  "website": {
    "title": "Qwertycoin والٹ | سادہ، ہموار، محفوظ. مستقبل میں خوش آمدید.",
    "description": "Qwertycoin کرنسی کے لئے سرکاری آن لائن والٹ - آپ کے براؤزر میں مکمل طور پر سیکیورٹی کے لئے سنبھال لیا"
  "messages": {
    "menu": {
      "home": "گھر",
      "account": "اکاؤنٹ",
      "send": "بھیجیں",
      "receive": "وصول کرو",
      "export": "برآمد کریں",
      "donate": "عطیہ",
      "elections": "انتخابات",
      "contacts": "رابطے",
      "settings": "ترتیبات",
      "disconnect": "منسلک کریں",
      "network": "نیٹ ورک کے اعدادوشمار",
      "mining": "کان کنی"
    "global": {
      "loading": "Loading",
      "disableSecurity": "Disable this security, I understand the risk",
      "passwordInvalidRequirements": "The password needs at least 8 characters - 1 upper case letter, 1 lower case letter, one number, and one special character",
      "passwordConfirmationNotMatching": "The password does not match the first password you wrote",
      "download": "Download",
      "newVersionModal": {
        "title": "A new version is available",
        "content": "Do you want to reload to load the new version?",
        "confirmText": "Yes",
        "cancelText": "Back"
      "openWalletModal": {
        "title": "Wallet Password",
        "confirmText": "Open",
        "cancelText": "Cancel"
      "invalidPasswordModal": {
        "title": "Oops...",
        "content": "Your password seems invalid",
        "confirmText": "OK"
      "invalidMnemonicModal": {
        "title": "Oops...",
        "content": "The mnemonic phrase is invalid",
        "confirmText": "OK"
      "passwordNotComplexEnoughModal": {
        "title": "The password is not complex enough",
        "confirmText": "OK"
      "permissionRequiredForCameraModal": {
        "title": "Oops...",
        "content": "The permission to access your camera is required to scan the QR code",
        "confirmText": "OK"
    "bottom": {
      "termsOfUse": "Terms of Use",
      "privacyPolicy": "Privacy Policy",
      "support": "Support",
      "donate": "Donate",
      "network": "Network Stats",
      "miningPool": "Mining Pool",
      "github": "GitHub"
    "homepage": {
      "mainTitle": "Qwertycoin Wallet",
      "tagLine": "anywhere. anytime. anyplace. any device.",
      "tagLineTwo": "The simplest way to use Qwertycoin",
      "actions": {
        "loadWallet": "Load my wallet",
        "importWallet": "Import a wallet",
        "create": "Create",
        "createWallet": "Create a wallet"
    "accountPage": {
      "title": "Account",
      "subtitle": "Your account overview and transaction history",
      "synchronizingBlock": {
        "text": "Synchronizing..."
      "balanceBlock": {
        "title": "Your balance",
        "unlocked": "Unlocked"
      "currencyBlock": {
        "btc": "BTC",
        "eth": "ETH",
        "ltc": "LTC",
        "usd": "USD",
        "eur": "EUR",
        "aud": "AUD",
        "cad": "CAD",
        "chf": "CHF",
        "cny": "CNY",
        "gbp": "GBP",
        "jpy": "JPY",
        "kwd": "KWD",
        "krw": "KRW",
        "rub": "RUB",
        "try": "TRY",
        "vnd": "VND"
      "historyBlock": {
        "title": "Transaction history",
        "pendingTxStatus": "Pending",
        "emptyWallet": "You currently have no funds in this wallet.",
        "waitSync": "Please wait until the wallet is updated",
        "beReallyPatient": "The initial setup can take some time...",
        "getCoinAddress": "Receive QWC"
      "txDetails": {
        "title": "Transaction details",
        "txHash": "Transaction Hash",
        "feesOnTx": "Transaction fee",
        "blockHeight": "Block height",
        "paymentId": "Payment ID",
        "unlockStatus": "Status",
        "unlockConfirm": "Confirmations",
        "txPrivKey": "Transaction Private Key"
    "changeWalletPasswordPage": {
      "title": "Change your password",
      "oldPassword": {
        "label": "Old password",
        "invalid": "The password is invalid"
      "newPassword": {
        "label": "Choose a new password to protect your wallet"
      "newPasswordConfirm": {
        "label": "Confirm the new password"
      "confirm": "Change the password",
      "modalSuccess": {
        "title": "Password changed!",
        "confirmText": "OK"
    "contactPage": {
      "contactBlock": {
        "cancel": "Cancel",
        "confirm": "Add",
        "contactAddress": "Address",
        "contactName": "Name",
        "getNewContacts": "Add Contact",
        "newContact": "New Contact",
        "noContacts": "You don't have any contacts yet.",
        "title": "Your Contacts"
      "contactDetailsBlock": {
        "address": "Address",
        "sendTo": "Send to ",
        "title": "Contactdetails"
      "subtitle": "Get in touch with other people",
      "title": "رابطے"
    "electionsPage": {
      "title": "انتخابات"
    "createWalletPage": {
      "generatingStep": {
        "title": "Your wallet is being generated...",
        "subtitle": "It's almost done",
        "waitingMessage": "Generating your wallet..."
