This page provides information on the installable python pip packages for the AIMET model zoo and the instructions to generate them.
NOTE: Follow this section in order to install and use a released version of the AIMET model zoo package (recommended).
Go to and identify the release tag of the package you want to install.
Set the <variant_string>
to ONE of the following depending on your desired variant
- For the PyTorch variant, use
- For the TensorFlow variant, use
export aimet_zoo_variant=<variant_string>
Replace <release_version>
in the steps below with the appropriate tag:
export release_version=<release_version>
Set the package download URL as follows:
export download_url="${release_version}"
Install the AIMET packages in the order specified below:
python3 -m pip install ${download_url}/aimet_zoo_${aimet_zoo_variant}-${release_version}-py3-none-any.whl
NOTE: Dependencies (if any) will NOT get installed automatically. For any additional pre-requisite packages, please check the appropriate .md within the subfolder in TensorFlow or PyTorch folders corresponding to your model(s) of interest.
NOTE: Follow this section in order to locally build a new AIMET model zoo package(s) from sources.
Please read this section for the host pre-requisities and this section for the recommended environment setup.
Upgrade the setuptools package to the latest version as follows:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade setuptools
To obtain the code, first define a workspace and follow these instructions:
mkdir $WORKSPACE && cd $_
git clone
Follow these instructions to build the AIMET model zoo code:
NOTE: If you are inside the docker, set
cd $WORKSPACE/aimet
mkdir build && cd build
# Run cmake (set flags in the below command depending on your needs)
# To include torch, use -DENABLE_TORCH=ON. To exclude torch, use -DENABLE_TORCH=OFF.
# To include tensorflow, use -DENABLE_TENSORFLOW=ON. To exclude tensorflow, use -DENABLE_TENSORFLOW=OFF.
cmake .. -DENABLE_TORCH=ON -DENABLE_TENSORFLOW=ON -DDEPLOYMENT_PATH="<path_to_deploy_tarball>" -DPIP_CONFIG_FILE="<pip_repo_config_file>" -DPIP_INDEX="<name_of_repo_index>" -DPIP_CERT_FILE="<ca_certificate_file>"
make install
Generate the package as follows:
make packagemodelzoo
Once the installation step is complete, the wheel files AND the consolidated tarball package is created at: $WORKSPACE/aimet-model-zoo/build/packaging/
Deploy the package tarball to the location specified (via the cmake command above):
make deploy
Upload the python pip package to your repository (using the destination URL specified via the cmake command above):
make upload
NOTE: The upload make target does NOT work yet. You may need to upload manually until this is fixed.
Install the package(s) that you just built as follows:
python3 -m pip install $WORKSPACE/aimet-model-zoo/build/packaging/aimet_zoo_${aimet_zoo_variant}-${release_version}-py3-none-any.whl