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/ laravel-mardin Public archive

Simplified real-time messaging package for Laravel 5.x.


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Mardin Messenger

Mardin is a messaging package for Laravel 5.x based on Laravel Messenger.

Built For Laravel StyleCI Scrutinizer License Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version


Key Features

  • Integrates seemlessly with your existing application.
  • Supports multi-participant conversations (threads)
  • Multiple conversations per user
  • View the last message for each thread available
  • Easily fetch all messages in the system, all messages associated to the user, or all message associated to the user with new/unread messages
  • Fetch users unread message count easily
  • Very flexible usage so you can implement your own access control
  • Supports real-time messaging via integration with Laravel Echo

Installation & Usage


Install via composer; in console:

composer require reliqarts/mardin

or require in composer.json:

    "require": {
        "reliqarts/mardin": "*"

then run composer update in your terminal to pull it in.

Once this has finished, you will need to add the service provider to the providers array in your app.php config as follows:


Publish package resources and configuration:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ReliQArts\Mardin\MardinServiceProvider"

You may opt to publish only configuration by using the config tag:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ReliQArts\Mardin\MardinServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Create a users table if you do not have one already.

(Optional) Define names of database tables in laravel messenger's config file (config/laravel-messenger) if you don't want to use default ones:

'messages_table' => 'messenger_messages',
'participants_table' => 'messenger_participants',
'threads_table' => 'messenger_threads',

See: Laravel messenger readme for more information on Laravel Messenger setup.

Run the migrations to create messages, threads, and participant tables.

php artisan migrate


  • Set the message model, participant model and thread model in laravel messenger's config file (config/laravel-messenger) to the provided Mardin models, or your custom models that extend these.


    'message_model' => ReliQArts\Mardin\Models\Message::class,
    'participant_model' => ReliQArts\Mardin\Models\Participant::class,
    'thread_model' => ReliQArts\Mardin\Models\Thread::class,
  • Ensure your application is properly configured for broadcasting.

  • Ensure your application defines the <base> tag in its <head>


    <base href="http://myapp.url">

    This is used alongside mardinBase for routing. See:

  • Set the desired environment variables so the package knows your user model, transformer, desired views, etc.

    Example environment config:


    These variables, and more are explained within the config file.

  • Include the mardin tray (message notification area) somewhere within your layout to initialize mardin. The mardin tray provides initialization parameters to Mardin's JS counterpart. (without these Mardin will not be initialized)

    Example inclusion in resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php:

    // ...
    @include('mardin::tray', ['miId' => 'mardin-inbox-tray'])
    // ...
  • Traits & Contracts

    You must ensure that your user model and user transformer classes are properly set in your configuration (as shown above) and that they implement the ReliQArts\Mardin\Contracts\User and ReliQArts\Mardin\Contracts\UserTransformer contracts respectively.

    Your User model must also use the Messagable trait.

    e.g. User model:

    // ...
    use ReliQArts\Mardin\Traits\Messagable;
    use ReliQArts\Mardin\Contracts\User as MardinUserContract;
    class User extends Authenticatable implements MardinUserContract {
        use Messagable;
        // ...

    You may also extend the Message, Participant, and Thread models. Extending the Message model is encouraged since you may very well wish to add a specific policy for security (via Laravel Guard).

    e.g. Message model:

    use ReliQArts\Mardin\Models\Message as MardinMessage;
    class Message extends MardinMessage
        // ...

    NB: Remember to update laravel messenger's config file (config/laravel-messenger) to reflect these.

  • Client-side Config

    Install the JS counterpart via npm or yarn:

    npm i mardin

    After adding the module via npm you may use as follows:

    // import mardin for use
    import Mardin from 'mardin';
    // initialize
    let messenger = new Mardin(app);

    Note: app above refers to an instance of your client-side application and is optional.

And... it's ready! 👌



The following routes are made available. For clarification you may refer to the method documentations in ReliQArts\Mardin\Http\Controllers\MessagesController here.

|        | POST                           | messages                                                           | store-message                               | ReliQArts\Mardin\Http\Controllers\MessagesController@store                           | web                                                 |
|        | GET|HEAD                       | messages/c/unread                                                  | unread-messages-count                       | ReliQArts\Mardin\Http\Controllers\MessagesController@unreadCount                     | web                                                 |
|        | POST                           | messages/del                                                       | unread-message                              | ReliQArts\Mardin\Http\Controllers\MessagesController@delete                          | web                                                 |
|        | GET|HEAD                       | messages/in/{filter}.json                                          | in-threads                                  | ReliQArts\Mardin\Http\Controllers\MessagesController@inboxData                       | web                                                 |
|        | POST                           | messages/m/new                                                     | create-message                              | ReliQArts\Mardin\Http\Controllers\MessagesController@create                          | web                                                 |
|        | POST                           | messages/mr                                                        | read-message                                | ReliQArts\Mardin\Http\Controllers\MessagesController@read                            | web                                                 |
|        | POST                           | messages/mur                                                       | unread-message                              | ReliQArts\Mardin\Http\Controllers\MessagesController@unread                          | web                                                 |
|        | GET|HEAD                       | messages/t/{thread}/messages.json                                  | in-thread-messages                          | ReliQArts\Mardin\Http\Controllers\MessagesController@threadMessagesData              | web                                                 |
|        | POST                           | messages/u/{thread}                                                | update-message                              | ReliQArts\Mardin\Http\Controllers\MessagesController@update                          | web                                                 |
|        | GET|HEAD                       | messages/view/{thread}                                             | show-message                                | ReliQArts\Mardin\Http\Controllers\MessagesController@show                            | web                                                 |
|        | GET|HEAD                       | messages/{type?}                                                   | messages       


Mardin supports Laravel's default authorization model. To use the provided policy, map the policy in your AuthServiceProvider like so:

use App\Message; // a custom message model that extends ReliQArts\Mardin\Models\Message
use ReliQArts\Mardin\Policies\MessagePolicy;

 * The policy mappings for the application.
 * @var array
protected $policies = [
    // ...
    Message::class => MessagePolicy::class,

The policy uses the canSendMardinMessage() and canReceiveMardinMessage() methods implemented on the User model. These methods are enforced by ReliQArts\Mardin\Contracts\User.

Sending a Message

Start a new thread by making a request to messages/m/new (POST).

Sample New Message Form
{!! Form::open(['route' => 'create-message']) !!}
{!! Form::hidden('subject', "New Message") !!}
{!! Form::hidden('recipients[]', $user->id) !!}
<button class="btn new-message flat" title="Send a message to {{$user->name}}.">
    <span class="icon icon-email icon-lg"></span>
    <span>Send Message</span>
{!! Form::close() !!}

The above example uses laravelcollective/html to generate a HTML form which posts to the create-message route.

For more information on Laravel Messenger, check it out here.

🍻 cheers!