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170 lines (147 loc) · 8.01 KB

File metadata and controls

170 lines (147 loc) · 8.01 KB


django-webvideo is a Django module to convert videos into web video formats. Converting is handled by ffmpeg and queued with rq. By now django-webvideo can convert to h264, ogg-vorbis and webm in 5 different qualities:

  • original: convert video with similar bitrate as the original one (max bitrate defined in settings) and keep video dimensions
  • high: convert video to 1080p (will only happen if original bitrate is high enough)
  • semi-high: convert video to 720p (will only happen if original bitrate is high enough)
  • medium: convert video to 480p (will only happen if original bitrate is high enough)
  • low: convert video to 360p

django-webvideo will also create a configurable amount of screenshots of each video wich can be used as poster images.



To install ffmpeg with the required libs on Ubuntu see the FFmpeg UbuntuCompilationGuide

Install pip:

$ sudo easy_install pip

Download source and install package using pip:

$ sudo pip install -e git+

Add tastypie, easy_thumbnails and django_webvideo to your INSTALLED_APPS setting:


If you have South installed then run migrate, otherwise just run syncdb.


The following settings can be added to your django settings (these are also the default settings):

    'upload_to': 'videos',  # upload_to parameter for unconverted videos
    'convert_to': 'videos/converted',  # upload_to parameter for converted videos
    'screens_to': 'videos/screens',  # upload_to parameter for video screenshots
    'num_screens': 3,  # Number of video screenshots to create
    'ffmpeg': {
        'binary': 'ffmpeg',  # path to ffmpeg binary
        'convert_settings': {
            'commands': {
                'h264': [
                    # ffmpeg call for converting to h264 (first pass)
                    "{ffmpeg} -y -i {infile} -vcodec libx264 -vprofile high -b:v {video_bitrate} "
                    "-maxrate {video_max_bitrate} -bufsize {video_bufsize} "
                    "{video_size} -bf 2 -g 100 -an -threads 0 -pass 1 -f mp4 /dev/null",

                    # ffmpeg call for converting to h264 (second pass)
                    "{ffmpeg} -y -i {infile} -vcodec libx264 -vprofile high -b:v {video_bitrate} "
                    "-maxrate {video_max_bitrate} -bufsize {video_bufsize} "
                    "{video_size} -bf 2 -g 100 -threads 0 -pass 2 -acodec libfaac -ar 48000 "
                    "-b:a 128k -ac 2 -f mp4 {outfile}"
                'ogv': [
                    # ffmpeg call for converting to ogv (first pass)
                    "{ffmpeg} -y -i {infile} -vcodec libtheora -b:v {video_bitrate} "
                    "-maxrate {video_max_bitrate} -bufsize {video_bufsize} "
                    "{video_size} -bf 2 -g 100 -an -threads 0 -pass 1 -f ogg /dev/null",

                    # ffmpeg call for converting to ogv (second pass)
                    "{ffmpeg} -y -i {infile} -vcodec libtheora -b:v {video_bitrate} "
                    "-maxrate {video_max_bitrate} -bufsize {video_bufsize} "
                    "{video_size} -bf 2 -g 100 -threads 0 -pass 2 -acodec libvorbis "
                    "-ar 48000 -b:a 128k -ac 2 -f ogg {outfile}",
                'webm': [
                    # ffmpeg call for converting to webm (first pass)
                    "{ffmpeg} -y -i {infile} -codec:v libvpx -quality good -cpu-used 0 -b:v {video_bitrate} "
                    "-qmin 10 -qmax 42 -maxrate {video_max_bitrate} -bufsize {video_bufsize} "
                    "{video_size} -bf 2 -g 100 -an -threads 4 -pass 1 -f webm /dev/null",

                    # ffmpeg call for converting to webm (second pass)
                    "{ffmpeg} -y -i {infile} -codec:v libvpx -quality good -cpu-used 0 -b:v {video_bitrate} "
                    "-qmin 10 -qmax 42 -maxrate {video_max_bitrate} -bufsize {video_bufsize} "
                    "{video_size} -bf 2 -g 100 -threads 4 -pass 2 -codec:a libvorbis "
                    "-ar 48000 -b:a 128k -ac 2 -f webm {outfile}",
            # Settings for 'original' version (will be passed to commands above)
            'original': {
                'video_bitrate': '1792k',  # will be min(video_bitrate, original_bitrate)
                'video_max_bitrate': '',  # will be video_bitrate * 2
                'video_bufsize': '',  # will be video_bitrate * 2
                'video_size': '-vf scale={original_width}:{original_height}'
            # High Quality settings (will be passed to commands above)
            'high': {
                'video_bitrate': '1792k',
                'video_max_bitrate': '4000k',
                'video_bufsize': '4000k',
                'video_size': '-vf scale=1920:1080'
            # Semi-High Quality settings (will be passed to commands above)
            'semi-high': {
                'video_bitrate': '1000k',
                'video_max_bitrate': '2000k',
                'video_bufsize': '2000k',
                'video_size': '-vf scale=1280:720'
            # Medium Quality settings (will be passed to commands above)
            'medium': {
                'video_bitrate': '500k',
                'video_max_bitrate': '1000k',
                'video_bufsize': '1000k',
                'video_size': '-vf scale=854:480'
            # Low Quality settings (will be passed to commands above)
            'low': {
                'video_bitrate': '300k',
                'video_max_bitrate': '600k',
                'video_bufsize': '600k',
                'video_size': '-vf scale=640:360'
    'redis': {
        # redis connection settings
        'connection': {
            'db': 0,
            'host': 'localhost',
            'port': 6379,
        'eager': False,  # If True, Tasks are not queued, but executed directly. Use for testing purposes only!
        'queue_prefix': 'webvideo',  # django_webvideo will prefix all (RQ-)Queues with this prefix.
        'timeout': 3600,  # rq queue timeout (in seconds)
    'use_admin': True,  # set to False to disable registering into django admin

Any setting missing in this dictionary will be replaced by the default one.

Starting the conversion worker

$ rqworker webvideo:convert

replace "webvideo" with your 'queue_prefix' setting

Example Template usage

{% load webvideo_tags %}
<!-- video tag for original video quality (and size) -->
{% video_tag webvideo_object quality='original' autoplay=0 controls=1 attributes='id="test"' screen_num=2 %}

<!-- video tag for maximum video quality (and size) -->
{% video_tag webvideo_object quality='max' autoplay=0 controls=1 attributes='id="test"' screen_num=2 %}

<!-- video tag for medium video quality (and size) -->
{% video_tag webvideo_object quality='medium' autoplay=0 controls=1 attributes='id="test"' screen_num=2 %}