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rembo10 edited this page Jun 20, 2011 · 33 revisions

Headphones is a SABnzbd add-on that automates your music downloading. It's written in Python so it works on pretty much all systems, and it's easy to setup and configure.

You can import all your favorite artists from iTunes, and keep an eye out for any new albums they might be releasing.

It can be configured to work with a few search providers, including NZBMatrix, and Newznab servers. Just enter your account details and you're ready to go.

Installation is just as easy, just download it, and run "python" (you can add a -q or -d in there to daemonize the app)

To use the headphonesinit.d file:  

adjust settings in file (installpath and run as user)  
copy/move it to /etc/init.d/headphones  
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/headphones  
sudo update-rc.d /etc/init.d/headphones defaults  
sudo /etc/init.d/headphones start | stop | reload | restart  
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