Qt Creator is a cross-platform, integrated development environment (IDE) for application developers to create applications for multiple desktop, embedded, and mobile device platforms.
The Qt Creator Manual is available at:
For an overview of the Qt Creator IDE, see:
The standalone binary packages support the following platforms:
- Windows 10 (x86_64) or later
- