A to Z Resources for Students Python Index Python Basics Socket programming DataScience Databases Testing Python Miscellaneous (Libraries andn other stuff) Projects 1. Python Basics Python Basics 2. Socket Programming Socket Programming in Python Basics Socket Programming with Multithreading in Python 3. DataScience Python Numpy Library Pandas Tutorial Matplotlib Introduction Seaborn Tutorial Scikit Learn Tutorial Cheat Sheets 4. Databases Mysql-Python Introduction with connection method MongoDB and Python MongoDB Insert and Update Data Insert and Replace data MongoDB Delete data and Drop collection | MongoDB python 5. Testing Selenium Definition Python Selenium Tutorial Python Selenium Tricks 6. Python Miscellaneous YouTube Media/Audio Download using Python | pafy Python Faker Library | Generates Fake data Harversine | Calculates distance between two points on Earth Python Holidays Library Convert PDF to HTML | Python Python Schedule Library Python Calendar Library 7. Projects PyWhatsapp | Whatsapp Automation Subtitle Downloader The classic IMDB scraper