Success is neither magical nor mysterious – success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals - Jim Rohn
Today I learnt about:
- How .self works for ForEach?
- Creating NSManagedObject subclasses for Entity and Attributes
- Conditional saving of NSManagedObjectContext
- Unique CoreData objects using constraints
All great achievements require time - Maya Angelou
Today I learnt about:
- Filtering FetchRequests using NSPredicate
- Dynamic Filtering with any CoreData Entity Type
- Cardinality in CoreData using SwiftUI and FetchRequest
People aren't born strong; People grow stronger little by little, encountering difficult situations, learning not to run from them - Christina Grimmie
Today I completed the challenges:
- Accept an array of sort descriptors
- Adding string parameter to control the predicate
- Modifying predict string parameter
Project 12 - Summary:
In the this project, I learnt about:
Advanced Core Data Techniques like
- NSPredicate
- NSSortDescriptors
- Dynamic Filtering
- NSManagedObjectSubclasses