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Default Binds & Options

maxlandon edited this page May 12, 2023 · 11 revisions

This page contains an .inputrc-compliant list of global options and binds for all keymaps. When a keymap needs additional explanations on its role, as small paragraph is added below the title.


Some global options have not been implemented: so because they were not useful anymore (some completion ones), out of the library scope (other completion ones), or not yet faced by the library author. Some of those might be implemented in the future if the need arises.

Notation: <option-name> <value> [NI/S] ([NI]: not implemented, [S]: specific to this library).

set active-region-start-color "\e[44m" set autocomplete true [S] set autopairs true [S] set bell-style none [NI] set bind-tty-special-chars false set blink-matching-paren true set byte-oriented false set colored-completion-prefix true set colored-stats false [NI] set comment-begin # set completion-display-width -1 set completion-ignore-case false set completion-map-case false set completion-prefix-display-length 0 set completion-query-items 100 set convert-meta true set disable-completion false set echo-control-characters true set editing-mode vi set emacs-mode-string @ set enable-bracketed-paste true [NI] set enable-keypad false [NI] set enable-meta-key true [NI] set expand-tilde false [NI] set history-autosuggest true [S] set history-preserve-point false set history-size 0 set horizontal-scroll-mode false [NI] set input-meta true set keymap emacs set keyseq-timeout 50 set mark-directories true [NI] set mark-modified-lines false [NI] set mark-symlinked-directories true [NI] set match-hidden-files true [NI] set menu-complete-display-prefix true set meta-flag true set output-meta true set page-completions true [NI] set prefer-visible-bell true [NI] set print-completions-horizontally false set prompt-transient false [S] set revert-all-at-newline false set show-all-if-ambiguous false [NI] set show-all-if-unmodified false [NI] set show-mode-in-prompt true set skip-completed-text true set usage-hint-always true [S] set vi-cmd-mode-string "[N]" set vi-ins-mode-string "[I]" set visible-stats false [NI]

Emacs keymaps

Emacs standard

The emacs keymap is a combination of both emacs-ctrlx and emacs-meta keymaps below, but additionally includes/overwrites some of the binds by the list below:

"C-@" set-mark "C-A" beginning-of-line "C-B" backward-char "C-D" delete-char "C-E" end-of-line "C-F" forward-char "C-G" abort "C-H" backward-delete-char "C-I" complete "C-J" accept-line "C-K" kill-line "C-L" clear-screen "C-M" accept-line "C-N" next-history "C-P" previous-history "C-Q" quoted-insert "C-R" reverse-search-history "C-S" forward-search-history "C-T" transpose-chars "C-U" unix-line-discard "C-V" quoted-insert "C-W" unix-word-rubout "C-Y" yank "C-]" character-search "C-_" undo " " to "/" self-insert "0" to "9" self-insert ":" to "~" self-insert "C-?" backward-delete-char

Emacs Meta

"M-C-G" abort "M-C-H" backward-kill-word "M-C-I" tab-insert "M-C-J" vi-editing-mode "M-C-L" clear-display "M-C-M" vi-editing-mode "M-C-R" revert-line "M-C-Y" yank-nth-arg "M-C-[" complete "M-C-]" character-search-backward "M-C-^" copy-prev-word "M-space" set-mark "M-#" insert-comment "M-&" tilde-expand "M-*" insert-completions "M--" digit-argument "M-." yank-last-arg "M-'" quote-line "M-0" digit-argument "M-1" digit-argument "M-2" digit-argument "M-3" digit-argument "M-4" digit-argument "M-5" digit-argument "M-6" digit-argument "M-7" digit-argument "M-8" digit-argument "M-9" digit-argument "M-<" beginning-of-buffer-or-history "M-=" possible-completions "M->" end-of-buffer-or-history "M-?" possible-completions "M-B" backward-word "M-C" capitalize-word "M-D" kill-word "M-F" forward-word "M-L" downcase-word "M-M" copy-prev-shell-word "M-N" history-search-forward "M-P" history-search-backward "M-R" revert-line "M-T" transpose-words "M-U" upcase-word "M-W" kill-region "M-Y" yank-pop "M-|" vi-goto-column "M-" delete-horizontal-space "M-~" tilde-expand "M-C-?" backward-kill-word "M-_" yank-last-arg "M-[A" up-line-or-search "M-[B" down-line-or-select

Emacs CtrlX

"C-XC-G" abort "C-XC-R" re-read-init-file "C-XC-U" undo "C-XC-X" exchange-point-and-mark "C-Xr" reverse-search-history "C-Xs" forward-search-history "C-Xu" undo "C-X(" start-kbd-macro "C-X)" end-kbd-macro "C-XE" call-last-kbd-macro "C-XC-?" backward-kill-line "C-xC-b" vi-match "C-xC-e" edit-command-line "C-xC-n" infer-next-history "C-xC-o" overwrite-mode

Vim keymaps




Operator Pending

Completion & Isearch keymaps

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