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Doubly Linked Lists 🍀


  1. Construct a Doubly Linked List
  2. Compare and contrast Doubly and Singly Linked Lists
  3. Implement basic operations on a Doubly Linked List

1. What is a doubly linked list?

  • Almost identical to Singly Linked Lists, except every node has another pointer, to the previous node!

    Doubly linked list

  • Check out, click DLL to see the visualization.

2. Comparisons with Singly Linked Lists

  • More memory === More Flexibility
  • It's almost always a tradeoff!

3. Class diagram

Doubly linked list Class diagram

4. Big O

Doubly linked list BigO

5. Recap ⛱

  • Doubly Linked Lists are almost identical to Singly Linked Lists except there is an additional pointer to previous nodes.
  • Better than Singly Linked Lists for finding nodes and can be done in half the time!
  • However, they do take up more memory considering the extra pointer.
  • Doubly linked lists are used to implement other data structures and certain types of caches

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