All notable changes to the "vscode-typescript-node-starter" repo will be documented in this file.
Check Keep a Changelog for recommendations on how to structure this file.
- Working on ts-node enabled Debugging @markfknight
- correct README for es2020 @markfknight
- add DOM back to
@markfknight - complie js from es2015 to es2020
- tidyup of
- updated readme @markfknight
- update contact email @markfknight
- added eslint @markfknight
- added eslint ignore @markfknight
- aded eslint config @markfknight
- added package.lock @markfknight
- update all packages @markfknight
- rename files and exports for eslint @markfknight
- updated ts-jest config @markfknight
- updated node types to cuurent lts (node@12) @markfknight
- removed tslint packages @markfknight
- removed tslint configuration @markfknight
- removed yarn.lock @markfknight
- updated packages @markfknight
- updated packages (jest 21) @markfknight
- Set TSC task as isBuildCommand @markfknight
- tslint-language-service tsconfig plugin settings @markfknight
- CHANGELOG @markfknight
- start:dev for devlopment with nodemon and ts-node @markfknight
- start:dev:test for devlopment with nodemon, ts-node, ts-lint and jest @markfknight
- nodemon.json to manage nodemon settings @markfknight
- tsc task to use local typescript @markfknight
- README to detail new features @markfknight
- Requirments for global installs @markfknight
- Codemon Debug @markfknight