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API documentation

Endpoint: Translate text to query format

With this endpoint you provide a query text, "described" schema and you will retrieve the interpreted query, in a generalized format.


Method : POST

Auth required : YES, provide x-api-key=YOUR API KEY in the header

Permissions required : None


The schemas below are provided in Javascript format.

  • '|' means OR,
  • The value after the semicolon (:) denotes the type of the field.
  • 'A[]' means an array of objects of type A
  • '{[key:A]:B}' is intepreted as a map, with a key of type A with the value of type B

All limitations below are soft limitations. What this means is that they can and might be increased.

Entity (the request object)

    "text": string, 
    "schemas": Schema[],
    "actions": {
        "query": {},
        "suggest": { "limit": number, "offset": number },
    "options" : {
        "fuzzy": boolean,
        "concurrencySize": number


The query text. Limitation: max 200 characters.


The schema objects, defining you database structure.

actions > query (Optional conditional)

Query can either be an empty object '{}' or omitted. If omitted, then no translated query will be created. If omitted suggest has to exist.

actions > suggest (Optional conditional)

The suggest object lets you enable suggestions. If you provide a limit field, then the number suggestions will be limited to this limit. This option is preferred to use if your want to optimize for lowest possible latency, if you know in advance many suggestions you want. offset field is optional and determines at what position (caret position) in the search query you want to generate suggestions for. Default is end of the string (total length - 1). If the suggest field is omitted, then no suggestions will be created. If the suggest field is omitted then query field has to exist.

options > fuzzy (Optional)

If true, then we allow spelling erros of 25% amount. The spelling error can only occur on the end of the words.

If false, no spelling errors allowed.

options > concurrencySize (Optional)

This value indicates how many schemas can be searched at once. What this means is that if this value is 2 then all possible pairs of schemas are evaluated where common fields exist. These pairs are then treated as a new schema, which can be queried upon. If this value is 3 then all pairs and triplets are evaluated and so on.

Default value is 1 (no concurrency). A value of -1 indicates that the concurrency value is set to be equal to the amount of schemas (all possible schema combinations are found).

Currently one text can only be translated into one query.

options > nestedConditions (Optional)

If false, disables ability to write 'or' and nested conditions in the query (nested conditions are the ones that you can build with 'or' and parenthesis)). Default value is true.

Overall limitations: Total number of fields has to be less than 250. If the concurrencySize is greater than 1 then you can not calcuate the total number of fields by summing the fields of each schema, instead write and perform a test request and see whether you schemas are compatible with this limit.

Note: Latency is highly dependent of the total amount of schema fields. Performance might potentielly improve by setting the fuzzy parameter to false as the probability of finding a query decreases. However keep in mind that having a large language space (cover multiple languages and handle spelling errors) is something that can truly enhance the quality of the services using this endpoint.

Entity Schema

    "name": KeyWithDescriptions,
    "fields": Field[] 


The name of the schema. This lets the translation tool to understand if a user is mentioning a certain data type


The fields of the schema.

Note: Latency is highly dependent of the number of fields used.

Entity Field

    "key": string,
    "description": SimpleDescription,
    "domain": StandardDomain | EnumDomain 


The key, i.e. the symbol you denote the variable to in a programming context.


The description of the field.


The domain defines what values are allowed for this field.

Entity KeyWithDescriptions

    "key": string,
    "description": SimpleDescription 


The key, i.e. the symbol you denote the variable to in a programming context.


The description.

Entity SimpleDescription

{ [key: LanguageCode]: string[] | string } | string[] | string

The SimpleDescription object is where the translation of your data is defined. It is important that you consider what languages and how many different types of words you want to support.

SimpleDescription can take 3 forms:

  • The description is provied as a map, where the key is the language code, and the value is either an array string array of descriptions or a single string representing one description

  • Descriptions are provided as a list of strings. ANY language is assumed for all the descriptions of the array.

  • If one description is provided as a string, then ANY language is assumed for that description

The Quantleaf Query API does not currently look at similiar word to word translations (but this something that is going to be implemented), which means you have to provide all the words that the user might write (and that you want to capture). This means that if you want to describe the color 'red' in english, you would want to write 'red', 'crimson', 'maroon' as descriptions.
It is important that you spell right if you want an accurate translations.

Entity LanguageCode

The supported language codes (ISO 639-1 standard). 'ANY' language code is special and means any or all languages.

'EN' | 'SV' | 'ANY' 

Entity StandardDomain

The supported domains by type


Entity EnumDomain

An enum domain is a map where each key represents the enum value key, and the value is a SimpleDescription which provides the translation for the key. This lets you control the value of the field by providing a list of feasible string values for a enumValue key.

[enumValue: string]: SimpleDescription

Limitation: Max 100 enum value keys, 100 translations for each key for each language. One transation can max have 30 characters.

