This project is used to display the company review result score of a particular designation in data science domain for the desired location as per the user’s choice. The main objective of this project is to make jobseekers to make their career path to the right company within a short span of time using Business Intelligence as a technology. This project is divided into three parts: web scraping, text analytics and Data visualization. Initially job details related to search term ‘Data Science’ are scraped from and company reviews are scraped from The scraped data are then loaded as data frame for text analytics which includes text processing techniques like tokenization, n-grams, stemming, lemmatization, sentiment analysis, etc. Finally, the processed text information is given as input for PowerBI which indeed displays a dashboard recommending the best company for job seekers.
The objective of this project is to scrutinize the companies which offer data science jobs based on it’s reviews so that the job seekers apply for right companies in less time without wasting time in surfing about the company or getting suggestions from others. The outcome of this project is be a dashboard to amplifies the user’s insights which contains company names, designations, location and rating for respective companies based on its reviews. The goal behind using a dashboard is to track, analyze, and display data—usually to gain insight into the overall wellbeing of an organization, department, or specific process. Dashboards are meant to provide quick, easy data visibility you need to start improving your business right away.
• Web Scraping
• Text Analytics
• Business Intelligence
• Data Administrator and Research Analyst are 100% Full Time job because they require more time to work with data
• 51% of Jobs is from Bangalore since it is the electronic city and it has lot of job requirements
• Among 199 companies in Bangalore 92 companies has positive review and 107 companies has negative reviews
• Analyst has 4% contract jobs since most of them prefer freelancing or consulting jobs
• Companies hiring feshers mostly looking for Analysis skills, PowerBI/Tableau, Flask, Machine Learning, Python