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The Solid Shop is a user-powered shopping ecosystem by use of SOLID PODs. This brings all parts together.

Running / Development

  • Extra steps related to the payment service provider Mollie for the mollie-payment-service.
    • Install ngrok
    • ngrok http 4200 to start ngrok so Mollie can reach your dev setup of frontend-solid-shop.
    • Change the MOLLIE_REDIRECT_URL and MOLLIE_BASE_WEBHOOK_URL in the docker-compose.yml to match the ngrok urls
    • Change the ESS_CLIENT_ID, ESS_CLIENT_SECRET and ESS_IDP in the docker-compose.yml, see "Setup ESS" below for more information
    • Sign up at Mollie and get your API key
    • (At the end, fill in your API key via the profile page and/or the MOLLIE_API_KEY environment variable, see "Mollie API Key" below for more information)
  • docker-compose up -d to start the related services

When developing, you might want to directly have the changes in the services available in your local stack. To do this, you can create a docker-compose.override.yml file and put the changes in there. An example on how to do this is shown below.

  # This will automatically detect changes and restart the service
    image: semtech/mu-javascript-template
      - ../solid-shop-order-service/:/app/:cached
  # This will build the image from the local source, use `docker-compose build` together with `docker-compose up -d` to restart the service
      context: ../mollie-payment-service
      dockerfile: Dockerfile

Used services


We make use of Conventional Commits.

When making changes to a pull request, we prefer to update the existing commits with a rebase instead of appending new commits.

The project board of this project can be found here.

Questions? Join our Matrix room #solid-shop.

Payments flow

Below, the payments flow and communication between the frontend and the different services is specified.

  • frontend ---> order
    • initiate order, send back orderId
  • order ---> sync
    • via task
    • send orderId as ext:order triple
    • query triple store and accordingly update user PODs
  • frontend ---> payment
    • location rewrite: user goes to payment service
    • send orderId, initiate payment, save payment info to triple store
  • payment ---> mollie
    • location rewrite: user goes to Mollie checkout page to pay
    • handle payment
  • mollie ---> frontend
    • location rewrite: user goes back to application frontend
    • go to redirect url
  • mollie ---> payment
    • call callback url (sends orderId), update payment info in triple store (add paymentId, update orderStatus) by querying Mollie API
  • payment ---> order
    • gives the chance to do extra stuff, and sends a task to the sync service to update the user PODs
  • order ---> sync
    • via task
    • send orderId as ext:order triple
    • query triple store and accordingly update buyer and seller PODs

Mollie API Key

You can specify the application's Mollie API key via the MOLLIE_API_KEY environment variable in the docker-compose.yml file.
It will use this API key to handle payments if there is no Mollie API key specified for the seller in the triple store.
However, specifying a Mollie API key for the seller in the triple store (?sellerWebId ext:mollieApiKey ?mollieApiKey) will override the default API key, letting the buyer directly pay to the seller.


The Solid Shop uses the solid-sync-service to update the user PODs. To let the Solid Sync Service know what and when to update, it sends a task via the delta-notifier.

The used tasks in the Solid Shop are described as follows:

?task a ext:Task;
    ext:taskType ?taskType;
    ext:dataFlow ?dataFlow;
    ext:taskStatus "pending".
OPTIONAL { ?task ext:order ?orderId. }  # in case the task is related to an order creation or update, ?dataFlow = "DbToPod"
OPTIONAL { ?task ext:pod ?pod; ext:webId ?webId. }  # in case the task is related to a DB update, ?dataFlow = "PodToDb"
VALUES ?taskType { ext:SavedOrderTask ext:UpdatedOrderTask ext:SyncOfferingsTask }

Authentication flow

To be able to read and write to the specific resources in the user's POD, authentication and permissions to those resources are required. As there is no Solid spec for this yet at the time of writing, non-spec behavior is used from the supported servers.


Non-spec behavior of CSS.

To authenticate once:

  • user ---> frontend
    • enters email, password and IDP URL
  • frontend ---> CSS IDP
    • sends email, password and name='solid-shop' to the CSS IDP at ${IDPURL}/idp/credentials
    • generates a token
    • sends back the client id and client secret
  • frontend ---> sync
    • sends clientWebId, clientId, clientSecret, idpUrl and idpType='css' to the solid-sync-service at /auth/credentials
    • saves the credentials to the triple store

On reading from or writing to the user's POD:

  • sync ---> CSS IDP
    • sends clientId, clientSecret to the CSS IDP at ${IDPURL}/.oidc/token
    • requests access token
  • sync ---> user's POD
    • uses the access token to send authenticated requests to the user's POD


Uses Access Policies: Universal API in the frontend and Authenticate with Statically Registered Client Credentials in the backend.

To authenticate once:

  • user ---> frontend
    • clicks the Login button
  • frontend ---> sync
    • GET /auth/ess/webId
    • gets the application's ESS WebId which is needed in the next step
  • frontend ---> ESS IDP
    • sends access requests using the @inrupt/solid-client library for the needed resources
  • frontend ---> sync
    • sends clientWebId and idpType='ess' to the solid-sync-service at /auth/credentials
    • saves the credentials (just idpType for ESS) to the triple store

On reading from or writing to the user's POD:

  • sync ---> user's POD
    • on startup of the solid-sync-service, it will log in and create an authenticated session using the ESS_CLIENT_ID and ESS_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables which will then be used to send authenticated requests to the user's POD
    • uses the authenticated session to send authenticated requests to the user's POD

Setup ESS

To be able to support ESS POD users, you have to register your application with the ESS IDP. You can do this at Inrupt Application Registration.
Then, you should fill in the ESS_CLIENT_ID and ESS_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables in the docker-compose.yml file. Also change the ESS_IDP environment variable if you had used another ESS IDP.