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Curriculum Vitae |
My CV |
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The University of Texas at Austin. B.S. Biochemistry, 2006
The University of Texas at Austin. Ph.D. Cell and Molecular Biology, 2017
The University of California, Davis. Postdoctoral Researcher, current
Lake Tahoe Community College Adjunct Faculty, Southlake Tahoe, California, 2023
Alpine Meadows Ski Resort Parking Supervisor, Alpine Meadows, California, 2020 - 2023
Rock & Rose Nursery & Landscaping Nursery Supervisor, Truckee, California, 2020 - 2021
The University of Texas at Austin Laboratory Manager, Austin, Texas, 2010 - 2012
The University of Texas at Austin Teaching Specialist, Austin, Texas, 2007 - 2010
- AAAS Community Enagement Fellowship (2019)
- ::rstudioconf Diversity Scholarship (2019)
- Elected to the Software Carpentry Steering Committee (2016 - 17)
- University Graduate Continuing Fellowship, UT Austin (2016 - 17)
- William Livingston Outstanding Graduate Student Academic Employee Award, UT Austin (2017)
- Grant in Aid of Research, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (2016)
- Academic Enrichment Fund Award, UT Austin (2014, 15, 16)
ORCiD publication list:
Google Scholar statistics as of Sept 2019: 758 citations; h-index of 11, i10-index of 11
- Harris RM, Kao HY, Alarcón JM, Fenton AA, Hofmann HA (2020). Transcriptome analysis of hippocampal subfields identifies gene expression s associated with long-term active place avoidance memory bioRxiv 2020.02.05.935759
- Charbonneau AL, et al. (2022) Making Common Fund data more Findable: Catalyzing a Data Ecosystem. GigaScience
- Parigi A, Lim MCW, Canchi S, Sanchez J, Walter J, Harris RM, Charbonneau A, Brown CT (2022). A virtual training module for introducing the use of Amazon Web Services. JOSE
- Farrar VS, Harris RM, Austin SH, Nava Ultreras BM, Booth AM, Angelier F, Lang A, Feustel T, Lee C, Bond A, MacManes MD, Calisi RM (2022) Prolactin and prolactin receptor expression in the HPG axis and crop sac during parental care in both sexes of a biparental bird (Columba livia). Gen. Comp. Endo.
- Austin S, Krause JS, Viernes R, Farrar VS, Booth AM, Harris RM, Angelier F, Lee C, Bond A, Wingfield JC, MacManes MM, Calisi RM (2021) Uncovering the Sex-specific Endocrine Responses to Reproduction and Parental Care. Frontiers in Endocrinology
- Austin SH, Harris RM, Booth AM, Lang AS, Farrar VS, Krause JS, Hallman TA, MacManes M, Calisi RM (2020) Isolating the role of corticosterone in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal genomic stress response. Frontiers in Endocrinology
- Northcutt AJ, Kick DR, Otopalik AG, Goetz BM, Harris RM, Santin JM, Fenton AA, Hofmann HA, Marder E, Schulz DJ (2019) Molecular Profiling to Infer Neuronal Cell Identity: Lessons from small ganglia of the Crab Cancer borealis. PNAS 116 (52) 26980-26990 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1911413116
- Clarke DJB et. al. (2019) FAIRshake: Toolkit to Evaluate the FAIRness of Research Digital Resources Cell Systems
- Harris RM, Kao H-Y, Alarcon JM, Hofmann HA, Fenton AA (2019) Hippocampal transcriptomic responses to enzyme‐mediated cellular dissociation. Hippocampus 10.1002/hipo.23095
- Devenyi GA, Emonet R, Harris RM, Hertweck KL, Irving D, Milligan I, Wilson G (2017) Ten simple rules for collaborative lesson development. PLoS Comput Biol 14(3): e1005963.
- Renn SPC, Machado H, Duftner N, Harris RM, Sessa AK, Hofmann HA. Gene Expression Signatures of Mating System Evolution. Genome. DOI: 10.1139/gen-2017-0075.
- Dijkstra PD, Maguire SM Harris RM, Rodriguez AA, DeAngelis RS Flores SA, Hofmann HA (2017) The melanocortin system regulates body pigmentation and social behaviour in a colour polymorphic cichlid fish. Proc. R. Soc. B. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2016.2838.
- Goppert C, Harris RM, Theis A, Boila A, Hohl S, Ruegg A, Hofmann HA, Salzburger WE, Boehne A (2016) Inhibition of aromatase induces partial sex change in a cichlid fish: Distinct functions for sex steroids in brains and gonads. Sex. Dev. 10:97-110.
- Simoes JM, Barata EN, Harris RM, O'Connell LA, Hofmann HA, Oliveira RF (2015) Social odors conveying dominance and reproductive information induce rapid physiological and neuromolecular changes in a cichlid fish. BMC Genomics 16:114.
- Stiver KA, Harris RM, Townsend JP, Hofmann HA, Alonzo SH (2015) Neural Gene Expression s and Androgen Levels Underlie Alternative Reproductive Tactics in the Ocellated Wrasse, Symphodus ocellatus. Ethol. 121:152-167.
