NOTE: cuSpatial depends on cuDF and RMM from RAPIDS.
cuSpatial supports the following operations on spatial and trajectory data:
- Spatial window query
- Point-in-polygon test
- Haversine distance
- Hausdorff distance
- Deriving trajectories from point location data
- Computing distance/speed of trajectories
- Computing spatial bounding boxes of trajectories
- Quadtree-based indexing for large-scale point data
- Quadtree-based point-in-polygon spatial join
- Quadtree-based point-to-polyline nearest neighbor distance
- Distance computation (point-point, point-linestring, linestring-linestring)
- Finding nearest points between point and linestring
Future support is planned for the following operations:
- Temporal window query
- Temporal point query (year+month+day+hour+minute+second+millisecond)
- Grid-based indexing for points and polygons
- R-Tree-based indexing for Polygons/Polylines
To install via conda:
conda install -c conda-forge -c rapidsai-nightly cuspatial
To build and install cuSpatial from source:
- gcc >= 7.5
- cmake >= 3.23
- miniconda
export `CUSPATIAL_HOME=$(pwd)/cuspatial` && \
export CUSPATIAL_HOME=$(pwd)/cuspatial
- clone the cuSpatial repo
conda env update --file conda/environments/cuspatial_dev_cuda11.5.yml
Compile and install
cd $CUSPATIAL_HOME && \ chmod +x ./ && \ ./
Run C++/Python test code
Some tests using inline data can be run directly, e.g.:
$CUSPATIAL_HOME/cpp/build/gtests/LEGACY_HAUSDORFF_TEST $CUSPATIAL_HOME/cpp/build/gtests/POINT_IN_POLYGON_TEST python python/cuspatial/cuspatial/tests/legacy/ python python/cuspatial/cuspatial/tests/
Some other tests involve I/O from data files under
. For example,$CUSPATIAL_HOME/cpp/build/gtests/SHAPEFILE_READER_TEST
requires three pre-generated polygon shapefiles that contain 0, 1 and 2 polygons, respectively. They are available at$CUSPATIAL_HOME/test_fixtures/shapefiles
NOTE: Currently, cuSpatial supports reading point/polyine/polygon data using Structure of Array (SoA) format and a shapefile reader to read polygon data from a shapefile. Alternatively, python users can read any point/polyine/polygon data using existing python packages, e.g., Shapely and Fiona,to generate numpy arrays and feed them to cuSpatial python APIs.