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222 lines (163 loc) · 6.34 KB

File metadata and controls

222 lines (163 loc) · 6.34 KB


Please run this below

$ source


################################################################################################ source .env source .hlc.env source .c.env source .k8s.env mkdir channel-artifacts echo echo -e $COLOR "Kindly make note before starting K8s deployments "$NONE echo -e $BLCOLOR" Ensure you started minikube services, if not start by 'minikube start driver=none'"$NONE echo -e $YCOLOR" As prerequestie for K8s, Mount current working dir to k8s cluster volumes manually,
ex: minikube mount /home/ravi/fabric-samples/HLFAuto:/home/ravi/fabric-samples/HLFAuto &
Note: change your working directory PATH from above syntax"$NONE echo " For fabric version 1.4.x, you need to update priv.key manually when there is a change" echo "" #echo "Currently marbles CC is available for test, and im working on fabcar" echo -e $PCOLOR "Important : As a prerequestie for K8s, Mount current working directory to k8s cluster" $NONE echo " Execute with below commands in sequence" echo -e $GRCOLOR "ex : \n k8sCleanCreateCrypto \n k8sreplKeys \n k8sDeployPOD \n k8sjoinCHL \n k8sbuildCC \n k8sCCinstall \n k8sCCstart " $NONE

function checkDIRpath () { P=$PWD if [[ $P =~ "fabric-samples" ]] ; then echo "Found fabric-samples folder from your current path \n Checking prereq status " source precheck echo "If any of prereq's are NULL value" echo "Please run prereq scripts in following order or you can do manuall install for missing component." echo -e $GRCOLOR "ex : source \n prereq14 \n precheck \n " $NONE else echo "fabric-samples folder not found" echo " Please run prereq scripts in following order" echo -e $GRCOLOR "ex : source \n prereq14 \n FbinImage \n precheck \n " $NONE



function k8shomedir () { source .k8s.env if [ -z $HMEDIR ] ; then pwd read -p "Provide your working dir PATH. It should be FULLPATH, Starts from "/" : " HMEDIR export $HMEDIR echo "HMEDIR=$HMEDIR" >> .k8s.env cd k8s for file in / chaincode// ; do echo "$file" sed -i -e "s,{HOME_DIR_PATH},$HMEDIR,g" $file done cd ../ fi }

function k8sCleanCreateCrypto () { cd $HL_CFG_PATH rm -rf crypto-config ./scripts/ }

function k8sreplKeys () {

source $HL_CFG_PATH/.hlc.env
source $HL_CFG_PATH/.k8s.env

ORG1KEY="$(ls crypto-config/peerOrganizations/$ORG_1/ca/ | grep 'sk$')"
sed -i -e "s/{ORG1-CA-KEY}/$ORG1KEY/g" ./k8s/org1/org1-ca-deployment.yaml 

ORG2KEY="$(ls crypto-config/peerOrganizations/$ORG_2/ca/ | grep 'sk$')"
sed -i -e "s/{ORG2-CA-KEY}/$ORG2KEY/g" ./k8s/org2/org2-ca-deployment.yaml 


function k8sDeployPOD() {
source $HL_CFG_PATH/.hlc.env source $HL_CFG_PATH/.k8s.env cd $HL_CFG_PATH kubectl create ns $K8S_NS || true sleep 1 kubectl create -f k8s/orderer-service/ || true sleep 3 kubectl create -f k8s/org1/ || true sleep 3 kubectl create -f k8s/org2/ || true sleep 10 kubectl get pods -n $K8S_NS


function k8sjoinCHL() { echo "Joining org1" export CLI_ORG1="$(kubectl get pods -n $K8S_NS | grep cli-$ORG_1 | awk '{print $1}')" echo "CLI_ORG1=$CLI_ORG1" >> .k8s.env kubectl exec -it -n $K8S_NS $CLI_ORG1 -- bash -c "k8scripts/"

echo "Joining org2"
export CLI_ORG2="$(kubectl get pods -n $K8S_NS | grep cli-$ORG_2 | awk '{print $1}')"
echo "CLI_ORG2=$CLI_ORG2" >> .k8s.env
kubectl exec -it -n $K8S_NS $CLI_ORG2 -- bash -c "k8scripts/"


function k8sbuildCC {

cd $HL_CFG_PATH/k8s/chaincode/packaging
cp org1.connection.json connection.json
rm -f code.tar.gz
tar cfz code.tar.gz connection.json
tar cfz marbles-org1.tgz code.tar.gz metadata.json

cp org2.connection.json connection.json
rm -f code.tar.gz
tar cfz code.tar.gz connection.json
tar cfz marbles-org2.tgz code.tar.gz metadata.json

cd $HL_CFG_PATH/k8s/chaincode
docker build -t chaincode/marbles:1.0 .

minikube cache list | grep "chaincode/marbles:1.0"
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
    minikube cache reload
    minikube cache add chaincode/marbles:1.0


function k8sCCinstall () {

#Do Install the Chaincode in Peer containers
kubectl exec -it -n $K8S_NS $CLI_ORG1 -- bash -c "k8scripts/"
export CHAINCODE_CCID_ORG_1=$(cat $HL_CFG_PATH/k8s/k8scripts/.packageid.env)
echo " Org1 CCID :   $CHAINCODE_CCID_ORG_1 "
sed -i -e "s/{CHAINCODE_CCID_ORG_1}/$CHAINCODE_CCID_ORG_1/g" ./k8s/chaincode/k8s/org1-chaincode-deployment.yaml

echo "switching to Org2..."
sleep 10

kubectl exec -it -n $K8S_NS $CLI_ORG2 -- bash -c "k8scripts/"
export CHAINCODE_CCID_ORG_2=$(cat $HL_CFG_PATH/k8s/k8scripts/.packageid.env)
echo " Org2 CCID :   $CHAINCODE_CCID_ORG_2 "
sed -i -e "s/{CHAINCODE_CCID_ORG_2}/$CHAINCODE_CCID_ORG_2/g" ./k8s/chaincode/k8s/org2-chaincode-deployment.yaml


function k8sCCstart() { echo " By this time you installed the CC on both peer orgs, before executing buildCC, " echo "starting CC containers... take time to boot" kubectl create -f k8s/chaincode/k8s || true sleep 20 kubectl get pods -n $K8S_NS sleep 15 kubectl exec -it -n $K8S_NS $CLI_ORG1 -- bash -c "k8scripts/" kubectl exec -it -n $K8S_NS $CLI_ORG2 -- bash -c "k8scripts/" kubectl get pods -n $K8S_NS


function k8sstop() { cd $HL_CFG_PATH

kubectl delete -f k8s/chaincode/k8s/ || true
kubectl delete -f k8s/org2/ || true 
kubectl delete -f k8s/org1/ || true
kubectl delete -f k8s/orderer-service/ || true
kubectl delete -f k8s/explorer/ || true
sleep 1
kubectl delete ns $K8S_NS || true
kubectl get pods -n $K8S_NS 
#rm -rf  /home/ravi/storage/*
ls -R /home/ravi/storage/


function k8sexplr() {

cp -r crypto-config/*  explorer/examples/net1/crypto/
kubectl create -f k8s/k8sexplorer/
sleep 10 && kubectl get pods -n $K8S_NS



sleep 2 echo -e $YCOLOR"You can ctrl^C now if you already generated and updated homedir path."$NONE k8shomedir