##2014-10-16 - Release 1.0.0 ###Summary
- updating documentation to meet standard
- refactored the tests
- added support for 4.5.1 and 4.5.2
- added param package_dir that allows you do download to a directory other than C:\Windows\Temp
- adding support for downloading from the web using opentable/download_file when not specifying the package_dir
- fixing bug in operatingsystemversion checks
- fixing error when running with strict_variables
- updating powershell dependency from joshcopper to puppetlabs
##2013-05-01 - Release 0.0.2 ###Summary
- refactored into define type to allow for side-by-side install of 3.5 and 4.x
- fixed warning about string escaping on puppet 3.x
##2013-04-25 - Release 0.0.1 ###Summary
Initial release. Intalls 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5