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STAC API - Core Specification



All STAC API implementations must implement the STAC API - Core conformance class This requires a server to return from a root endpoint a valid STAC Catalog "landing page" that also includes a conformsTo attribute with a string array value. Any API implementing this is considered a minimal, valid STAC API.


The root of a STAC API is the Landing Page, which is a STAC Catalog object with additional fields. This resource is the starting point to determine what behaviors the API supports via the conformsTo array and the URIs of resources via link relations. Support for this type of behavior in a web API is known as Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS). A hypermedia-driven web API provides a robust, consistent, and flexible mechanism for interacting with remote resources. STAC API relies heavily on hypermedia for API resource discovery and navigation.

In a STAC API, the root endpoint (Landing Page) has the following characteristics:

  • The returned JSON is a STAC Catalog, and provides any number of 'child' links to navigate to additional Catalog, Collection, and Item objects.
  • The links attribute is part of a STAC Catalog, and provides a list of relations to API endpoints. Some of these endpoints can exist on any path (e.g., sub-catalogs) and some have a specified path (e.g., /search), so the client must inspect the rel (relationship) to understand what capabilities are offered at each location.
  • The conformsTo section provides the capabilities of this service. This is the field that indicates to clients that this is a STAC API and how to access conformance classes, including this one. The relevant conformance URIs are listed in each part of the API specification. If a conformance URI is listed then the service must implement all of the required capabilities.

Note the conformsTo array follows the same structure of the OGC API - Features declaration of conformance classes, except it is part of the landing page instead of in the JSON response from the /conformance endpoint. This is different from how the OGC API advertises conformance, as STAC feels it is important for clients to understand conformance from a single request to the landing page. Implementers who implement the OGC API - Features and/or STAC API - Features conformance classes must also implement the /conformance endpoint.

The scope of the conformance classes declared in the conformsTo field and the /conformance endpoint are limited to the STAC API Catalog that declares them. A STAC API Catalog may link to sub-catalogs within it via child links that declare different conformance classes. This is useful when an entire catalog cannot be searched against to support the STAC API - Item Search conformance class, perhaps because it uses multiple databases to store items, but sub-catalogs whose items are all in one database can support search.

Link Relations

The STAC definition of Link does not require the type field, but it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that this field exists. If the target of a Link's type is unknown, type SHOULD be set to application/octet-stream or text/plain.

The following Link relations are defined for the Landing Page (root).

rel href Media Type From Description
root / application/json STAC API - Core REQUIRED The root URI
self / application/json OAFeat REQUIRED Self reference, same as root URI
service-desc /api various OAFeat REQUIRED The service description in a machine-readable format
service-doc /api.html text/html OAFeat A human-consumable service description. The path for this endpoint is only recommended to be /api.html, but may be another path.
child various application/json STAC API - Core The child STAC Catalogs & Collections.
item various application/geo+json STAC API - Core The child STAC Items.

The path for the service-desc endpoint is recommended to be /api, but may be another path. Recommended to be OpenAPI 3.0 or 3.1 with media types application/vnd.oai.openapi (YAML), application/vnd.oai.openapi+json;version=3.0 (3.0 JSON), or application/vnd.oai.openapi+json;version=3.1 (3.1 JSON).

A service-doc endpoint is recommended, but not required. This commonly returns an HTML page, for example, in the form of Redoc interactive API , but any format is allowed. The Link type field should correspond to whatever format or formats are supported by this endpoint, e.g., text/html.

Additionally, child relations may exist to child Catalogs and Collections and item relations to Items. These relations form a directed graph that enables traversal from a root catalog or collection to items.

While it is valid to have item links from the landing page, most STAC API implementations serve large numbers of features, so they will typically use several layers of intermediate child links to sub-catalogs and collections before getting to Item objects. These relations form a directed graph of Catalogs and Collections, where interior nodes contain child relations, and the penultimate nodes will be Catalogs with item relations to individual Items as leaf nodes.

child link relations may point to another STAC Catalog that also acts as a STAC API root, which can support search over only a sub-catalog. This is useful for very large or federated catalogs that cannot support searching over the entire catalog, but can support searching over individual sub-catalogs within it.

Note that there is a different link relation items (plural) used by the STAC API - Features conformance class that links from a collection resource (at the /collections/{collectionId} endpoint) to the items in that collection (at the /collections/{collectionId}/items endpoint). Both of these endpoints are derived from OGC API - Features.


This conformance class also requires for the endpoints in the STAC API - Core conformance class to be implemented.

These endpoints are required, with details provided in this OpenAPI specification document.

Endpoint Media Type Returns Description
/ application/json Catalog Landing page, links to API capabilities
/api various any The service description of the service from the service-desc link rel. The path is only recommended to be /api, and is at the discretion of the implementer.

The service description endpoint may return any specification format. It is recommended to use OpenAPI 3.0 or 3.1 with media types application/vnd.oai.openapi (YAML), application/vnd.oai.openapi+json;version=3.0 (3.0 JSON), or application/vnd.oai.openapi+json;version=3.1 (3.1 JSON). Whichever format or formats are used, the link with relation service-desc must have a type field that matches an Accept header value to which the service responds, and the Content-Type header in the response should contain the same media type. If the OpenAPI 3.0 format is used, the conformance class should be advertised. All service descriptions provided as part of the STAC API spec use OpenAPI 3.0 YAML format, and can easily be used to return either YAML or JSON from this endpoint. OAFeat does not currently define a conformance class for OpenAPI 3.1, but may in the future.

Example Landing Page for STAC API - Core

This JSON is what would be expected from an API that only implements STAC API - Core. It is a valid STAC Catalog with additional Links and a conformsTo attribute. In practice, most APIs will also implement other conformance classes, and those will be reflected in the links and conformsTo attribute. A more typical Landing Page example is in the overview document.

This particular catalog provides both the ability to browse down to child Catalog objects through its child links, and also provides the search endpoint to be able to search across items in its collections. Note that some of those links are not required and other servers may provide different conformance classes and a different set of links.

    "stac_version": "1.0.0",
    "id": "example-stac",
    "title": "A simple STAC API Example",
    "description": "This Catalog aims to demonstrate a simple landing page",
    "type": "Catalog",
    "conformsTo" : [
    "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "type": "application/json",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "root",
            "type": "application/json",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "service-desc",
            "type": "application/vnd.oai.openapi+json;version=3.0",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "service-doc",
            "type": "text/html",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "child",
            "type": "application/json",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "child",
            "type": "application/json",
            "href": ""


STAC API Extensions can be found at