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maxlandon edited this page May 13, 2023 · 6 revisions


The .inputrc file is well established and known from bash users. For those unfamiliar, the inputrc is a user-wide configuration for specifying input keys behavior for legacy readline libraries.

The readline library offers complete .inputrc support, for commands and options. A few number of options will however have no effect on this library, as some of them were not needed anymore. Each option/command not implemented will be signaled as such.

For a tour of the original readline/inputrc documentation, see here. This page will help users not yet acquainted with .inputrc to setup their own and declare custom binds, macros and options.


The following section describes the options that can be set in the .inputrc file.
Legacy options not implemented have their names followed by '[NI]'.
Some options are specific to this library, in which case their name is followed by '[S]'.

  • active-region-start-color
    A string variable that controls the text color and background when displaying the text in the active region (see the description of enable-active-region below). This string must not take up any physical character positions on the display, so it should consist only of terminal escape sequences. It is output to the terminal before displaying the text in the active region. This variable is reset to the default value whenever the terminal type changes. The default value is the string that puts the terminal in standout mode, as obtained from the terminal's terminfo description. A sample value might be "\e[01;33m".

  • active-region-end-color
    A string variable that "undoes" the effects of active-region-start-color and restores "normal" terminal display appearance after displaying text in the active region. This string must not take up any physical character positions on the display, so it should consist only of terminal escape sequences. It is output to the terminal after displaying the text in the active region. This variable is reset to the default value whenever the terminal type changes. The default value is the string that restores the terminal from standout mode, as obtained from the terminal's terminfo description. A sample value might be "\e[0m".

  • autocomplete (Off) Asynchronously and continuously display possible completions for the current word/cursor position, using the custom tab completion callback TabCompleter. Autocomplete is only triggered when at least one character is in the buffer.

  • autopairs (Off) If set to On, the shell will use builtin syntax completion for all "pair characters" (brackets/bracesparens/quotes): When inserting the opening character, the pair will be automatically inserted. When inserting the closing one, and if the next character after the cursor is identical, the cursor will jump over it instead of inserting a new one. When deleting characters (with backward-delete-char or Vim equivalent commands), if the character to delete is the opening character of a pair and that its closer immediately follows it, both characters will be removed from the line.

  • bell-style (audible) '[NI]'
    Controls what happens when readline wants to ring the terminal bell. If set to none, readline never rings the bell. If set to visible, readline uses a visible bell if one is available. If set to audible, readline attempts to ring the terminal's bell.

  • bind-tty-special-chars (On)
    If set to On (the default), readline attempts to bind the control characters treated specially by the kernel's terminal driver to their readline equivalents.

  • blink-matching-paren (Off)
    If set to On, readline attempts to briefly move the cursor to an opening parenthesis when a closing parenthesis is inserted.

  • colored-completion-prefix (Off)
    If set to On, when listing completions, readline displays the common prefix of the set of possible completions using a different color. The color definitions are taken from the value of the LS_COLORS environment variable. If there is a color definition in $LS_COLORS for the custom suffix "readline-colored-completion-prefix", readline uses this color for the common prefix instead of its default.

  • colored-stats (Off) '[NI]'
    If set to On, readline displays possible completions using different colors to indicate their file type. The color definitions are taken from the value of the LS_COLORS environment variable.

  • comment-begin (#)
    The string that is inserted in vi mode when the insert-comment command is executed. This command is bound to M-# in emacs mode and to # in vi command mode.

  • completion-display-width (-1)
    The number of screen columns used to display possible matches when performing completion. The value is ignored if it is less than 0 or greater than the terminal screen width. A value of 0 will cause matches to be displayed one per line. The default value is -1.

  • completion-ignore-case (Off)
    If set to On, readline performs filename matching and completion in a case-insensitive fashion.

  • completion-map-case (Off)
    If set to On, and completion-ignore-case is enabled, readline treats hyphens (-) and underscores (_) as equivalent when performing case-insensitive filename matching and completion.

  • completion-prefix-display-length(0)
    The length in characters of the common prefix of a list of possible completions that is displayed without modification. When set to a value greater than zero, common prefixes longer than this value are replaced with an ellipsis when displaying possible completions.

  • completion-query-items (100)
    This determines when the user is queried about viewing the number of possible completions generated by the possible-completions command. It may be set to any integer value greater than or equal to zero. If the number of possible completions is greater than or equal to the value of this variable, readline will ask whether or not the user wishes to view them; otherwise they are simply listed on the terminal. A negative value causes readline to never ask.

