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A basic square root calculation program written in Fortran which provides a basis for evaluating various software infrastructure tools and ideas.

Methods demonstrated here:

Compiler directives with CMake

This can be done simply with something like

In CMake

set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -Dcmake_flag")

In Fortran code

#if (defined(cmake_flag))
  write(*,*) "cmake_flag", cmake_flag

However, it is important to ensure that the Fortran file is preprocessed. Files ending in F90 are automatically preprocessed, but all files can be preprocessed with the appropriate compiler flag: -cpp for gfortran. See the GNU preprocessor options for more info.

Unit testing with pFUnit

The unit testing framework I chose to evaluate and implement here is pFUnit developed at NASA Goddard. It has turned out to be nice for developing tests within a single framework. Specifically, when doing development in Fortran it is convenient to stay in Fortran to write the unit tests.

However, I have found it to be limiting in scope and a bit of a heavy lift for the functionality that you get. A better approach may be to use compile the Fortran project as a shared library and drive the unit tests with a Python framework.

Unit testing with Python

As mentioned in the section above, pFUnit is a bit of a heavy lift for simple unit testing. So, I wanted to try linking a Fortran library to Python since I already have the C bindings exposed.

This whole process is pretty straightforward using the ctypes library. As long as the Fortran library is compiled correctly with C bindings, you can simply link and use it in Python like this:

from ctypes import CDLL
import numpy as np

newtonraphsonlib = CDLL('./build/libnewtonraphson_fortran.dylib')


Debugging Fortran on mac can be tricky as gdb isn't well supported. Intel provides gdb-ia which improves support but works best with the Intel. In any case, I've added some compiler flags to the CMake configuration to enable debugging

  set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -g")
  # set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")

This is an area open to future work.

Linking Fortran and C

Linking Fortran and C requires using the iso_c_binding in Fortran code and paying careful attention to data types. For this demo, I added a few new targets to the project so that now it can be built with any combination of mixed languages:

  • newtonraphson_fortran: The newtonraphson iteration library written in Fortran
  • newtonraphson_c: The newtonraphson iteration library written in C
  • sqrt_fortran_c: The sqrt main code writting in Fortran using the C version of newtonraphson
  • sqrt_c_fortran: The sqrt main code writting in C using the Fortran version of newtonraphson
  • sqrt_c: The sqrt main code writting in C using the C version of newtonraphson
  • sqrt_fortran: The sqrt main code writting in Fortran using the Fortran version of newtonraphson

The fortran-c-binding can be seen in newtonraphson.f90; for example:

real(c_double) function nr_sqrt(n, x0, iterations, printIts) bind(c, name='nr_sqrt')

Further, the sqrt_c.f90 program defines an interface for communication with c:

    integer(c_int) function passarrays (in, out) bind (c)
      use iso_c_binding
      implicit none
      real(c_double), intent(in) :: in(4)
      real(c_double), intent(out) :: out(4)
    end function
    function initializer () bind (c)
      use iso_c_binding
      integer(c_int) :: initializer
    end function
    function nr_sqrt ( input, x0, iterations, printIts ) bind (c)
      use iso_c_binding
      real(c_double), value :: input
      real(c_double), value :: x0
      integer(c_int), value :: iterations
      logical(c_bool), value :: printIts
      real(c_double) :: nr_sqrt
    end function nr_sqrt
end interface

As a follow on demo to simply linking libraries of mixed languages, I added a demo of passing arrays between the two as this is not always trivial.

C code:

int passarrays(double in[4], double out[4])
  memcpy(out, in, 4 * sizeof(double));
  return 0;

Fortran code:

real(C_DOUBLE), dimension(0:3) :: in, out

! passing arrays to c and back
in = (/1,2,3,4/)
print *, "uninitialized out: ", out
result_int = passarrays(in, out)
print *, "after c out: ", out

Continuous integration with TravisCI

Build Status

Continuous integration is configured here with TravisCI. It is currently configured to run on a macOS 10.12 (High Sierra) image with GCC version 7. The continuous integration system compiles the main program, compiles the unit tests, and runs the unit tests.

Continuous integration with GitHub Actions

TravisCI is free and well supported, but it does have its downsides. Namely, the build process can take some time to get started, long builds and tests time out, and the underlying images dont seem to be completely stable. When GitHub announced an alternative with GitHub Actions, I was pretty excited at the possibility of incorporating testing alongside the code repository.

To demo this feature, I build a Dockerfile and configured a GitHub workflow:

workflow "New workflow" {
  on = "push"
  resolves = ["sqrt.pytest"]

action "" {
  uses = "actions/docker/cli@master"
  args = "build -t sqrt-$GITHUB_SHA:latest ."

action "sqrt.pytest" {
  uses = "actions/docker/cli@master"
  needs = [""]
  args = "run sqrt-$GITHUB_SHA:latest pytest"

This entire workflow builds on the standard Ubuntu Docker image, but the power here is that you can start from a prebuilt Docker image so that recompiling and running tests can be made more effective and efficient with your own custom environment. You can start with a Docker image from your latest release and only rebuild what has changed.

Finally, with this close integration to GitHub, you can easily create new releases any time you merge into master.