diff --git a/test/runner/dom.bundle.js b/test/runner/dom.bundle.js
index 8300b88..9eda974 100644
--- a/test/runner/dom.bundle.js
+++ b/test/runner/dom.bundle.js
@@ -865,6 +865,46 @@
+ it('feature #82', function(){
+ var i = 0;
+ var mixins = {
+ events: {
+ $afterConfig: function(){
+ i++;
+ expect(i).to.equal(3)
+ },
+ $config: function(){
+ i++;
+ expect(i).to.equal(1)
+ },
+ $init: function(){
+ i++;
+ expect(i).to.equal(4)
+ },
+ $afterInit: function(){
+ i++;
+ expect(i).to.equal(6)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var Component = Regular.extend({
+ config: function(){
+ i++;
+ expect(i).to.equal(2)
+ },
+ init: function(){
+ i++;
+ expect(i).to.equal(5)
+ }
+ }).implement(mixins)
+ new Component();
+ expect(i).to.equal(6);
+ })
@@ -877,7 +917,7 @@
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var Regular = __webpack_require__(16);
- var animate = __webpack_require__(18);
+ var animate = __webpack_require__(19);
var dom = __webpack_require__(17);
function destroy(component, container){
@@ -1717,7 +1757,7 @@
var expect = __webpack_require__(26);
var Regular = __webpack_require__(16);
- var combine = __webpack_require__(19);
+ var combine = __webpack_require__(20);
function destroy(component, container){
@@ -4686,7 +4726,7 @@
var expect = __webpack_require__(26);
var Regular = __webpack_require__(16);
- var parse = __webpack_require__(20);
+ var parse = __webpack_require__(21);
var Component = Regular.extend();
@@ -5853,10 +5893,10 @@
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var expect = __webpack_require__(26);
- var _ = __webpack_require__(22);
- var shim = __webpack_require__(23);
- var extend = __webpack_require__(24);
- var diff = __webpack_require__(25)
+ var _ = __webpack_require__(18);
+ var shim = __webpack_require__(22);
+ var extend = __webpack_require__(23);
+ var diff = __webpack_require__(24)
var diffArray = diff.diffArray;
var diffObject = diff.diffObject;
@@ -6180,7 +6220,7 @@
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var expect = __webpack_require__(26);
- var Event = __webpack_require__(21);
+ var Event = __webpack_require__(25);
@@ -6312,8 +6352,8 @@
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var env = __webpack_require__(27);
- var config = __webpack_require__(29);
- var Regular = module.exports = __webpack_require__(30);
+ var config = __webpack_require__(28);
+ var Regular = module.exports = __webpack_require__(29);
var Parser = Regular.Parser;
var Lexer = Regular.Lexer;
@@ -6324,7 +6364,7 @@
Regular.dom = __webpack_require__(17);
Regular.env = env;
- Regular.util = __webpack_require__(22);
+ Regular.util = __webpack_require__(18);
Regular.parse = function(str, options){
options = options || {};
@@ -6357,8 +6397,8 @@
var dom = module.exports;
var env = __webpack_require__(27);
- var _ = __webpack_require__(22);
- var consts = __webpack_require__(28);
+ var _ = __webpack_require__(18);
+ var consts = __webpack_require__(30);
var tNode = document.createElement('div')
var addEvent, removeEvent;
var noop = function(){}
@@ -6737,915 +6777,835 @@
/* 18 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
- var _ = __webpack_require__(22);
- var dom = __webpack_require__(17);
- var animate = {};
- var env = __webpack_require__(27);
+ /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {__webpack_require__(22)();
- var
- transitionEnd = 'transitionend',
- animationEnd = 'animationend',
- transitionProperty = 'transition',
- animationProperty = 'animation';
- if(!('ontransitionend' in window)){
- if('onwebkittransitionend' in window) {
- // Chrome/Saf (+ Mobile Saf)/Android
- transitionEnd += ' webkitTransitionEnd';
- transitionProperty = 'webkitTransition'
- } else if('onotransitionend' in dom.tNode || navigator.appName === 'Opera') {
+ var _ = module.exports;
+ var entities = __webpack_require__(31);
+ var slice = [].slice;
+ var o2str = ({}).toString;
+ var win = typeof window !=='undefined'? window: global;
- // Opera
- transitionEnd += ' oTransitionEnd';
- transitionProperty = 'oTransition';
- }
- }
- if(!('onanimationend' in window)){
- if ('onwebkitanimationend' in window){
- // Chrome/Saf (+ Mobile Saf)/Android
- animationEnd += ' webkitAnimationEnd';
- animationProperty = 'webkitAnimation';
- }else if ('onoanimationend' in dom.tNode){
- // Opera
- animationEnd += ' oAnimationEnd';
- animationProperty = 'oAnimation';
+ _.noop = function(){};
+ _.uid = (function(){
+ var _uid=0;
+ return function(){
+ return _uid++;
- }
- /**
- * inject node with animation
- * @param {[type]} node [description]
- * @param {[type]} refer [description]
- * @param {[type]} direction [description]
- * @return {[type]} [description]
- */
- animate.inject = function( node, refer ,direction, callback ){
- callback = callback || _.noop;
- if( Array.isArray(node) ){
- var fragment = dom.fragment();
- var count=0;
- for(var i = 0,len = node.length;i < len; i++ ){
- fragment.appendChild(node[i]);
- }
- dom.inject(fragment, refer, direction);
+ })();
- // if all nodes is done, we call the callback
- var enterCallback = function (){
- count++;
