerating computer vision on February 14, 2016.

CVPR 2015

Half-day tutorial OpenVX: a framework for accelerating computer vision on June 7, 2015.

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