      "finalizationStep": {
        "title": "That was simple. Your account is ready!",
        "subtitle": "Be ready to use Qwertycoin like you never have",
        "passwordSelectionBlock": {
          "label": "Protect your wallet"
        "passwordConfirmBlock": {
          "label": "Confirm the password"
        "validPassword": "Use this password",
        "backupBlock": {
          "title": "Save your private credentials for recovery.",
          "option1": "Option 1: ",
          "option2": "Option 2: ",
          "titlePdf": "Download a PDF copy",
          "titleManualWrite": "Write down my keys",
          "privateKeys": "Private key",
          "mnemonicPhrase": "Mnemonic phrase",
          "separatorManualMethodsSolution": " or ",
          "confirmManuallyWritten": "I wrote my seed phrase down",
          "warningMessage": "**Do not lose it!** It cannot be recovered if you lose it.<br/>**Do not share it!** Your funds will be stolen if you use this file or seed on a malicious/phishing site.<br/>**Make a backup!** Secure it like the millions of dollars it may one day be worth.<br/>",
          "finishButton": "I understand. Continue."
      "disclaimerBlock": {
        "title": "Risk of Using QwertycoinWallet",
        "content": "QwertycoinWallet is a web-based interface. It helps you use Qwertycoin without running a full Qwertycoin node. <br/>We recommend you treat QwertycoinWallet like you will treat your actual wallet."
    "donatePage": {
      "title": "Donate",
      "subtitle": "Help to fund the development and pay the bills",
      "webwalletBlock": {
        "title": "Webwallet",
        "content": "If you want to help to pay for the servers, to support new features development, and like this app, please consider a donation: <br/><br/>"
      "devFundBlock": {
        "title": "Qwertycoin Dev fund",
        "content": "To help Qwertycoin, you can donate at these addresses"
    "supportPage": {
      "title": "Support",
      "subtitle": "We are here to help!",
      "getInTouchBlock": {
        "title": "Let's Get In Touch!",
        "content": "Do you have ideas or feedback that could help us improve the wallet? Contact us!",
        "discord": "Qwertycoin Discord Channel"
    "networkPage": {
      "title": "Network stats",
      "subtitle": "Insights on the Qwertycoin network",
      "statsBlock": {
        "connectNode": "Connected Masternode",
        "hashrate": "Network hashrate",
        "height": "Blockchain height",
        "difficulty": "Network difficulty",
        "lastTimeBlock": "Last block found",
        "lastReward": "Last block reward"
    "sendPage": {
      "title": "Send QWC",
      "sendBlock": {
        "address": {
          "label": "Destination address",
          "placeholder": "Write the address where you want to send funds",
          "invalid": "The destination address is invalid",
          "fundsTo": "The funds will be sent to",
          "receiver": "Receiver",
          "description": "Description"
        "amount": {
          "label": "Amount to send",
          "invalid": "The amount is invalid"
        "paymentId": {
          "label": "Payment ID (optional)",
          "invalid": "The payment ID is invalid. The length must be 16 or 64 characters"
        "sendButton": "Send",
        "cancelButton": "Cancel"
      "qrCodeScanning": {
        "explication": "Present the QR code"
      "notEnoughMoneyModal": {
        "title": "Oops...",
        "content": "You don't have enough funds in your wallet to execute this transfer",
        "confirmText": "OK"
      "thankYouDonationModal": {
        "title": "Thank you for your donation!",
        "content": "Your help is appreciated. This donation will help make Qwertycoin better",
        "confirmText": "OK"
      "transferSentModal": {
        "title": "Transfer sent successfully!",
        "confirmText": "OK"
      "transferExceptionModal": {
        "title": "Oops...",
        "content": "An error occurred. Please report this error: {details}",
        "confirmText": "OK"
      "invalidAmountModal": {
        "title": "Oops...",
        "content": "Invalid amount",
        "confirmText": "OK"
      "creatingTransferModal": {
        "title": "Creating transfer ...",
        "content": "Please wait..."
