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Docker Log Logstash

docker-log-logstash forwards container logs a TCP/UDP server (e.g. Logstash with the TCP input plugin) or even to a socket.

The current application release is "alpha".


The goal of this project is to create a reliable log plugin for docker. It basically sends alls logs to Logstash, if this service becomes unavailable, all messages should be written to a logfile and send them later to Logstash, when the service is responding again.

Development Status

This plugin is capable of:

  • reconnecting to logstash server, in case of lost connection
  • caching messages to the filesystem, while logstash is down. It works as a prototype though.
  • send cached log information to logstash, when it is online (


Branch Name Docker Tag Remark
alpha-0.0.x 0.0.1, 0.0.2 Actively alpha release.

Getting Started

You need to install Docker Engine >= 1.12 and Logstash

Additional information about Docker plugins can be found here.


To install the plugin, run

docker plugin install rchicoli/docker-log-logstash:0.0.7 --alias logstash

This command will pull and enable the plugin


First of all, it is required to have Logstash up and running. In your logstash config, set the input codec to json e.g:

input {
  udp {
    port  => 5000
    codec => json
  tcp {
    port  => 5000
    codec => json


To run a specific container with the logging driver:

Use the --log-driver flag to specify the plugin.
Use the --log-opt flag to specify the URL for the HTTP connection and further options.


Key Default Value Required Examples
logstash-url no yes tcp://, udp://
logstash-timeout 1000ms no 1, 10, 1000 in ms
logstash-fields containerID,containerName,containerImageName,containerCreated no containerID,containerLabels,containerEnv


Creating and running a container:

$ docker run --rm  -ti \
    --log-driver logstash \
    --log-opt logstash-url=tcp:// \
    --log-opt logstash-fields=containerID,containerName,containerImageName,containerCreated,logPath
        alpine echo this is another logging driver

Output Format

By using rubydebug as stdout codec:

            "@timestamp" => 2018-01-03T21:15:13.481Z,
                  "port" => 53728,
         "containerName" => "focused_lumiere",
    "containerImageName" => "alpine",
      "containerCreated" => "2018-01-03T21:15:13.080275904Z",
              "@version" => "1",
                  "host" => "",
                "source" => "stdout",
           "containerID" => "ba5dabbff0de",
               "message" => "this is another logging driver"


Field Description Default
message The log message itself yes
source Source of the log message as reported by docker yes
@timestamp Timestamp that the log was collected by logstash yes (by logstash)
timestamp Timestamp from the container's log yes
partial Whether docker reported that the log message was only partially collected yes
containerID Id of the container that generated the log message yes
containerName Name of the container that generated the log message yes
containerArgs Arguments of the container entrypoint no
containerImageID ID of the container's image no
containerImageName Name of the container's image yes
containerCreated Timestamp of the container's creation yes
containerEnv Environment of the container no
containerLabels Label of the container no
containerLogPath Path of the container's Log no
daemonName Name of the container's daemon no
err Usually null, otherwise will be a string containing and error from the logdriver no