  • convert-meta (On)
    If set to On, readline will convert characters with the eighth bit set to an ASCII key sequence by stripping the eighth bit and prefixing it with an escape character (in effect, using escape as the meta prefix). The default is On, but readline will set it to Off if the locale contains eight-bit characters. This variable is dependent on the LC_CTYPE locale category, and may change if the locale is changed.

  • disable-completion (Off)
    If set to On, readline will inhibit word completion. Completion characters will be inserted into the line as if they had been mapped to self-insert.

  • echo-control-characters (On)
    When set to On, on operating systems that indicate they support it, readline echoes a character corresponding to a signal generated from the keyboard.

  • editing-mode (emacs)
    Controls whether readline begins with a set of key bindings similar to Emacs or vi. editing-mode can be set to either emacs or vi.

  • emacs-mode-string (@)
    If the show-mode-in-prompt variable is enabled, this string is displayed immediately before the last line of the primary prompt when emacs editing mode is active. The value is expanded like a key binding, so the standard set of meta- and control prefixes and backslash escape sequences is available. Use the \1 and \2 escapes to begin and end sequences of non-printing characters, which can be used to embed a terminal control sequence into the mode string.

  • enable-active-region (On)
    The point is the current cursor position, and mark refers to a saved cursor position. The text between the point and mark is referred to as the region. When this variable is set to On, readline allows certain commands to designate the region as active. When the region is active, readline highlights the text in the region using the value of the active-region-start-color, which defaults to the string that enables the terminal's standout mode. The active region shows the text inserted by bracketed- paste and any matching text found by incremental and non- incremental history searches.

  • enable-bracketed-paste (On) '[NI]'
    When set to On, readline configures the terminal to insert each paste into the editing buffer as a single string of characters, instead of treating each character as if it had been read from the keyboard. This prevents readline from executing any editing commands bound to key sequences appearing in the pasted text.

  • enable-keypad (Off) '[NI]'
    When set to On, readline will try to enable the application keypad when it is called. Some systems need this to enable the arrow keys.

  • enable-meta-key (On) '[NI]'
    When set to On, readline will try to enable any meta modifier key the terminal claims to support when it is called. On many terminals, the meta key is used to send eight-bit characters.

  • expand-tilde (Off) '[NI]'
    If set to On, tilde expansion is performed when readline attempts word completion.

  • history-autosuggest (Off) If set to On, the shell will display the first history line matching the current buffer (searching backward) with a dim color. When such line is available, commands such as forward-char and forward-word (or their Vim equivalents) will have special behavior. See the commands documentation for details. This option indeed provides fish-like autosuggestions.

  • history-preserve-point (Off)
    If set to On, the history code attempts to place point at the same location on each history line retrieved with previous-history or next-history.

  • history-size (unset)
    Set the maximum number of history entries saved in the history list. If set to zero, any existing history entries are deleted and no new entries are saved. If set to a value less than zero, the number of history entries is not limited. By default, the number of history entries is not limited. If an attempt is made to set history-size to a non-numeric value, the maximum number of history entries will be set to 500.

  • horizontal-scroll-mode (Off) '[NI]'
    When set to On, makes readline use a single line for display, scrolling the input horizontally on a single screen line when it becomes longer than the screen width rather than wrapping to a new line. This setting is automatically enabled for terminals of height 1.

  • input-meta (Off)
    If set to On, readline will enable eight-bit input (that is, it will not clear the eighth bit in the characters it reads), regardless of what the terminal claims it can support. The name meta-flag is a synonym for this variable. The default is Off, but readline will set it to On if the locale contains eight-bit characters. This variable is dependent on the LC_CTYPE locale category, and may change if the locale is changed.

  • isearch-terminators (``C-[ C-J'')
    The string of characters that should terminate an incremental search without subsequently executing the character as a command. If this variable has not been given a value, the characters ESC and C-J will terminate an incremental search.

  • keymap (emacs)
    Set the current readline keymap. The set of legal keymap names is emacs, emacs-standard, emacs-meta, emacs-ctlx, vi, vi-move, vi-command, and vi-insert. vi is equivalent to vi-command; emacs is equivalent to emacs-standard. The default value is emacs. The value of editing-mode also affects the default keymap.