      "finalizingTransferModal": {
        "title": "Finalizing transfer ...",
        "content": "Please wait..."
      "confirmTransactionModal": {
        "title": "Confirm transfer?",
        "content": "Amount: {amount}<br/>Fees: {fees}<br/>Total: {total}",
        "confirmText": "Confirm",
        "cancelText": "Cancel"
      "waitingNfcModal": {
        "title": "Waiting Nfc",
        "content": "Bring closer to the other device"
    "receivePage": {
      "title": "Receive QWC",
      "receiveBlock": {
        "address": {
          "title": "Your address to receive funds:",
          "label": "Give this address to receive funds"
        "qrCode": {
          "title": "Or personalize the QR code:",
          "labelAmount": "Amount (optional)",
          "labelRecipient": "Recipient name (optional)",
          "labelDescription": "Transaction description (optional)",
          "updateButton": "Update"
      "qrBlock": {
        "title": "Your customized QR code"
      "waitingNfcToWriteModal": {
        "title": "Waiting Nfc",
        "titleSuccess": "Nfc Tag written",
        "content": "Bring closer the NFC tag to write"
      "nfcErrorModal": {
        "titleInsufficientCapacity": "Tag capacity insufficient"
    "miningPage": {
      "title": "Mine directly in your browser",
      "subtitle": "Support the network by mining and be rewarded with QWC",
      "parameterBlock": {
        "title": "Parameters",
        "labelDestinationAddress": "Wallet to mine",
        "labelThreads": "Number of threads (more = higher hashrate)",
        "start": "Start",
        "stop": "Stop"
      "statisticsBlocks": {
        "title": "Statistics",
        "validShares": "Valid shares",
        "hashrate": "Hashrate",
        "maxHashrate": "Max Hashrate",
        "dedicatedHardware": "With dedicating mining software and hardware, you could earn more and help decentralize the network.",
        "miningHandledBy": "This mining is handled by the mining pool pool.qwertycoin.org"
    "settingsPage": {
      "title": "Settings",
      "subtitle": "Change your parameters here",
      "versionBlock": {
        "versionNumber": "Version number: ",
        "versionCode": "Version code: "
      "settingsBlock": {
        "speed": {
          "label": "Speed to update the wallet (will consume more resources)",
          "fastest": "Fastest",
          "fast": "Fast",
          "medium": "Medium",
          "slow": "Slow"
        "language": {
          "label": "Language"
        "currency": {
          "label": "National Currency"
        "readMinerTx": {
          "label": "Read miner transactions (only for solo mining)"
        "customNode": {
          "label": "Use custom node"
        "nodeUrl": {
          "label": "Node URL"
        "chooseNode": "Choose your node:"
      "changePasswordButton": "Change my wallet password",
      "deleteWalletButton": "Delete my wallet (local copy)",
      "walletSettings": {
        "creationHeight": {
          "label": "Creation height of the wallet"
        "currentScanningHeight": {
          "label": "Current scanning height"
        "updateButton": "Update"
      "deleteWalletModal": {
        "title": "Delete My Wallet (local copy)",
        "content": "Are you sure you REALLY want to delete your wallet ?",
        "confirmText": "Yes I'm sure",
        "cancelText": "Cancel"
    "importBasePage": {
      "parametersBlock": {
        "title": "Parameters",
        "password": {
          "label": "Password to protect your wallet"
        "passwordConfirm": {
          "label": "Confirm the password",
          "invalid": "The password does not match the first password you wrote"
        "importHeight": {
          "label": "Height to import from:"
    "importFromQrPage": {
      "title": "Importing wallet from a QR code",
      "subtitle": "Import a wallet from an offline backup",
      "qrCodeBlock": {
        "title": "QR code",
        "startScanButton": "Start the scan",
        "importButton": "Import"
      "qrScanningBlock": {
        "title": "Present the QR code"
    "exportPage": {
      "title": "Backup your credentials",
      "publicAddressBlock": {
        "title": "Your public address"
      "pdfBlock": {
        "title": "PDF Backup",
        "downloadButton": "Download"
      "warningBlock": {
        "title": "Warning",
        "content": "If you choose to save your private keys or your mnemonic phrase, PLEASE DO NOT store them in clear-text for your own safety.<br/>The file is an alternate solution where your keys are encrypted and contains a backup of all your transactions to spare you a future synchronisation."
