This library aims to reduce boilerplate 😎 and provides high-level tools️ 🔥 for testing Component, Guard, Interceptor and everything else related to the Angular mechanism.
It makes tests easier to read 😌 and faster to write ⚡️!
describe('AppComponent', () => {
const tb = componentTestBed(AppComponent) // 🛠️ Create the test bed which is re-compiled for each test
.inject('prefs', Preferences); // 🖇️ Link a key to an injection for all tests, see below 👇
it('should render title', tb(({ component, query }) => { // 🔋 Access enhanced tools for testing components
const span = query.findElement('.content span');
expect(span.textContent).toContain('app-v17 app is running!');
it('should update preferences on click', tb(({ action, injected: { prefs } }) => { // 🤯 Retrieve injections by autocompletion
🫡 (The redundant "should create" test is even called up for you!)
describe('AppService', () => {
const tb = serviceTestBed(AppService, { httpTesting: true }); // 🛠️ Create the test bed and enable http testing
it('should fetch cat fact', tb(({ service, http, rx }, done) => {
const mockRes = { fact: 'string', length: 6 };
rx.remind = service.getCatFact().subscribe({ // 🧯 Use rx.remind to auto unsubscribe after the end of the test
next: (res) => {
http.emitSuccessResponse({ url: service.CAT_FACT_URL, body: mockRes }); // 🎭 Fake the http response of the request that matches the url
npm install --save-dev ngx-testing-tools
Visit the docs at
Check demo .spec.ts
Compatible with Angular >= 15.2.x
- More custom test beds :
- Mocks
- Angular schematics
MIT © Rémy Abitbol.