| 1 | +# Tests description for cypress/latest/e2e/unit_tests |
| 2 | + |
| 3 | +## `advanced_filtering.spec.ts` |
| 4 | + |
| 5 | +- **Describe:** Advanced filtering testing |
| 6 | + - **It:** Create fake machine inventories |
| 7 | + - **It:** Two machine inventories should appear by filtering on test-filter |
| 8 | + - **It:** One machine inventory should appear by filtering on test-filter-one |
| 9 | + - **It:** No machine inventory should appear by filtering on test-bad-filter |
| 10 | + - **It:** Delete all fake machine inventories |
| 11 | + |
| 12 | +## `deploy_app.spec.ts` |
| 13 | + |
| 14 | +- **Describe:** Deploy application in fresh Elemental Cluster |
| 15 | + - **It:** Deploy Alerting Drivers application |
| 16 | + - **It:** Remove Alerting Drivers application |
| 17 | + |
| 18 | +## `elemental_operator.spec.ts` |
| 19 | + |
| 20 | +- **Describe:** Install Elemental Operator |
| 21 | + - **It:** Configure from which git repo charts are pulled from |
| 22 | + - **It:** Add local chartmuseum repo |
| 23 | + - **It:** Install latest dev Elemental operator |
| 24 | + - **It:** Install latest stable Elemental operator |
| 25 | + |
| 26 | +## `elemental_plugin.spec.ts` |
| 27 | + |
| 28 | +- **Describe:** Install Elemental plugin |
| 29 | + - **It:** Add elemental-ui repo |
| 30 | + - **It:** Add rancher-ui-plugin-charts repo |
| 31 | + - **It:** Enable extension support |
| 32 | + - **It:** Install Elemental plugin |
| 33 | + - **It:** Add additional channel |
| 34 | + |
| 35 | +## `first_connection.spec.ts` |
| 36 | + |
| 37 | +- **Describe:** First login on Rancher |
| 38 | + - **It:** Log in and accept terms and conditions |
| 39 | + - **It:** Enable Helm Chart Prerelease versions |
| 40 | + |
| 41 | +## `machine_inventory.spec.ts` |
| 42 | + |
| 43 | +- **Describe:** Machine inventory testing |
| 44 | + - **It:** Check that machine inventory has been created |
| 45 | + - **It:** Check we can see our embedded hardware labels |
| 46 | + - **It:** Create Elemental cluster |
| 47 | + - **It:** Check Elemental cluster status |
| 48 | + |
| 49 | +## `machine_registration.spec.ts` |
| 50 | + |
| 51 | +- **Describe:** Machine registration testing |
| 52 | + - **It:** Create machine registration with default options |
| 53 | + - **It:** Create machine registration with labels and annotations |
| 54 | + - **It:** Delete machine registration |
| 55 | + - **It:** Edit a machine registration with edit config button |
| 56 | + - **It:** Edit a machine registration with edit YAML button |
| 57 | + - **It:** Clone a machine registration |
| 58 | + - **It:** Download Machine registration YAML |
| 59 | + - **It:** Check machine registration label name size |
| 60 | + - **It:** Check machine registration label value size |
| 61 | + - **It:** Create Machine registration we will use to test adding a node |
| 62 | + - **It:** Create Machine registration we will use to test adding a node |
| 63 | + |
| 64 | +## `machine_selector.spec.ts` |
| 65 | + |
| 66 | +- **Describe:** Machine selector testing |
| 67 | + - **It:** Testing selector without any rule |
| 68 | + - **It:** Testing selector with unmatching rule |
| 69 | + - **It:** Testing selector with matching rule |
| 70 | + |
| 71 | +## `menu.spec.ts` |
| 72 | + |
| 73 | +- **Describe:** Menu testing |
| 74 | + - **It:** Check Elemental logo |
| 75 | + - **It:** Check Elemental menu |
| 76 | + |
| 77 | +## `os_version.spec.ts` |
| 78 | + |
| 79 | +- **Describe:** OS versions testing |
| 80 | + - **It:** Check In Sync column status |
| 81 | + - **It:** Out of sync OS version should appear deprecated |
| 82 | + |
| 83 | +## `reset.spec.ts` |
| 84 | + |
| 85 | +- **Describe:** Reset testing |
| 86 | + - **It:** Enable reset in machine inventory |