- Smith CC, Harris RM, Lampert KP, Schartl M, Hofmann HA,Ryan MJ (2015) Copy number variation in the melanocortin 4 receptor gene and alternative reproductive tactics in swordtail Xiphophorus multilineatus. Environ. Biol. Fishes 98:23-33.
- Brawand et al. (2014) The genomic substrate for adaptive radiation: Genomes of five African cichlid fish. Nature 513: 375-381.
- Fischer EK, Harris RM, Hofmann HA, Hoke KL (2014) Predator exposure alters stress physiology in guppies across timescales. Horm. Behav. 65: 165–172.
- Harris RM, Dijkstra PD, Hofmann HA (2014) Complex Structural and Regulatory Evolution of the Pro-opiomelanocortin Gene Family. Gen. Compar. Endocrinol. 195: 107-115.
- Sessa AK, Harris RM, Hofmann HA (2013) Sex Steroid Hormones Modulate Responses to Social Challenge & Opportunity in Males of the Monogamous Convict Cichlid, Amatitliana nigrofasciata. Gen. Compar. Endocrinol. 189: 59–65.
- Oldfield RG, Harris RM, Hendrickson DA, Hofmann HA (2013) Arginine Vasotocin and Prolactin Pathways are Associated with Mating System Variation in North American Cichlid Fishes. Horm. Behav. 64:44-52.
- Harris RM, O'Connell LA, Hofmann HA (2016) Brain Evolution, Development, and Plasticity, in The Wiley Handbook of Evolutionary Neuroscience (ed S. V. Shepherd), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK. doi: 10.1002/9781118316757.ch15
- Oldfield RG, Harris RM, Hofmann HA (2015) Integrating Resource Defence Theory with Nonapeptide Expression to Explain Variation in Territory-based Mating Systems. Front. Zool. 12:S16.
- Harris RM, Hofmann HA (2015) Seeing is believing: Dynamic evolution of opsin genes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 112:1252-1253.
- Harris RM, Hofmann HA (2014) Neurogenomics of Behavioral Plasticity. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 781:149-68.
- Martinez P.A, Saldago H, Harris RM (eds), 29 authors including Harris RM (2019). datacarpentry/python-ecology-lesson-es: Data Carpentry: Lección de Data Carpentry - Python usando datos de ecología - Enero 2019 (Version v2019.01.0). Zenodo.
- Saldago H (ed), 49 authors including Harris RM. (2018) Software Carpentry Shell Novice in Spanish, Version v2018.04.1.
- Harris RM (ed), 49 authors including Harris RM (2018) Software Carpentry Git Novice in Spanish, Version v2018.04.3.
- Wilson G, Becker E, SilvaR, Koch C, Harris RM, et al. (2017). Software Carpentry: Instructor Training. Zenodo.
- Harris RM, Hofmann HA (2014). Laboratory Experiments for the 2014 Integrative Molecular Neuroscience Module. Zenodo.
- Harris RM, Otopalik AG, Smith C, Bucher D, Golowasch J, Hofmann HA (2017) Single-Neuron Gene Expression Analysis Using the Maxwell 16 LEV System. BioRXiv 107342.
- UCLA UCLAFORCE11 Scholarly Communication Institute. Aug 5, 2019 Slides.
- UC Davis Next-Gen Sequence Analysis Workshop. Jul 5, 2019 Slides. Video.
- rOpenSci Community call: Multilingual communities. Jun, 28 2019 Slides. Video.
- UC Davis Environmental Endocrinology Seminar. December 11, 2018 Slides
- Universidad de Palermo LatinR. September 4, 2018 Slides
- IBM Buenos Aires R Ladies Buenos Aires Meetup. March 27, 2018.
- The North Door. Nerd Nite Austin Texas. January 10, 2018. Slides
- UT Austin. RNA/DNA Club. December 11, 2017
- UT Austin. Thesis Defense. October 18, 2017. Sides
- Yale University. James Noonan Lab. September 15, 2017
- Yale University. Daniel Colón-Ramos Lab. September 14, 2017
- Marine Biological Laboratories. Neural Systems & Behavior Course. July 24, 2017. Slides
- The University of Texas at Tyler. Biology Department. November 9, 2016
- UT Austin. Brain, Behavior, & Evolution Graduate Seminar. October 2016
- UT Austin. Chips & Dips Graduate Seminar. April, 6, 2016
- Michigan State University. Annual BEACON Congress. August 18, 2015
- UT Austin. Waggoner Center for Alcohol Addiction Seminar. May 20, 2015
- UT Austin. Brain, Behavior, & Evolution Graduate Seminar. April 17, 2015
- Gulbenkian Institute of Science. COPEWELL Workshop on Functional Neuroanatomy of Fish. April 11, 2015. Slides
- UT Austin. 10th Annual Integrative Biology Graduate Student Symposium. April 5, 2014
- St. Edwards University. 3rd Annual Texas Poeciliid Conference. December 14, 2013
- UT Austin. 9th Annual Integrative Biology Graduate Student Symposium. April 20, 2013
- UT Austin. Darwin Day. February 10, 2013
- University of Bergen. NORDFORSK Behavioural Fish Neuroscience Network Workshop. November 16, 2012.
