This installation guide is for a Rails 5.2 application. We are currently working on support for Rails 5.1.
If you are starting from scratch, install Rails via:
gem install rails -v '~> 5.2.0'
- Add the gem to your
and runbundle install
gem 'fae-rails'
- Run Fae's installer.
rails g fae:install
- Start your Rails server and visit http://localhost:3000/admin to setup your super admin user.
That's it, you are up and running with Fae!
To give you an idea of where to go from there, here is a brief walkthrough of an example CMS setup. This example CMS will manage articles, the article categories they belong to and content on an about page.
To add an object to manage in Fae, you can use Fae's built in generators to create all necessary files. They are built on the Rails generators and work very similarly.
First let's scaffold our ArticleCategory
rails g fae:scaffold ArticleCategory name:string position:integer
Next is our Article
rails g fae:scaffold Article title:string slug:string introduction:text body:text date:date hero_image:image pdf:file article_category:references
This one has a couple special Fae moves in it. image
and file
are custom attribute types that setup everything Fae needs to manage those assets.
Learn more about managing images and files
Fae has a built-in pages module that let's you define content blocks on a page as attributes on a model. This allows you to get content for an about page via AboutUsPage.instance
instead of dealing with hard-coded IDs.
To use this module, you'll have to follow Fae's convention, but we have a custom generator to get you started.
To generate content blocks for an AboutUsPage
rails g fae:page AboutUs hero_image:image headline:string body:text
Learn more about content blocks and pages
Finally, let's add the scaffolded objects to the database:
rails db:migrate
Use rake db:migrate
with Rails 4
With those four commands we are now able to manage those three objects in our CMS. There are some things we can do now to make these forms easier to work with.
Go to http://localhost:3000/admin/article_categories and add/update a couple categories. You'll notice that Fae picked up the position
attribute and automatically made the categories sortable in the index view.
Now let's go to create a new article at http://localhost:3000/admin/articles/new. This form already does the job, but let's make it better. Fae's generators create files in your application so you can customize this form as you please.
Open app/views/admin/articles/_form.html.slim
and focus on the main.content
section where the form fields are:
= fae_input f, :title
= fae_input f, :slug
= fae_input f, :introduction
= fae_input f, :body
= fae_input f, :date
= fae_association f, :article_category
= fae_image_form f, :hero_image
= fae_file_form f, :pdf
Automatically generate the slug
from content in the title
Fae's form helpers offer many options to help you customize. Let's add a class to the title
field to trigger Fae's slugger feature:
= fae_input f, :title, input_class: 'slugger'
Learn more about Fae's slugger
Add a markdown editor to body
= fae_input f, :body, markdown: true
Add a datepicker to date
Fae also has a number of other form helpers that provide a variety of UI elements.
fae_datepicker f, :date
See documentation on all form helpers
Fae's forms will honor any standard validation rules defined in the model. Fae even has some helpers for common validation scenerios.
To add form validations to our articles, we just need to define them in app/models/article.rb
validates :title, presence: true
validates :slug, Fae.validation_helpers.slug
Fae uses Judge for client side validations. Judge requires you to expose any attributes that have a uniqueness validation. You can do this in config/initializers/judge.rb
Judge.configure do
expose Article, :slug
We should update our navigation so these three sections are easy to find. We'll update our app/models/concerns/fae/navigation_concern.rb
like so:
def structure
item('News', subitems: [
item('Articles', path: admin_articles_path),
item('Article Categories', path: admin_article_categories_path),
item('Pages', subitems: [
item('About Us', path: fae.edit_content_block_path('about_us'))
Learn more about setting up your navigation
Now that we are up and running with our CMS we can continue to scale it. When you run into a use case that Fae's can't handle, don't fret, Fae is built to be overridden.
Use Rails helpers in place of Fae form helpers, override views, methods and whole classes. Fae even provides concerns to inject custom logic into its base classes.
We want Fae to get you off the ground quickly but be able to scale with your project and all the customized use cases you don't know you need yet.