Be willing to be a beginner every single morning - Meister Eckhart
Today I learnt about:
- Introduction and setting up the project in Xcode
- Understanding the basic structure of a SwiftUI app
- Creating a form
- Adding a Navigation Bar
- Modifying program state
- Binding state to user interface controls
- Creating views in loops
Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play. - Immanuel Kant
Today I learnt about:
- Reading text from the user with Textfield
- Creating pickers in form
- Adding segmented controls
- Calculating total using Computed Properties
The difference between try and triumph is a little umph. - Marvin Phillips
Today I completed the challenges:
- Add a header to the third section, saying “Amount per person”
- Adding another section showing the total amount for the check – i.e., the original amount plus tip value, without dividing by the number of people.
- Change the “Number of people” picker to be a text field, making sure to use the correct keyboard type.
- Completed the Quiz
Project 1 - Summary:
This project was all about learning the basics and fundamentals of a SwiftUI App:
- Forms
- @State
- Two Way Binding
- Textfields
- Sections
- Pickers and Segmented Control
- Navigation View