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An elegant changelog generator.
Focus on Elegant/Simple/Efficient/Scalable
- Cross-platform support
- Generation for local/Remote git repositories
- Preset template for generation
- Custom template file
- Conventional Commits Parser
- Generate multiple versions of change logs
- Github Action
$ whatchanged --help
whatchanged - a cli to generate changelog from git project
whatchanged [OPTIONS] [version...]
[version...] Optional version or version range.
If you do not specify the version, then it will automatically
generate a change log from "HEAD~<latest version>" or
"HEAD~<earliest commit>" or "<latest version>-<last version>"
2.single version. eg. "v1.2.0"
Generate a specific version of the changelog.
3.multiple versions. eg. "v2.0.0 v1.0.0"
4.version range. eg v1.3.0~v1.2.0
Generate changelog within the specified range.
For more details, please check the following examples.
--help Print help information.
--version Print version information.
--project Specify the project to be generated. It can be a relative path.
or an absolute path or even a remote Git URL. eg.
Defaults to "--project=$PWD".
--output Write output to file. default write to stdout.
--fmt Specify the changelog format. Available options:
Defaults to "--fmt=md".
--preset Cli built-in markdown template. Available options:
Only available when --fmt=md and --tpl is nil.
Defaults to "--preset=default".
--tpl Specify the template file for generating. Only available when
--skip-format Skip the formatting process, which is very useful for keeping the
original format.
# generate changelog from HEAD to <latest version>.
# if HEAD is not the latest tag. then this should be a unreleased version
# otherwise it should be the latest version
$ whatchanged
# generate changelog of the specified version
$ whatchanged v1.2.0
# Generate the specified two versions
# Separate by a comma, and only generate these two versions
# the middle version will not be generated
$ whatchanged v2.0.0 v1.0.0
# generate HEAD to latest tag and <Nth tag>
$ whatchanged HEAD~@0 @1 @2
# generate changelog within the specified range
$ whatchanged v1.3.0~v1.2.0
# generate changelog from HEAD to <Nth tag>
$ whatchanged ~@0
# generate changelog from <0th tag> to <2th tag>
$ whatchanged @0~@2
# generate changelog from HEAD to specified version
$ whatchanged HEAD~v1.3.0
# generate all changelog
$ whatchanged HEAD~
# generate changelog from two commit hashes
$ whatchanged 770ed02~585445d
# Generate changelog for the specified project
$ whatchanged --project=/path/to/project v1.0.0
# Generate changelog for the remote project
$ whatchanged --project=https://github.com/axetroy/whatchanged.git v0.1.0
# install in global
npm install -g @axetroy/whatchanged
# run the command once
npx @axetroy/whatchanged
If you are using Linux/macOS. you can install it with the following command:
# install latest version
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/axetroy/whatchanged/master/install.sh | bash
# or install specified version
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/axetroy/whatchanged/master/install.sh | bash -s v0.3.6
# or install from gobinaries.com
curl -sf https://gobinaries.com/axetroy/whatchanged@v0.3.6 | sh
Download the executable file for your platform at release page and put the executable file to $PATH
then try it.
$ whatchanged --help
Make sure you have Golang@v1.16.x
and goreleaser installed.
$ git clone https://github.com/axetroy/whatchanged.git $GOPATH/src/github.com/axetroy/whatchanged
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/axetroy/whatchanged
$ make build
$ make test
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