Unifont is a compact and embeddable terminal 1-bpp font library (C++11).
Unifont is handy. It supports most european/greek/cyrillic unicode codepoints.
Unifont is tiny (~400 LOC), header-only, portable and cross-platform.
Unifont is aimed to gamedev and debugging sessions.
Unifont is zlib/libpng licensed.
Instance an unifont(color *framebuffer, unsigned width, color (*make_rgba)(r,g,b,a))
While using an unifont class, the external framebuffer must point to a valid memory address.
Then use following methods as desired:
render_string (x,y,style,const char * utf8);
render_string (x,y,style,const char * utf8, const color &c);
render_string (x,y,style,const char * utf8, const color* gradient8x8);
render_string (x,y,style,const vector<int > &codepoints);
render_string (x,y,style,const vector<int > &codepoints, const color &c);
render_string (x,y,style,const vector<int > &codepoints, const color* gradient8x8);
Style is an enum { NORMAL, INVERT, SHADOW, RETRO }
flag mask.
All methods return an struct { unsigned w, h; }
dimensions rectangle.
For a more detailed sample check sample.cc file .