- if( count === len ) callback();
- }
- if(len === count) callback();
- for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ){
- if(node[i].onenter){
- node[i].onenter(enterCallback);
- }else{
- enterCallback();
- }
- }
- }else{
- dom.inject( node, refer, direction );
- if(node.onenter){
- node.onenter(callback)
- }else{
- callback();
+ _.extend = function( o1, o2, override ){
+ // if(_.typeOf(override) === 'array'){
+ // for(var i = 0, len = override.length; i < len; i++ ){
+ // var key = override[i];
+ // o1[key] = o2[key];
+ // }
+ // }else{
+ for(var i in o2){
+ if( typeof o1[i] === "undefined" || override === true ){
+ o1[i] = o2[i]
+ // }
+ return o1;
- /**
- * remove node with animation
- * @param {[type]} node [description]
- * @param {Function} callback [description]
- * @return {[type]} [description]
- */
- animate.remove = function(node, callback){
- if(!node) return;
- var count = 0;
- function loop(){
- count++;
- if(count === len) callback && callback()
- }
- if(Array.isArray(node)){
- for(var i = 0, len = node.length; i < len ; i++){
- animate.remove(node[i], loop)
- }
- return node;
- }
- if(node.onleave){
- node.onleave(function(){
- removeDone(node, callback)
- })
- }else{
- removeDone(node, callback)
+ _.keys = function(obj){
+ if(Object.keys) return Object.keys(obj);
+ var res = [];
+ for(var i in obj) if(obj.hasOwnProperty(i)){
+ res.push(i);
+ return res;
- var removeDone = function (node, callback){
- dom.remove(node);
- callback && callback();
- }
+ _.varName = 'd';
+ _.setName = 'p_';
+ _.ctxName = 'c';
+ _.extName = 'e';
+ _.rWord = /^[\$\w]+$/;
+ _.rSimpleAccessor = /^[\$\w]+(\.[\$\w]+)*$/;
- animate.startClassAnimate = function ( node, className, callback, mode ){
- var activeClassName, timeout, tid, onceAnim;
- if( (!animationEnd && !transitionEnd) || env.isRunning ){
- return callback();
+ _.nextTick = typeof setImmediate === 'function'?
+ setImmediate.bind(win) :
+ function(callback) {
+ setTimeout(callback, 0)
- if(mode !== 4){
- onceAnim = _.once(function onAnimateEnd(){
- if(tid) clearTimeout(tid);
- if(mode === 2) {
- dom.delClass(node, activeClassName);
- }
- if(mode !== 3){ // mode hold the class
- dom.delClass(node, className);
- }
- dom.off(node, animationEnd, onceAnim)
- dom.off(node, transitionEnd, onceAnim)
- callback();
- });
- }else{
- onceAnim = _.once(function onAnimateEnd(){
- if(tid) clearTimeout(tid);
- callback();
- });
- }
- if(mode === 2){ // auto removed
- dom.addClass( node, className );
- activeClassName = _.map(className.split(/\s+/), function(name){
- return name + '-active';
- }).join(" ");
- dom.nextReflow(function(){
- dom.addClass( node, activeClassName );
- timeout = getMaxTimeout( node );
- tid = setTimeout( onceAnim, timeout );
- });
+ _.prefix = "var " + _.varName + "=" + _.ctxName + ".data;" + _.extName + "=" + _.extName + "||'';";
- }else if(mode===4){
- dom.nextReflow(function(){
- dom.delClass( node, className );
- timeout = getMaxTimeout( node );
- tid = setTimeout( onceAnim, timeout );
- });
- }else{
- dom.nextReflow(function(){
- dom.addClass( node, className );
- timeout = getMaxTimeout( node );
- tid = setTimeout( onceAnim, timeout );
- });
+ _.slice = function(obj, start, end){
+ var res = [];
+ for(var i = start || 0, len = end || obj.length; i < len; i++){
+ var item = obj[i];
+ res.push(item)
- dom.on( node, animationEnd, onceAnim )
- dom.on( node, transitionEnd, onceAnim )
- return onceAnim;
+ return res;
- animate.startStyleAnimate = function(node, styles, callback){
- var timeout, onceAnim, tid;
- dom.nextReflow(function(){
- dom.css( node, styles );
- timeout = getMaxTimeout( node );
- tid = setTimeout( onceAnim, timeout );
- });
- onceAnim = _.once(function onAnimateEnd(){
- if(tid) clearTimeout(tid);
- dom.off(node, animationEnd, onceAnim)
- dom.off(node, transitionEnd, onceAnim)
- callback();
- });
- dom.on( node, animationEnd, onceAnim )
- dom.on( node, transitionEnd, onceAnim )
- return onceAnim;
+ _.typeOf = function (o) {
+ return o == null ? String(o) :o2str.call(o).slice(8, -1).toLowerCase();
- /**
- * get maxtimeout
- * @param {Node} node
- * @return {[type]} [description]
- */
- function getMaxTimeout(node){
- var timeout = 0,
- tDuration = 0,
- tDelay = 0,
- aDuration = 0,
- aDelay = 0,
- ratio = 5 / 3,
- styles ;
+ _.makePredicate = function makePredicate(words, prefix) {
+ if (typeof words === "string") {
+ words = words.split(" ");
+ }
+ var f = "",
+ cats = [];
+ out: for (var i = 0; i < words.length; ++i) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < cats.length; ++j){
+ if (cats[j][0].length === words[i].length) {
+ cats[j].push(words[i]);
+ continue out;
+ }
+ }
+ cats.push([words[i]]);
+ }
+ function compareTo(arr) {
+ if (arr.length === 1) return f += "return str === '" + arr[0] + "';";
+ f += "switch(str){";
+ for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i){
+ f += "case '" + arr[i] + "':";
+ }
+ f += "return true}return false;";
+ }
- if(window.getComputedStyle){
+ // When there are more than three length categories, an outer
+ // switch first dispatches on the lengths, to save on comparisons.