| 87 | + - **It:** Reset node by deleting the cluster |
| 88 | + - **It:** Create Elemental cluster |
| 89 | + |
| 90 | +## `seed_image.spec.ts` |
| 91 | + |
| 92 | +- **Describe:** Seed images menu testing |
| 93 | + - **It:** Download from seed images menu |
| 94 | + |
| 95 | +## `upgrade-operator.spec.ts` |
| 96 | + |
| 97 | +- **Describe:** Elemental operator upgrade tests |
| 98 | + - **It:** Add elemental-operator dev repo |
| 99 | + - **It:** Upgrade Elemental operator |
| 100 | + - **It:** Check Elemental UI after upgrade |
| 101 | + |
| 102 | +## `upgrade-ui-extension.spec.ts` |
| 103 | + |
| 104 | +- **Describe:** UI extension upgrade tests |
| 105 | + - **It:** Add elemental-ui dev repo |
| 106 | + - **It:** Upgrade Elemental UI extension |
| 107 | + - **It:** Check Elemental UI after upgrade |
| 108 | + |
| 109 | +## `upgrade.spec.ts` |
| 110 | + |
| 111 | +- **Describe:** Upgrade tests |
| 112 | + - **It:** Delete stable channel for RKE2 upgrade |
| 113 | + - **It:** Add dev channel for RKE2 upgrade |
| 114 | + - **It:** Check OS Versions |
| 115 | + - **It:** Upgrade one node different methods if rke2 or k3s |
| 116 | + - **It:** Cannot create two upgrade groups targeting the same cluster |
| 117 | + - **It:** Delete Upgrade Group |
| 118 | + - **It:** Delete OS Versions Channels |
| 119 | + |
| 120 | +## `user.spec.ts` |
| 121 | + |
| 122 | +- **Describe:** User role testing |
| 123 | + - **It:** Create standard user |
| 124 | + - **It:** Create elemental user |
| 125 | + - **It:** Elemental user should access the OS management menu |
| 126 | + - **It:** Standard user should not access the OS management menu |
| 127 | + |
1 | 128 | # Tests description for e2e
2 | 129 |
3 | 130 | ## `airgap_test.go`
226 | 353 | - **By:** Testing Grub Recovery entry on +h+ after upgrade
227 | 354 | - **By:** Checking cluster state after upgrade
228 | 355 |
229 |
| -# Tests description for cypress/latest/e2e/unit_tests |
230 |
| - |
231 |
| -## `advanced_filtering.spec.ts` |
232 |
| - |
233 |
| -- **Describe:** Advanced filtering testing |
234 |
| - - **It:** Create fake machine inventories |
235 |
| - - **It:** Two machine inventories should appear by filtering on test-filter |
236 |
| - - **It:** One machine inventory should appear by filtering on test-filter-one |
237 |
| - - **It:** No machine inventory should appear by filtering on test-bad-filter |
238 |
| - - **It:** Delete all fake machine inventories |
239 |
| - |
240 |
| -## `deploy_app.spec.ts` |
241 |
| - |
242 |
| -- **Describe:** Deploy application in fresh Elemental Cluster |
243 |
| - - **It:** Deploy Alerting Drivers application |
244 |
| - - **It:** Remove Alerting Drivers application |
245 |
| - |
246 |
| -## `elemental_operator.spec.ts` |
247 |
| - |
248 |
| -- **Describe:** Install Elemental Operator |
249 |
| - - **It:** Configure from which git repo charts are pulled from |
250 |
| - - **It:** Add local chartmuseum repo |
251 |
| - - **It:** Install latest dev Elemental operator |
252 |
| - - **It:** Install latest stable Elemental operator |
253 |
| - |
254 |
| -## `elemental_plugin.spec.ts` |
255 |
| - |
256 |
| -- **Describe:** Install Elemental plugin |
257 |
| - - **It:** Add elemental-ui repo |
258 |
| - - **It:** Add rancher-ui-plugin-charts repo |
259 |
| - - **It:** Enable extension support |
260 |
| - - **It:** Install Elemental plugin |
261 |
| - - **It:** Add additional channel |
262 |
| - |
263 |
| -## `first_connection.spec.ts` |
264 |
| - |
265 |
| -- **Describe:** First login on Rancher |
266 |
| - - **It:** Log in and accept terms and conditions |
267 |
| - - **It:** Enable Helm Chart Prerelease versions |
268 |
| - |
269 |
| -## `machine_inventory.spec.ts` |
270 |
| - |