  • keyseq-timeout (500) '[NI]'
    Specifies the duration readline will wait for a character when reading an ambiguous key sequence (one that can form a complete key sequence using the input read so far, or can take additional input to complete a longer key sequence). If no input is received within the timeout, readline will use the shorter but complete key sequence. The value is specified in milliseconds, so a value of 1000 means that readline will wait one second for additional input. If this variable is set to a value less than or equal to zero, or to a non-numeric value, readline will wait until another key is pressed to decide which key sequence to complete.

  • mark-directories (On) '[NI]'
    If set to On, completed directory names have a slash appended.

  • mark-modified-lines (Off) '[NI]'
    If set to On, history lines that have been modified are displayed with a preceding asterisk (*).

  • mark-symlinked-directories (Off) '[NI]'
    If set to On, completed names which are symbolic links to directories have a slash appended (subject to the value of mark-directories).

  • match-hidden-files (On) '[NI]'
    This variable, when set to On, causes readline to match files whose names begin with a `.` (hidden files) when performing filename completion. If set to Off, the leading `.' must be supplied by the user in the filename to be completed.

  • menu-complete-display-prefix (Off)
    If set to On, menu completion displays the common prefix of the list of possible completions (which may be empty) before cycling through the list.

  • output-meta (Off)
    If set to On, readline will display characters with the eighth bit set directly rather than as a meta-prefixed escape sequence. The default is Off, but readline will set it to On if the locale contains eight-bit characters. This variable is dependent on the LC_CTYPE locale category, and may change if the locale is changed.

  • page-completions (On) '[NI]'
    If set to On, readline uses an internal more-like pager to display a screenful of possible completions at a time.

  • print-completions-horizontally (Off) '[NI]'
    If set to On, readline will display completions with matches sorted horizontally in alphabetical order, rather than down the screen.

  • prompt-transient (Off) If set to On and if the shell has a registered transient prompt function (shell.Prompt.Transient(func() string)), each readline call loop will redisplay the prompt transiently (that is, delete the current one, go above it, print the transient prompt and accepted line, and go below before redisplaying the new prompt buffer).

  • revert-all-at-newline (Off)
    If set to On, readline will undo all changes to history lines before returning when accept-line is executed. By default, history lines may be modified and retain individual undo lists across calls to readline.

  • show-all-if-ambiguous (Off) '[NI]'
    This alters the default behavior of the completion functions. If set to On, words which have more than one possible completion cause the matches to be listed immediately instead of ringing the bell.

  • show-all-if-unmodified (Off) '[NI]'
    This alters the default behavior of the completion functions in a fashion similar to show-all-if-ambiguous. If set to On, words which have more than one possible completion without any possible partial completion (the possible completions don't share a common prefix) cause the matches to be listed immediately instead of ringing the bell.

  • show-mode-in-prompt (Off)
    If set to On, add a string to the beginning of the prompt indicating the editing mode: emacs, vi command, or vi insertion. The mode strings are user-settable (e.g., emacs-mode-string).

  • skip-completed-text (Off)
    If set to On, this alters the default completion behavior when inserting a single match into the line. It's only active when performing completion in the middle of a word. If enabled, readline does not insert characters from the completion that match characters after point in the word being completed, so portions of the word following the cursor are not duplicated.

  • usage-hint-always (Off) If set to On, if the completions available at any given time include one more usage message hints, those will be displayed regardless of the number of completions. When set to Off, usage messages are only showed when there are no available completions in the given context.

  • vi-cmd-mode-string ((cmd))
    If the show-mode-in-prompt variable is enabled, this string is displayed immediately before the last line of the primary prompt when vi editing mode is active and in command mode. The value is expanded like a key binding, so the standard set of meta- and control prefixes and backslash escape sequences is available. Use the \1 and \2 escapes to begin and end sequences of non-printing characters, which can be used to embed a terminal control sequence into the mode string.

  • vi-ins-mode-string ((ins))
    If the show-mode-in-prompt variable is enabled, this string is displayed immediately before the last line of the primary prompt when vi editing mode is active and in insertion mode. The value is expanded like a key binding, so the standard set of meta- and control prefixes and backslash escape sequences is available. Use the \1 and \2 escapes to begin and end sequences of non-printing characters, which can be used to embed a terminal control sequence into the mode string.

  • visible-stats (Off) '[NI]'
    If set to On, a character denoting a file's type as reported by stat(2) is appended to the filename when listing possible completions.

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