- University of Bergen. Behavioural Fish Neuroscience Network Conference. November 12, 2012
- 2019 Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology (SBN) Annual Meeting. Bloomington, IN Poster
- 2019 Scientific Computing with Python (SciPy). Austin, TX Poster
- 2017 The Moore Foundation Early Career Researcher Symposium. Waikoloa Beach, HI
- 2016 Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA
- 2016 International Congress of Neuroethology. Montevideo, Uruguay
- 2016 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Meeting Portland, OR
- 2015 Celebration of Discovery at the Marine Biological Laboratories. Woods Hole, MA
- 2015 Annual Waggoner Center for Alcohol & Addiction Research Advance. Austin, TX
- 2015 National Science Foundation Data Science Workshop. Seattle, WA
- 2014 Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Washington DC. Poster
- 2014 Annual BEACON Congress. Lansing, MI
- 2014 Animal Behavior Conference. Bloomington, IN
- 2014 Brain Behavior & Evolution Symposium. Austin, TX
- 2014 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Meeting. Austin, TX
- 2013 Gordon Research Conference in Neuroethology. West Dover, VT
- 2013 Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA
- 2012 Gordon Research Conference in Genes and Behavior. Galveston, TX
- Thesis. The GitHub repository where I build a website for an easy-to-read-on-a-phone version of my thesis.
- IntegrativeProjectWT2015. My bioinformatic workflow for studying transcriptional plasticity in the mouse hippocampus and its role in avoidance learning.
- DissociationTest. My bioinformatic workflow for testing the influence of cellular dissocation on hippocampal gene expression in laboratory mice.
- Peer-reviewer AAS Open Research; Behavioral Ecology; Gene; Genes, Genomes & Genetics; Genes, Brains & Behavior; Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A; Nature; Physiology & Behavior; PLOS ONE; Proceedings of the Royal Society B; rOpenSci.
- Secretary Software Carpentry Steering Committee, 2017-2018
- Member Software Carpentry Steering Committee, 2016-2017
- Poster Judge College of Natural Science Undergraduate Research Forum, 2016, 17
- Coordinator Annual Big Data in Biology Symposia, 2012 - 2017
- Coordinator Summer School for Big Data in Biology, 2014 - 2016
- Co-Chair Complementary Session to Symposium - New Frontiers in the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior, Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, January 2016
- Blogger PLOS Neuroscience Community, BEACON: An NSF Center for Evolution in Action, Data Carpentry, and Software Carpentry, Since 2014
- Graduate Representative Cell and Molecular Biology Graduate Program External Review Committee, October 2014
- Coordinator Transdisciplinary Graduate Student Luncheon, October 2014
- Spanish Translator “Welcome to the World of Mushrooms”, INBio Park, Costa Rica, 2009
- The Common Fund Data Ecosystem: Introduction to R for RNA-Seq Analysis
- The Common Fund Data Ecosystem: Introduction to UNIX for Cloud Computing
- The Carpentries: Instructor Training
- Data Carpentry: Python Usando Datos de Ecologa
- Software Carpentry: La Terminal de Unix
- Software Carpentry: Control de Versiones con Git
- Neural Systems & Behavior: Laboratory Experiments for the 2014 Integrative Molecular Neuroscience Module.
- Principles of Biology III (BIO 103), Lake Tahoe Community College (2023)
- The Common Fund Data Ecosystem: Introduction to Amazon Web Services for Cloud Computing (2021-2022)
- Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry, Instructor Training, (2016 – present)
- Neural Systems & Behavior, Integrative Molecular Neuroethology (2013 - present)
- UT Austin, Introduction to Git for Bioinformatics (2017). Slides
- UT Austin, Introduction to Unix and R, for Bioinformatics (2016)
- The UNIX Shell, Software Carpentry (2015)
- Version Control with Git, Software Carpentry (2015)
- Introduction to Spanish, Futura Language Professionals (2008 - 2009)
- Northstar Ski and Snowboard School (Winter 2019/2020)
- Biostatistics (SDS 328M), UT Austin (2017)
- Introduction to Core Next-generation Sequencing Tools, UT Austin (2015, 16, 17)
- Problems in Modern Biology (BIO 301E), UT Austin (2013)
- Organic Chemistry Laboratory (CH 210C), UT Austin (2007-2009)
- Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory (CH 118K/L), UT Austin (2007)
- Biomedical Research Seminars (NSM9) Sacramento State University (2020) Meet and Analyze Data (MAD), UC Davis (2020)
- Biological Science for Social Justice (NPB 13), UC Davis (2019) Slides
- Comparative Animal Physiology (BIO 361T), UT Austin (2016)
- Introduction to Biological Statistics, UT Austin (2014)
- Neurobiology of Social Behavior, University of the Republic of Uruguay (2013). Slides