+ if (cats.length > 3) {
+ cats.sort(function(a, b) {
+ return b.length - a.length;
+ });
+ f += "switch(str.length){";
+ for (var i = 0; i < cats.length; ++i) {
+ var cat = cats[i];
+ f += "case " + cat[0].length + ":";
+ compareTo(cat);
+ }
+ f += "}";
- styles = window.getComputedStyle(node),
- tDuration = getMaxTime( styles[transitionProperty + 'Duration']) || tDuration;
- tDelay = getMaxTime( styles[transitionProperty + 'Delay']) || tDelay;
- aDuration = getMaxTime( styles[animationProperty + 'Duration']) || aDuration;
- aDelay = getMaxTime( styles[animationProperty + 'Delay']) || aDelay;
- timeout = Math.max( tDuration+tDelay, aDuration + aDelay );
+ // Otherwise, simply generate a flat `switch` statement.
+ } else {
+ compareTo(words);
+ }
+ return new Function("str", f);
+ }
+ _.trackErrorPos = (function (){
+ // linebreak
+ var lb = /\r\n|[\n\r\u2028\u2029]/g;
+ var minRange = 20, maxRange = 20;
+ function findLine(lines, pos){
+ var tmpLen = 0;
+ for(var i = 0,len = lines.length; i < len; i++){
+ var lineLen = (lines[i] || "").length;
+ if(tmpLen + lineLen > pos) {
+ return {num: i, line: lines[i], start: pos - i - tmpLen , prev:lines[i-1], next: lines[i+1] };
+ }
+ // 1 is for the linebreak
+ tmpLen = tmpLen + lineLen ;
+ }
- return timeout * 1000 * ratio;
- }
+ function formatLine(str, start, num, target){
+ var len = str.length;
+ var min = start - minRange;
+ if(min < 0) min = 0;
+ var max = start + maxRange;
+ if(max > len) max = len;
- function getMaxTime(str){
+ var remain = str.slice(min, max);
+ var prefix = "[" +(num+1) + "] " + (min > 0? ".." : "")
+ var postfix = max < len ? "..": "";
+ var res = prefix + remain + postfix;
+ if(target) res += "\n" + new Array(start-min + prefix.length + 1).join(" ") + "^^^";
+ return res;
+ }
+ return function(input, pos){
+ if(pos > input.length-1) pos = input.length-1;
+ lb.lastIndex = 0;
+ var lines = input.split(lb);
+ var line = findLine(lines,pos);
+ var start = line.start, num = line.num;
- var maxTimeout = 0, time;
+ return (line.prev? formatLine(line.prev, start, num-1 ) + '\n': '' ) +
+ formatLine(line.line, start, num, true) + '\n' +
+ (line.next? formatLine(line.next, start, num+1 ) + '\n': '' );
- if(!str) return 0;
+ }
+ })();
- str.split(",").forEach(function(str){
- time = parseFloat(str);
- if( time > maxTimeout ) maxTimeout = time;
+ var ignoredRef = /\((\?\!|\?\:|\?\=)/g;
+ _.findSubCapture = function (regStr) {
+ var left = 0,
+ right = 0,
+ len = regStr.length,
+ ignored = regStr.match(ignoredRef); // ignored uncapture
+ if(ignored) ignored = ignored.length
+ else ignored = 0;
+ for (; len--;) {
+ var letter = regStr.charAt(len);
+ if (len === 0 || regStr.charAt(len - 1) !== "\\" ) {
+ if (letter === "(") left++;
+ if (letter === ")") right++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (left !== right) throw "RegExp: "+ regStr + "'s bracket is not marched";
+ else return left - ignored;
+ };
+ _.escapeRegExp = function( str){// Credit: XRegExp 0.6.1 (c) 2007-2008 Steven Levithan MIT License
+ return str.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|,#\s]/g, function(match){
+ return '\\' + match;
+ };
- return maxTimeout;
- }
- module.exports = animate;
+ var rEntity = new RegExp("&(?:(#x[0-9a-fA-F]+)|(#[0-9]+)|(" + _.keys(entities).join('|') + '));', 'gi');
-/***/ },
-/* 19 */
-/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+ _.convertEntity = function(chr){
- // some nested operation in ast
- // --------------------------------
+ return ("" + chr).replace(rEntity, function(all, hex, dec, capture){
+ var charCode;
+ if( dec ) charCode = parseInt( dec.slice(1), 10 );
+ else if( hex ) charCode = parseInt( hex.slice(2), 16 );
+ else charCode = entities[capture]
- var dom = __webpack_require__(17);
- var animate = __webpack_require__(18);
+ return String.fromCharCode( charCode )
+ });
- var combine = module.exports = {
+ }
- // get the initial dom in object
- node: function(item){
- var children,node, nodes;
- if(!item) return;
- if(item.element) return item.element;
- if(typeof item.node === "function") return item.node();
- if(typeof item.nodeType === "number") return item;
- if(item.group) return combine.node(item.group)
- if(children = item.children){
- if(children.length === 1){
- return combine.node(children[0]);
- }
- nodes = [];
- for(var i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++ ){
- node = combine.node(children[i]);
- if(Array.isArray(node)){
- nodes.push.apply(nodes, node)
- }else if(node) {
- nodes.push(node)
- }
- }
- return nodes;
- }
- },
- // @TODO remove _gragContainer
- inject: function(node, pos ){
- var group = this;
- var fragment = combine.node(group.group || group);
- if(node === false) {
- animate.remove(fragment)
- return group;
- }else{
- if(!fragment) return group;
- if(typeof node === 'string') node = dom.find(node);
- if(!node) throw Error('injected node is not found');
- // use animate to animate firstchildren
- animate.inject(fragment, node, pos);
- }
- // if it is a component
- if(group.$emit) {
- var preParent = group.parentNode;
- var newParent = (pos ==='after' || pos === 'before')? node.parentNode : node;
- group.parentNode = newParent;
- group.$emit("$inject", node, pos, preParent);
- }
- return group;
- },
- // get the last dom in object(for insertion operation)
- last: function(item){
- var children = item.children;
+ // simple get accessor
- if(typeof item.last === "function") return item.last();
- if(typeof item.nodeType === "number") return item;
+ _.createObject = function(o, props){
+ function Foo() {}
+ Foo.prototype = o;
+ var res = new Foo;
