- A job preparing an OSD cluster with configuration required for Quarkus QE test suite to be ran should be implemented.
- A job should be implemented that runs the Quarkus QE test suite on the installed OSD cluster in JVM and native mode as a part of the extended platform pipeline.
- OSD as a platform should be added as OpenShift version to Polarion, and the jobs should be included in the existed Polarion JVM and native test suite work items.
- A medium executor for JVM mode test suite run for up to 4 hours
- A large executor for native mode test suite run for up to 8 hours
- A standard OSD cluster in AWS for a day per a promoted release
- Possibility of non-interactive installation of OSD should be investigated
- Tools coming to mind are
CLI or Flexy
- Tools coming to mind are
- Tester: Michal Jurč mjurc@redhat.com
- Feature request: QUARKUS-1251 Test RHBQ on OpenShift Dedicated