For example an EnumDomain could be

    'red' : {
        'SV' : 'röd',
        'EN' : 'red'
    'blue' : 
        'SV' : 'blå',
        'EN' : 'blue'

or of you ignore providing language codes:

    'red' : ['red', 'röd']
    'blue' : ['blue', 'blå']

Example request

    "text": "I want to buy a ticket for less than 100 bucks in 10 days from stockholm or gothenburg to", 
    "schemas" : [{
        "name": {
            "key": "airplane-ticket",
            "description": "Airplane ticket"
        "fields": [
                "key": "departureLocation",
                "description" : "From",
                "domain": {
                    "STOCKHOLM": "Stockholm",
                        "SV": "Göteborg",
                        "EN": "Gothenburg"
                "key": "currency",
                "description" : "Currency",
                "domain": {
                    "SEK": ["SEK","kronor"],
                    "USD": ["USD","dollar","bucks"]
                "key": "to",
                "description" : "To",
                "domain": {
                    "LONDON": "London",
                    "PARIS" : "Paris"
                "key": "departureDate",
                "description" : ["From","When","Date of departure"],
                "domain": "DATE"
                "key": "price",
                "description" : ["Price", "Pris"],
                "domain": "NUMBER"
        "query": {},
        "suggest": { "limit": 10 }

This example describes a translation of a non-complete query text (the last word in the text is 'to'). The example has a schema with 5 fields, and as we include both query and suggest we will obtain the query translation as well as suggestions when performing this request.

The fields in options have been omitted hence assumed to be the default values.

See Example Response for the result of this request.

Success Response

Condition : Request processed without errors

Code : 200


Entity (Request response)

    "query": QueryWithSchema[],
    "suggest": Suggestion:[],
    "unknown": Unknown[]


The translated queries


The suggestions. Each element represent one suggestion. Suggestions are ordered in relevance (most relavent first). If two suggestions are equally relavent, they are ordered alphabetically.


The not understood parts of the query text. This field lets you create fallback behaviour if you notice that most of the query is not understood/interpreted. Some parts that you might think is obvious could for the Quantleaf Query API be unknown, for example 'I want the price to be less than 10' will have two unknown sections 'I want the' and 'to be' (because the words does not provide any value).

Entity QueryWithSchema

    "from": string[], 
    "condition": ConditionCompare | ConditionAnd | ConditionOr


From what schema keys do this query originate from. This can be at most concurrencySize (property of the request) amount of keys.


The condition object contains all information about the conditions of the query

Entity ConditionCompare

    "compare": Compare

Entity Compare

    "key": string,
    "lt": number,
    "lte": number,
    "gt": number,
    "gte": number,
    "eq": string | number


Will always exist.


Less than.


Less than or equal to.


Greater than.


Greater than or equal to.


Equal to.

Note: key will alway exist, but only one of the other properties can exist Dates are represented with a number which represents milliseconds since Unix epoch.

Entity ConditionAnd

    "and": (ConditionCompare | ConditionAnd | ConditionOr)[]


Each element of the array is 'and' conditional.

Entity ConditionOr

    "or": (ConditionCompare | ConditionAnd | ConditionOr)[]


Each element of the array is 'or' conditional.

Entity Suggestion

Suggestion object defines a suggestion

    "offset": number, 
    "text": string 


Start index. This index is most likely to be at the end of your text. This index tells you were to place the suggestion to build the complete suggestion text


The suggestion.

Note: In order to build a complete suggestion you have to add the suggestion to your existing query text. For example if your query text is 'price' and one suggestion is

   "offset": 5
   "text": ' less'

Then you need to insert the text ' less' at index 5 in 'price', so that the complete (readable) suggestion becomes 'price less'

Entity Unknown

Unkown text location

    "offset": number, 
    "length": number 


Start index.


The length of the unknown text.

Note: The Unkown object describes the start and the end indices of the parts of the query text that has not been understood. For example

   "offset": 0
   "length": 1

means that the first character is unknown.

Example response

From the Exampel request this was the response (the API was at used 2021-01-08). The query text was "I want to buy a ticket for less than 100 bucks in 10 days from stockholm or gothenburg to"

    "query": [
            "from": [
            "condition": {
                "and": [
                        "compare": {
                            "key": "price",
                            "lt": 100
                        "compare": {
                            "key": "currency",
                            "eq": "USD"
                        "compare": {
                            "key": "departureDate",
                            "eq": 1610991460000
                        "or": [
                                "compare": {
                                    "key": "departureLocation",
                                    "eq": "STOCKHOLM"
                                "compare": {
                                    "key": "departureLocation",
                                    "eq": "GOTHENBURG"
    "unknown": [
            "offset": 0,
            "length": 26
            "offset": 87,
            "length": 2
    "suggest": [
            "offset": 89,
            "text": " London"
            "offset": 89,
            "text": " Paris"
            "offset": 89,
            "text": " 123"
            "offset": 89,
            "text": " 2021-01-08"
            "offset": 89,
            "text": " equal"
            "offset": 89,
            "text": " Gothenburg"
            "offset": 89,
            "text": " SEK"
            "offset": 89,
            "text": " Stockholm"
            "offset": 89,
            "text": " USD"
            "offset": 89,
            "text": " Currency"

Error Responses

Condition : Not authorized, bad or non existing API key

Code : 401

Content : {}


Condition : Bad request, too many schemas or fields per schema, or too long query text.

Code : 400 BAD REQUEST