271 |
| -- **Describe:** Machine inventory testing |
272 |
| - - **It:** Check that machine inventory has been created |
273 |
| - - **It:** Check we can see our embedded hardware labels |
274 |
| - - **It:** Create Elemental cluster |
275 |
| - - **It:** Check Elemental cluster status |
276 |
| - |
277 |
| -## `machine_registration.spec.ts` |
278 |
| - |
279 |
| -- **Describe:** Machine registration testing |
280 |
| - - **It:** Create machine registration with default options |
281 |
| - - **It:** Create machine registration with labels and annotations |
282 |
| - - **It:** Delete machine registration |
283 |
| - - **It:** Edit a machine registration with edit config button |
284 |
| - - **It:** Edit a machine registration with edit YAML button |
285 |
| - - **It:** Clone a machine registration |
286 |
| - - **It:** Download Machine registration YAML |
287 |
| - - **It:** Check machine registration label name size |
288 |
| - - **It:** Check machine registration label value size |
289 |
| - - **It:** Create Machine registration we will use to test adding a node |
290 |
| - - **It:** Create Machine registration we will use to test adding a node |
291 |
| - |
292 |
| -## `machine_selector.spec.ts` |
293 |
| - |
294 |
| -- **Describe:** Machine selector testing |
295 |
| - - **It:** Testing selector without any rule |
296 |
| - - **It:** Testing selector with unmatching rule |
297 |
| - - **It:** Testing selector with matching rule |
298 |
| - |
299 |
| -## `menu.spec.ts` |
300 |
| - |
301 |
| -- **Describe:** Menu testing |
302 |
| - - **It:** Check Elemental logo |
303 |
| - - **It:** Check Elemental menu |
304 |
| - |
305 |
| -## `os_version.spec.ts` |
306 |
| - |
307 |
| -- **Describe:** OS versions testing |
308 |
| - - **It:** Check In Sync column status |
309 |
| - - **It:** Out of sync OS version should appear deprecated |
310 |
| - |
311 |
| -## `reset.spec.ts` |
312 |
| - |
313 |
| -- **Describe:** Reset testing |
314 |
| - - **It:** Enable reset in machine inventory |
315 |
| - - **It:** Reset node by deleting the cluster |
316 |
| - - **It:** Create Elemental cluster |
317 |
| - |
318 |
| -## `seed_image.spec.ts` |
319 |
| - |
320 |
| -- **Describe:** Seed images menu testing |
321 |
| - - **It:** Download from seed images menu |
322 |
| - |
323 |
| -## `upgrade-operator.spec.ts` |
324 |
| - |
325 |
| -- **Describe:** Elemental operator upgrade tests |
326 |
| - - **It:** Add elemental-operator dev repo |
327 |
| - - **It:** Upgrade Elemental operator |
328 |
| - - **It:** Check Elemental UI after upgrade |
329 |
| - |
330 |
| -## `upgrade-ui-extension.spec.ts` |
331 |
| - |
332 |
| -- **Describe:** UI extension upgrade tests |
333 |
| - - **It:** Add elemental-ui dev repo |
334 |
| - - **It:** Upgrade Elemental UI extension |
335 |
| - - **It:** Check Elemental UI after upgrade |
336 |
| - |
337 |
| -## `upgrade.spec.ts` |
338 |
| - |
339 |
| -- **Describe:** Upgrade tests |
340 |
| - - **It:** Delete stable channel for RKE2 upgrade |
341 |
| - - **It:** Add dev channel for RKE2 upgrade |
342 |
| - - **It:** Check OS Versions |
343 |
| - - **It:** Upgrade one node different methods if rke2 or k3s |
344 |
| - - **It:** Cannot create two upgrade groups targeting the same cluster |
345 |
| - - **It:** Delete Upgrade Group |
346 |
| - - **It:** Delete OS Versions Channels |
347 |
| - |
348 |
| -## `user.spec.ts` |
349 |
| - |
350 |
| -- **Describe:** User role testing |
351 |
| - - **It:** Create standard user |
352 |
| - - **It:** Create elemental user |
353 |
| - - **It:** Elemental user should access the OS management menu |
354 |
| - - **It:** Standard user should not access the OS management menu |
355 |
| - |
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