+ if(props) _.extend(res, props);
+ return res;
+ }
- if(children && children.length) return combine.last(children[children.length - 1]);
- if(item.group) return combine.last(item.group);
+ _.createProto = function(fn, o){
+ function Foo() { this.constructor = fn;}
+ Foo.prototype = o;
+ return (fn.prototype = new Foo());
+ }
- },
- destroy: function(item, first){
- if(!item) return;
- if(Array.isArray(item)){
- for(var i = 0, len = item.length; i < len; i++ ){
- combine.destroy(item[i], first);
+ /**
+ clone
+ */
+ _.clone = function clone(obj){
+ var type = _.typeOf(obj);
+ if(type === 'array'){
+ var cloned = [];
+ for(var i=0,len = obj.length; i< len;i++){
+ cloned[i] = obj[i]
+ return cloned;
- var children = item.children;
- if(typeof item.destroy === "function") return item.destroy(first);
- if(typeof item.nodeType === "number" && first) dom.remove(item);
- if(children && children.length){
- combine.destroy(children, true);
- item.children = null;
+ if(type === 'object'){
+ var cloned = {};
+ for(var i in obj) if(obj.hasOwnProperty(i)){
+ cloned[i] = obj[i];
+ }
+ return cloned;
+ return obj;
+ _.equals = function(now, old){
+ var type = typeof now;
+ if(type === 'number' && typeof old === 'number'&& isNaN(now) && isNaN(old)) return true
+ return now === old;
+ var dash = /-([a-z])/g;
+ _.camelCase = function(str){
+ return str.replace(dash, function(all, capture){
+ return capture.toUpperCase();
+ })
+ }
- // @TODO: need move to dom.js
- dom.element = function( component, all ){
- if(!component) return !all? null: [];
- var nodes = combine.node( component );
- if( nodes.nodeType === 1 ) return all? [nodes]: nodes;
- var elements = [];
- for(var i = 0; i wait) {
+ clearTimeout(timeout);
+ timeout = null;
+ previous = now;
+ result = func.apply(context, args);
+ context = args = null;
+ } else if (!timeout) {
+ timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining);
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ };
+ // hogan escape
+ // ==============
+ _.escape = (function(){
+ var rAmp = /&/g,
+ rLt = //g,
+ rApos = /\'/g,
+ rQuot = /\"/g,
+ hChars = /[&<>\"\']/;
+ return function(str) {
+ return hChars.test(str) ?
+ str
+ .replace(rAmp, '&')
+ .replace(rLt, '<')
+ .replace(rGt, '>')
+ .replace(rApos, ''')
+ .replace(rQuot, '"') :
+ str;
- return !all? elements[0]: elements;
+ })();
+ _.cache = function(max){
+ max = max || 1000;
+ var keys = [],
+ cache = {};
+ return {
+ set: function(key, value) {
+ if (keys.length > this.max) {
+ cache[keys.shift()] = undefined;
+ }
+ //
+ if(cache[key] === undefined){
+ keys.push(key);
+ }
+ cache[key] = value;
+ return value;
+ },
+ get: function(key) {
+ if (key === undefined) return cache;
+ return cache[key];
+ },
+ max: max,
+ len:function(){
+ return keys.length;
+ }
+ };
+ // // setup the raw Expression
+ // _.touchExpression = function(expr){
+ // if(expr.type === 'expression'){
+ // }
+ // return expr;
+ // }
+ // handle the same logic on component's `on-*` and element's `on-*`
+ // return the fire object
+ _.handleEvent = function(value, type ){
+ var self = this, evaluate;
+ if(value.type === 'expression'){ // if is expression, go evaluated way
+ evaluate = value.get;
+ }
+ if(evaluate){
+ return function fire(obj){
+ self.$update(function(){
+ var data = this.data;
+ data.$event = obj;
+ var res = evaluate(self);
+ if(res === false && obj && obj.preventDefault) obj.preventDefault();
+ data.$event = undefined;
+ })
+ }
+ }else{
+ return function fire(){
+ var args = slice.call(arguments)
+ args.unshift(value);
+ self.$update(function(){
+ self.$emit.apply(self, args);
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
-/***/ },
-/* 20 */
-/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+ // only call once
+ _.once = function(fn){
+ var time = 0;
+ return function(){
+ if( time++ === 0) fn.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ }
- var exprCache = __webpack_require__(27).exprCache;
- var _ = __webpack_require__(22);
- var Parser = __webpack_require__(35);
- module.exports = {
- expression: function(expr, simple){
- // @TODO cache
- if( typeof expr === 'string' && ( expr = expr.trim() ) ){
- expr = exprCache.get( expr ) || exprCache.set( expr, new Parser( expr, { mode: 2, expression: true } ).expression() )
- }
- if(expr) return expr;
- },
- parse: function(template){
- return new Parser(template).parse();
+ _.fixObjStr = function(str){
+ if(str.trim().indexOf('{') !== 0){
+ return '{' + str + '}';
+ return str;
+ _.map= function(array, callback){
+ var res = [];
+ for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {
+ res.push(callback(array[i], i));
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
-/***/ },
-/* 21 */
-/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+ function log(msg, type){
+ if(typeof console !== "undefined") console[type || "log"](msg);
+ }
- // simplest event emitter 60 lines
- // ===============================
- var slice = [].slice, _ = __webpack_require__(22);
- var API = {
- $on: function(event, fn) {
- if(typeof event === "object"){
- for (var i in event) {
- this.$on(i, event[i]);
- }
- }else{
- // @patch: for list
- var context = this;
- var handles = context._handles || (context._handles = {}),
- calls = handles[event] || (handles[event] = []);
- calls.push(fn);
- }
- return this;
- },
- $off: function(event, fn) {
- var context = this;
- if(!context._handles) return;
- if(!event) this._handles = {};
- var handles = context._handles,
- calls;
+ _.log = log;
- if (calls = handles[event]) {
- if (!fn) {
- handles[event] = [];
- return context;
- }
