This server hosts Graphile Worker runners that are responsible for managing your Postgres job queue and processing your application's Reverb workflows. These include workflows triggered by events, cron, or steps within the Reverb step functions you've defined in your codebase.
This project uses node and npm. For local development, simply run:
$ npm install
To run your Graphile workers locally, you will first need to configure several environment variables in a .env
is for connecting with the PostgreSQL database that will host your job queue. This should be the same database to which your functions server is connected.FUNCTION_SERVER_URL
configures the HTTP endpoint where the workers should send JSON-RPC requests to invoke your functions. This will most likely behttp://localhost:3002/calls
is for logging event, function, job, and error data to a MongoDB database. Logging is configured with winston.
To initialize the Graphile workers in a development environment, run:
$ npm run dev
If the database has not yet been populated with the necessary data from your Reverb functions server codebase, your terminal will read:
Waiting for functions data to populate in the database...
Once the database is populated, your workers will be ready and able to dequeue and process jobs!