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File metadata and controls

148 lines (133 loc) · 8.45 KB

Web Rules for Bazel Build Status

How to use

  1. Install Bazel and set up a workspace
  2. Add rules_web as a git_repository to the WORKSPACE file
      name = "rules_web",
      remote = "",
  1. Load the 3 sets of dependencies in order in your WORKSPACE file. It is multi-stage due to the way Bazel handles repository rule loading.
  load("@rules_web//:rules_web_deps_1.bzl", "rules_web_dependencies")
  load("@rules_web//:rules_web_deps_2.bzl", "rules_web_dependencies")
  load("@rules_web//:rules_web_deps_3.bzl", "rules_web_dependencies")
  1. Load rule files from non-internal.bzl Bazel files.
  load("@rules_web//html:html.bzl", "html_page")
  load("@rules_web//fonts:fonts.bzl", "font_generator", "minify_ttf")



  • minify_css Minified a bunch of CSS files into one
    • srcs A label list of sources to merge and minify


  • font_generator Generates a CSS file with the font-family representing this group of font files.
    • font_name The name of the font that it will be referenced by
    • eot An optional EOT font file to use
    • ttf An optional TTF font file to use
    • woff An optional WOFF font file to use
    • woff2 An optional WOFF2 font file to use
    • svg An optional SVG font file to use
    • weight The weight of these fonts. Defaults to normal
    • style The style of these fonts. Defaults to normal
  • minify_ttf Generates a smaller version of a TTF font file by renaming glyphs and removing unnessary tables.
    • ttf The TTF file to shrink
  • ttf_to_eot Convertes a TTF font file to an EOT font file
    • ttf The TTF file to convert
  • ttf_to_woff Converts a TTF font file to a WOFF font file
    • ttf The TTF file to convert
  • ttf_to_woff2 Converts a TTF font file to a WOFF2 font file
    • ttf The TTF file to convert


  • generate_variables Generates constants for various languages
    • config A JSON file containing the variables
    • out_css An optional CSS file to write the mapping of the variables to
    • out_js An optional Javascript file to write the mapping of the variables to
    • out_scss An optional SCSS file to write the mapping of the variables to


  • minify_html Minifies an HTML file
    • src The HTML file to minify
  • html_page Builds an HTML file including or referencing the provided sources
    • template An optional Jinja2 template for the HTML page that overrides the default.
    • config A JSON file that contains basic meta-data about the page
    • body An HTML file containing the <body> of the page including the body open and closing tags.
    • deferred_js_files Javascript files that should be downloaded and run only after the window's load event has fired.
    • js_files Javascript files that should be downloaded and run before the body is loaded.
    • css_files CSS files that should be downloaded and evaluated asynchronously.
    • favicon_images A list of favicon images at various sizes. This must be the same length as favicon_sizes
    • favicon_sizes A list of ints that represent the square-size of the images in favicon_images. Must be the same length as favicon_images.
    • deps Other files that may be referrenced by resources in the page.
  • inject_html Inject an HTML fragment inside another HTML fragment.
    • outer_html The outer HTML fragment to be inject into.
    • inner_html The inner HTML fragment to inject in.
    • query_selector The CSS selector query to find the element in outer_html in which to inject.
    • insertion_mode The method by which inner_html will be injected into outer_html.
  • validate_html Uses the W3C validator to check an HTML file
    • src The HTML file to validate
    • fail_on_warning Optional flag (defaults to True) to fail the target on warnings as well as errors.


  • favicon_image_generator Generates favicons of various sizes
    • image The source image
    • output_files The files to generate. Must be the same length as output_sizes
    • output_sizes A list of ints representing the square-size of the images generated. Must be the same length as output_files.
    • allow_upsizing An optional boolean of whether the build should not fail if the image needs to be stretched larger to generate any of the images. Defaults to False
    • allow_stretching An optional boolean of whether the build should not fail if the image needs to be distorted to a different aspect-ratio. Defaults to False.
  • minify_png Minimizes the size of a PNG image
    • png The PNG the shrink.
  • resize_image Resizes an image
    • image The image to resize
    • width Optionally the width of the image to output. If set without height, height will scale proportional to width.
    • height Optionally the height of the image to output. If set without width, width will scale proportional to height.
    • scale Optionally the scaling ratio of the image as a string. If set, width and height must not be set.


  • resource_map Generates a Javascript file mapping resources to a deeply nested dictionary representing the file system structure. For example if ["src/path/file.txt", "src/other-path/image.png"] were mapped, it would generate { "src": { "path": "file.txt", "other-path": "image.png" } }.
    • constant_name The contant name that holds the dictionary. E.g. "RESOURCE_MAP" would map to window.RESOURCE_MAP.
    • deps The labels to put in the dictionary.
  • minify_js Minifies a Javascript files together into one, smaller file.
    • srcs The source files to minify and combine.
  • closure_compile Compiles Javascript files together with the Closure Compiler.
    • srcs The Javascript files to merge and compile.
    • externs The external Javascript files whose contents should not be minified in the generated file.
    • compilation_level The compilation level to compile with.
    • warning_level The warning level to compile with.
    • extra_args A list of extra arguments to pass to the compiler


  • zip_site Zips all the sources for a website into one file
    • root_files The root files of the website that will be requested by the user directly. This should be your base html pages, robots.txt and other resources like that.
    • resouces All the possible resources that root_files might reference to be included in the zip.
    • out_zip The zip file to generate.
  • minify_site_zip Minifies a zip file by minifying file names and references in the zip.
    • site_zip The site zip to minify.
    • root_files The root files that will be directly accessed by customers and should not be renamed.
    • minified_zip The minified zip file to generate.
  • rename_zip_paths Renames entries in the zip. This is useful as all generated files will have a path in the bazel-out directory
    • source_zip The source zip to renmae entries of.
    • path_map_labels_in A list of labels for the entries in source_zip to rename.
    • path_map_labels_out A list of new names for the entries specified by path_map_labels_in. The entries in this list map directly to the entries in path_map_labels_in with the same index.
    • out_zip The zip file to generate.
  • zip_server Runs a localhost server that serves a zip file. This is not a secure implementation and should only be used for testing.
    • zip The zip file to server.
    • port The port to listen on. Defaults to 80.

Currently broken


  • deploy_site_zip_s3_script
    • aws_access_key The AWS access key string to use
    • aws_secret_key The AWS secret access key string to use
    • bucket The AWS bucket to upload to
    • zip_file A zip file whose contents should be uploaded


  • generate_ico Generates an ICO image file by resizing a source to multiple sizes
    • source The source image to resize
    • sizes A list of sizes to resize the source image to
    • allow_upsizing An optional boolean of whether the build should not fail if one of the generated sizes is larger than the source image. Defaults to False.


If you get an error similar to

ImportError: cannot import name 'sysconfig' from 'distutils'

you will need to apt install python3-distutils