- for (var i = 0, len = calls.length; i < len; i++) {
- if (fn === calls[i]) {
- calls.splice(i, 1);
- return context;
- }
- }
- }
- return context;
- },
- // bubble event
- $emit: function(event){
- // @patch: for list
- var context = this;
- var handles = context._handles, calls, args, type;
- if(!event) return;
- var args = slice.call(arguments, 1);
- var type = event;
- if(!handles) return context;
- if(calls = handles[type.slice(1)]){
- for (var j = 0, len = calls.length; j < len; j++) {
- calls[j].apply(context, args)
- }
- }
- if (!(calls = handles[type])) return context;
- for (var i = 0, len = calls.length; i < len; i++) {
- calls[i].apply(context, args)
- }
- // if(calls.length) context.$update();
- return context;
- },
- // capture event
- $one: function(){
+ //http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/single-page.html#void-elements
+ _.isVoidTag = _.makePredicate("area base br col embed hr img input keygen link menuitem meta param source track wbr r-content");
+ _.isBooleanAttr = _.makePredicate('selected checked disabled readonly required open autofocus controls autoplay compact loop defer multiple');
+ _.isFalse - function(){return false}
+ _.isTrue - function(){return true}
+ _.isExpr = function(expr){
+ return expr && expr.type === 'expression';
+ // @TODO: make it more strict
+ _.isGroup = function(group){
+ return group.inject || group.$inject;
- // container class
- function Event() {}
- _.extend(Event.prototype, API)
- Event.mixTo = function(obj){
- obj = typeof obj === "function" ? obj.prototype : obj;
- _.extend(obj, API)
+ _.getCompileFn = function(source, ctx, options){
+ return ctx.$compile.bind(ctx,source, options)
- module.exports = Event;
+ /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, (function() { return this; }())))
/***/ },
-/* 22 */
+/* 19 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
- /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {__webpack_require__(23)();
+ var _ = __webpack_require__(18);
+ var dom = __webpack_require__(17);
+ var animate = {};
+ var env = __webpack_require__(27);
+ var
+ transitionEnd = 'transitionend',
+ animationEnd = 'animationend',
+ transitionProperty = 'transition',
+ animationProperty = 'animation';
- var _ = module.exports;
- var entities = __webpack_require__(31);
- var slice = [].slice;
- var o2str = ({}).toString;
- var win = typeof window !=='undefined'? window: global;
+ if(!('ontransitionend' in window)){
+ if('onwebkittransitionend' in window) {
+ // Chrome/Saf (+ Mobile Saf)/Android
+ transitionEnd += ' webkitTransitionEnd';
+ transitionProperty = 'webkitTransition'
+ } else if('onotransitionend' in dom.tNode || navigator.appName === 'Opera') {
+ // Opera
+ transitionEnd += ' oTransitionEnd';
+ transitionProperty = 'oTransition';
+ }
+ }
+ if(!('onanimationend' in window)){
+ if ('onwebkitanimationend' in window){
+ // Chrome/Saf (+ Mobile Saf)/Android
+ animationEnd += ' webkitAnimationEnd';
+ animationProperty = 'webkitAnimation';
- _.noop = function(){};
- _.uid = (function(){
- var _uid=0;
- return function(){
- return _uid++;
+ }else if ('onoanimationend' in dom.tNode){
+ // Opera
+ animationEnd += ' oAnimationEnd';
+ animationProperty = 'oAnimation';
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * inject node with animation
+ * @param {[type]} node [description]
+ * @param {[type]} refer [description]
+ * @param {[type]} direction [description]
+ * @return {[type]} [description]
+ */
+ animate.inject = function( node, refer ,direction, callback ){
+ callback = callback || _.noop;
+ if( Array.isArray(node) ){
+ var fragment = dom.fragment();
+ var count=0;
+ for(var i = 0,len = node.length;i < len; i++ ){
+ fragment.appendChild(node[i]);
+ }
+ dom.inject(fragment, refer, direction);
+ // if all nodes is done, we call the callback
+ var enterCallback = function (){
+ count++;
+ if( count === len ) callback();
+ }
+ if(len === count) callback();
+ for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ){
+ if(node[i].onenter){
+ node[i].onenter(enterCallback);
+ }else{
+ enterCallback();
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ dom.inject( node, refer, direction );
+ if(node.onenter){
+ node.onenter(callback)
+ }else{
+ callback();
+ }
- })();
+ }
- _.extend = function( o1, o2, override ){
- // if(_.typeOf(override) === 'array'){
- // for(var i = 0, len = override.length; i < len; i++ ){
- // var key = override[i];
- // o1[key] = o2[key];
- // }
- // }else{
- for(var i in o2){
- if( typeof o1[i] === "undefined" || override === true ){
- o1[i] = o2[i]
+ /**
+ * remove node with animation
+ * @param {[type]} node [description]
+ * @param {Function} callback [description]
+ * @return {[type]} [description]
+ */
+ animate.remove = function(node, callback){
+ if(!node) return;
+ var count = 0;
+ function loop(){
+ count++;
+ if(count === len) callback && callback()
+ }
+ if(Array.isArray(node)){
+ for(var i = 0, len = node.length; i < len ; i++){
+ animate.remove(node[i], loop)
+ return node;
+ }
+ if(node.onleave){
+ node.onleave(function(){
+ removeDone(node, callback)
+ })
+ }else{
+ removeDone(node, callback)
- // }
- return o1;
- _.keys = function(obj){
- if(Object.keys) return Object.keys(obj);
- var res = [];
- for(var i in obj) if(obj.hasOwnProperty(i)){
- res.push(i);
- }
- return res;
+ var removeDone = function (node, callback){
+ dom.remove(node);
+ callback && callback();
- _.varName = 'd';
- _.setName = 'p_';
- _.ctxName = 'c';
- _.extName = 'e';
- _.rWord = /^[\$\w]+$/;
- _.rSimpleAccessor = /^[\$\w]+(\.[\$\w]+)*$/;
- _.nextTick = typeof setImmediate === 'function'?