      "exportBlock": {
        "title": "Export your RAW credentials",
        "privateKeysButton": "Get my private keys",
        "mnemonicKeysButton": "Get my mnemonic phrase",
        "fileButton": "Export to a file"
      "walletKeysModal": {
        "title": "Private keys",
        "confirmText": "OK",
        "content": "Please carefully store these keys. <b>Possessing them means possessing the funds associated</b> !<br/>Spend key: {privSpendKey}<br/>Private view key: {privViewKey}"
      "mnemonicKeyModal": {
        "title": "Mnemonic phrase",
        "confirmText": "OK",
        "content": "Please store carefully this mnemonic phrase. <b>Possessing it means possessing the funds associated</b> ! The phrase is:<br/>{mnemonic}"
      "mnemonicLangSelectionModal": {
        "title": "In which language do you want your mnemonic phrase?",
        "confirmText": "Export"
    "importPage": {
      "title": "Create a wallet",
      "subtitle": "From previously created keys, file, or mnemonic phrase",
      "chooseMethod": "Choose your import method:",
      "fromKeys": "From keys",
      "fromFile": "From a file",
      "fromMnemonic": "From a mnemonic phrase",
      "fromQr": "From a QR code"
    "termsOfUsePage": {
      "title": "Terms of use",
      "subtitle": "Please read them carefully."
    "privacyPolicyPage": {
      "title": "Privacy Policy",
      "subtitle": "Please read them carefully."
    "importFromFilePage": {
      "title": "Importing wallet from a backup file",
      "subtitle": "Use your backup file to create a wallet",
      "walletBlock": {
        "title": "Wallet file",
        "label": "Select the file",
        "importButton": "Import"
    "importFromMnemonicPage": {
      "title": "Importing wallet from a mnemonic phrase",
      "subtitle": "Use your phrase to create a wallet",
      "mnemonicBlock": {
        "title": "Mnemonic phrase",
        "mnemonic": {
          "label": "Mnemonic phrase: 25 words",
          "invalid": "The mnemonic phrase is invalid",
          "language": "Language"
        "importButton": "Import"
    "importFromKeysPage": {
      "title": "Importing wallet from keys",
      "subtitle": "Use your keys to create a wallet",
      "parametersBlock": {
        "viewOnlyWallet": {
          "label": "Do you want a view only wallet?"
      "keysBlock": {
        "titleNotViewOnly": "Wallet keys",
        "titleViewOnly": "View only wallet",
        "privateSpend": {
          "label": "Private spend key"
        "privateView": {
          "label": "Private view key",
          "optional": "(optional)"
        "publicKey": {
          "label": "Public key"
        "importButton": "Import"
  "number": {},
  "date": {
    "short": {
      "year": "numeric",
      "month": "short",
      "day": "numeric"
    "long": {
      "year": "numeric",
      "month": "short",
      "day": "numeric",
      "weekday": "short",
      "hour": "numeric",
      "minute": "numeric",
      "hour12": true