- setImmediate.bind(win) :
- function(callback) {
- setTimeout(callback, 0)
+ animate.startClassAnimate = function ( node, className, callback, mode ){
+ var activeClassName, timeout, tid, onceAnim;
+ if( (!animationEnd && !transitionEnd) || env.isRunning ){
+ return callback();
+ if(mode !== 4){
+ onceAnim = _.once(function onAnimateEnd(){
+ if(tid) clearTimeout(tid);
+ if(mode === 2) {
+ dom.delClass(node, activeClassName);
+ }
+ if(mode !== 3){ // mode hold the class
+ dom.delClass(node, className);
+ }
+ dom.off(node, animationEnd, onceAnim)
+ dom.off(node, transitionEnd, onceAnim)
- _.prefix = "var " + _.varName + "=" + _.ctxName + ".data;" + _.extName + "=" + _.extName + "||'';";
+ callback();
- _.slice = function(obj, start, end){
- var res = [];
- for(var i = start || 0, len = end || obj.length; i < len; i++){
- var item = obj[i];
- res.push(item)
+ });
+ }else{
+ onceAnim = _.once(function onAnimateEnd(){
+ if(tid) clearTimeout(tid);
+ callback();
+ });
- return res;
- }
+ if(mode === 2){ // auto removed
+ dom.addClass( node, className );
- _.typeOf = function (o) {
- return o == null ? String(o) :o2str.call(o).slice(8, -1).toLowerCase();
- }
+ activeClassName = _.map(className.split(/\s+/), function(name){
+ return name + '-active';
+ }).join(" ");
+ dom.nextReflow(function(){
+ dom.addClass( node, activeClassName );
+ timeout = getMaxTimeout( node );
+ tid = setTimeout( onceAnim, timeout );
+ });
- _.makePredicate = function makePredicate(words, prefix) {
- if (typeof words === "string") {
- words = words.split(" ");
- }
- var f = "",
- cats = [];
- out: for (var i = 0; i < words.length; ++i) {
- for (var j = 0; j < cats.length; ++j){
- if (cats[j][0].length === words[i].length) {
- cats[j].push(words[i]);
- continue out;
- }
- }
- cats.push([words[i]]);
- }
- function compareTo(arr) {
- if (arr.length === 1) return f += "return str === '" + arr[0] + "';";
- f += "switch(str){";
- for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i){
- f += "case '" + arr[i] + "':";
- }
- f += "return true}return false;";
- }
+ }else if(mode===4){
+ dom.nextReflow(function(){
+ dom.delClass( node, className );
+ timeout = getMaxTimeout( node );
+ tid = setTimeout( onceAnim, timeout );
+ });
- // When there are more than three length categories, an outer
- // switch first dispatches on the lengths, to save on comparisons.
- if (cats.length > 3) {
- cats.sort(function(a, b) {
- return b.length - a.length;
- });
- f += "switch(str.length){";
- for (var i = 0; i < cats.length; ++i) {
- var cat = cats[i];
- f += "case " + cat[0].length + ":";
- compareTo(cat);
- }
- f += "}";
+ }else{
+ dom.nextReflow(function(){
+ dom.addClass( node, className );
+ timeout = getMaxTimeout( node );
+ tid = setTimeout( onceAnim, timeout );
+ });
+ }
- // Otherwise, simply generate a flat `switch` statement.
- } else {
- compareTo(words);
- }
- return new Function("str", f);
- }
- _.trackErrorPos = (function (){
- // linebreak
- var lb = /\r\n|[\n\r\u2028\u2029]/g;
- var minRange = 20, maxRange = 20;
- function findLine(lines, pos){
- var tmpLen = 0;
- for(var i = 0,len = lines.length; i < len; i++){
- var lineLen = (lines[i] || "").length;
+ dom.on( node, animationEnd, onceAnim )
+ dom.on( node, transitionEnd, onceAnim )
+ return onceAnim;
+ }
- if(tmpLen + lineLen > pos) {
- return {num: i, line: lines[i], start: pos - i - tmpLen , prev:lines[i-1], next: lines[i+1] };
- }
- // 1 is for the linebreak
- tmpLen = tmpLen + lineLen ;
- }
- }
- function formatLine(str, start, num, target){
- var len = str.length;
- var min = start - minRange;
- if(min < 0) min = 0;
- var max = start + maxRange;
- if(max > len) max = len;
- var remain = str.slice(min, max);
- var prefix = "[" +(num+1) + "] " + (min > 0? ".." : "")
- var postfix = max < len ? "..": "";
- var res = prefix + remain + postfix;
- if(target) res += "\n" + new Array(start-min + prefix.length + 1).join(" ") + "^^^";
- return res;
- }
- return function(input, pos){
- if(pos > input.length-1) pos = input.length-1;
- lb.lastIndex = 0;
- var lines = input.split(lb);
- var line = findLine(lines,pos);
- var start = line.start, num = line.num;
+ animate.startStyleAnimate = function(node, styles, callback){
+ var timeout, onceAnim, tid;
- return (line.prev? formatLine(line.prev, start, num-1 ) + '\n': '' ) +
- formatLine(line.line, start, num, true) + '\n' +
- (line.next? formatLine(line.next, start, num+1 ) + '\n': '' );
+ dom.nextReflow(function(){
+ dom.css( node, styles );
+ timeout = getMaxTimeout( node );
+ tid = setTimeout( onceAnim, timeout );
+ });
- }
- })();
+ onceAnim = _.once(function onAnimateEnd(){
+ if(tid) clearTimeout(tid);
- var ignoredRef = /\((\?\!|\?\:|\?\=)/g;
- _.findSubCapture = function (regStr) {
- var left = 0,
- right = 0,
- len = regStr.length,
- ignored = regStr.match(ignoredRef); // ignored uncapture
- if(ignored) ignored = ignored.length
- else ignored = 0;
- for (; len--;) {
- var letter = regStr.charAt(len);
- if (len === 0 || regStr.charAt(len - 1) !== "\\" ) {
- if (letter === "(") left++;
- if (letter === ")") right++;
- }
- }
- if (left !== right) throw "RegExp: "+ regStr + "'s bracket is not marched";
- else return left - ignored;
- };
+ dom.off(node, animationEnd, onceAnim)
+ dom.off(node, transitionEnd, onceAnim)
+ callback();
- _.escapeRegExp = function( str){// Credit: XRegExp 0.6.1 (c) 2007-2008 Steven Levithan MIT License
- return str.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|,#\s]/g, function(match){
- return '\\' + match;
- };
+ dom.on( node, animationEnd, onceAnim )
+ dom.on( node, transitionEnd, onceAnim )
- var rEntity = new RegExp("&(?:(#x[0-9a-fA-F]+)|(#[0-9]+)|(" + _.keys(entities).join('|') + '));', 'gi');
+ return onceAnim;
+ }
- _.convertEntity = function(chr){
- return ("" + chr).replace(rEntity, function(all, hex, dec, capture){
- var charCode;
- if( dec ) charCode = parseInt( dec.slice(1), 10 );
- else if( hex ) charCode = parseInt( hex.slice(2), 16 );
- else charCode = entities[capture]
+ /**
+ * get maxtimeout
+ * @param {Node} node
+ * @return {[type]} [description]
+ */
+ function getMaxTimeout(node){
+ var timeout = 0,
+ tDuration = 0,
+ tDelay = 0,
+ aDuration = 0,
+ aDelay = 0,
+ ratio = 5 / 3,
+ styles ;
+ if(window.getComputedStyle){
- return String.fromCharCode( charCode )
- });
+ styles = window.getComputedStyle(node),
+ tDuration = getMaxTime( styles[transitionProperty + 'Duration']) || tDuration;
+ tDelay = getMaxTime( styles[transitionProperty + 'Delay']) || tDelay;
+ aDuration = getMaxTime( styles[animationProperty + 'Duration']) || aDuration;
+ aDelay = getMaxTime( styles[animationProperty + 'Delay']) || aDelay;
+ timeout = Math.max( tDuration+tDelay, aDuration + aDelay );
+ }
+ return timeout * 1000 * ratio;
+ function getMaxTime(str){
- // simple get accessor
- _.createObject = function(o, props){
- function Foo() {}
- Foo.prototype = o;
- var res = new Foo;
- if(props) _.extend(res, props);
- return res;
- }
- _.createProto = function(fn, o){
- function Foo() { this.constructor = fn;}
- Foo.prototype = o;
- return (fn.prototype = new Foo());
- }
+ var maxTimeout = 0, time;
+ if(!str) return 0;
+ str.split(",").forEach(function(str){
- /**
- clone
- */
- _.clone = function clone(obj){
- var type = _.typeOf(obj);
- if(type === 'array'){
- var cloned = [];
- for(var i=0,len = obj.length; i< len;i++){
- cloned[i] = obj[i]
- }
- return cloned;
- }
- if(type === 'object'){
- var cloned = {};
- for(var i in obj) if(obj.hasOwnProperty(i)){
- cloned[i] = obj[i];
- }
- return cloned;
- }
- return obj;
- }
+ time = parseFloat(str);
+ if( time > maxTimeout ) maxTimeout = time;
- _.equals = function(now, old){
- var type = typeof now;
- if(type === 'number' && typeof old === 'number'&& isNaN(now) && isNaN(old)) return true
- return now === old;
- }
+ });
- var dash = /-([a-z])/g;
- _.camelCase = function(str){
- return str.replace(dash, function(all, capture){
- return capture.toUpperCase();
- })
+ return maxTimeout;
+ module.exports = animate;
+/***/ },
+/* 20 */
+/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
- _.throttle = function throttle(func, wait){
- var wait = wait || 100;
- var context, args, result;
- var timeout = null;
- var previous = 0;
- var later = function() {
- previous = +new Date;
- timeout = null;
- result = func.apply(context, args);
- context = args = null;
- };
- return function() {
- var now = + new Date;
- var remaining = wait - (now - previous);
- context = this;
- args = arguments;
- if (remaining <= 0 || remaining > wait) {
- clearTimeout(timeout);
- timeout = null;
- previous = now;
- result = func.apply(context, args);
- context = args = null;
- } else if (!timeout) {
- timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining);
- }
- return result;
- };
- };
+ // some nested operation in ast
+ // --------------------------------
- // hogan escape
- // ==============
- _.escape = (function(){
- var rAmp = /&/g,
- rLt = //g,
- rApos = /\'/g,
- rQuot = /\"/g,
- hChars = /[&<>\"\']/;
+ var dom = __webpack_require__(17);
+ var animate = __webpack_require__(19);
- return function(str) {
- return hChars.test(str) ?
- str
- .replace(rAmp, '&')
- .replace(rLt, '<')
- .replace(rGt, '>')
- .replace(rApos, ''')
- .replace(rQuot, '"') :
- str;
- }
- })();
+ var combine = module.exports = {
- _.cache = function(max){
- max = max || 1000;
- var keys = [],
- cache = {};
- return {
- set: function(key, value) {
- if (keys.length > this.max) {
- cache[keys.shift()] = undefined;
+ // get the initial dom in object
+ node: function(item){
+ var children,node, nodes;
+ if(!item) return;
+ if(item.element) return item.element;
+ if(typeof item.node === "function") return item.node();
+ if(typeof item.nodeType === "number") return item;
+ if(item.group) return combine.node(item.group)
+ if(children = item.children){
+ if(children.length === 1){
+ return combine.node(children[0]);
- //
- if(cache[key] === undefined){
- keys.push(key);
+ nodes = [];
+ for(var i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++ ){
+ node = combine.node(children[i]);
+ if(Array.isArray(node)){
+ nodes.push.apply(nodes, node)
+ }else if(node) {
+ nodes.push(node)
+ }
- cache[key] = value;
- return value;
- },
- get: function(key) {
- if (key === undefined) return cache;
- return cache[key];
- },
- max: max,
- len:function(){
- return keys.length;
+ return nodes;
- };
- }
- // // setup the raw Expression
- // _.touchExpression = function(expr){
- // if(expr.type === 'expression'){
- // }
- // return expr;
- // }
+ },
+ // @TODO remove _gragContainer
+ inject: function(node, pos ){
+ var group = this;
+ var fragment = combine.node(group.group || group);
+ if(node === false) {
+ animate.remove(fragment)
+ return group;
+ }else{
+ if(!fragment) return group;
+ if(typeof node === 'string') node = dom.find(node);
+ if(!node) throw Error('injected node is not found');
+ // use animate to animate firstchildren
+ animate.inject(fragment, node, pos);
+ }
+ // if it is a component
+ if(group.$emit) {
+ var preParent = group.parentNode;
+ var newParent = (pos ==='after' || pos === 'before')? node.parentNode : node;
+ group.parentNode = newParent;
+ group.$emit("$inject", node, pos, preParent);
+ }
+ return group;
+ },
+ // get the last dom in object(for insertion operation)
+ last: function(item){
+ var children = item.children;
- // handle the same logic on component's `on-*` and element's `on-*`
- // return the fire object
- _.handleEvent = function(value, type ){
- var self = this, evaluate;
- if(value.type === 'expression'){ // if is expression, go evaluated way
- evaluate = value.get;
- }
- if(evaluate){
- return function fire(obj){
- self.$update(function(){
- var data = this.data;
- data.$event = obj;
- var res = evaluate(self);
- if(res === false && obj && obj.preventDefault) obj.preventDefault();
- data.$event = undefined;
- })
+ if(typeof item.last === "function") return item.last();
+ if(typeof item.nodeType === "number") return item;
- }
- }else{
- return function fire(){
- var args = slice.call(arguments)
- args.unshift(value);
- self.$update(function(){
- self.$emit.apply(self, args);
- })
- }
- }
- }
+ if(children && children.length) return combine.last(children[children.length - 1]);
+ if(item.group) return combine.last(item.group);
- // only call once
- _.once = function(fn){
- var time = 0;
- return function(){
- if( time++ === 0) fn.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- }
+ },
- _.fixObjStr = function(str){
- if(str.trim().indexOf('{') !== 0){
- return '{' + str + '}';
+ destroy: function(item, first){
+ if(!item) return;
+ if(Array.isArray(item)){
+ for(var i = 0, len = item.length; i < len; i++ ){
+ combine.destroy(item[i], first);
+ }
+ }
+ var children = item.children;
+ if(typeof item.destroy === "function") return item.destroy(first);
+ if(typeof item.nodeType === "number" && first) dom.remove(item);
+ if(children && children.length){
+ combine.destroy(children, true);
+ item.children = null;
+ }
- return str;
- _.map= function(array, callback){
- var res = [];
- for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {
- res.push(callback(array[i], i));
+ // @TODO: need move to dom.js
+ dom.element = function( component, all ){
+ if(!component) return !all? null: [];
+ var nodes = combine.node( component );
+ if( nodes.nodeType === 1 ) return all? [nodes]: nodes;
+ var elements = [];
+ for(var i = 0; i true
- * isArray(arguments);
- * // > false
- * isArray('');
- * // > false
- *
- * @param {mixed} val
- * @return {bool}
- */
- module.exports = isArray || function (val) {
- return !! val && '[object Array]' == str.call(val);
- };
-/***/ },
-/* 47 */
-/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
exports.read = function(buffer, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) {
var e, m,
eLen = nBytes * 8 - mLen - 1,
@@ -14212,6 +14213,45 @@
+/***/ },
+/* 47 */
+/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+ /**
+ * isArray
+ */
+ var isArray = Array.isArray;
+ /**
+ * toString
+ */
+ var str = Object.prototype.toString;
+ /**
+ * Whether or not the given `val`
+ * is an array.
+ *
+ * example:
+ *
+ * isArray([]);
+ * // > true
+ * isArray(arguments);
+ * // > false
+ * isArray('');
+ * // > false
+ *
+ * @param {mixed} val
+ * @return {bool}
+ */
+ module.exports = isArray || function (val) {
+ return !! val && '[object Array]' == str.call(val);
+ };
/***/ },
/* 48 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
diff --git a/test/spec/browser-bugfix.js b/test/spec/browser-bugfix.js
index a771929..a02d6ea 100644
--- a/test/spec/browser-bugfix.js
+++ b/test/spec/browser-bugfix.js
@@ -612,6 +612,46 @@ it('bugfix #50', function(){
+ it('feature #82', function(){
+ var i = 0;
+ var mixins = {
+ events: {
+ $afterConfig: function(){
+ i++;
+ expect(i).to.equal(3)
+ },
+ $config: function(){
+ i++;
+ expect(i).to.equal(1)
+ },
+ $init: function(){
+ i++;
+ expect(i).to.equal(4)
+ },
+ $afterInit: function(){
+ i++;
+ expect(i).to.equal(6)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var Component = Regular.extend({
+ config: function(){
+ i++;
+ expect(i).to.equal(2)
+ },
+ init: function(){
+ i++;
+ expect(i).to.equal(5)
+ }
+ }).implement(mixins)
+ new Component();
+ expect(i).to.equal(6);
+ })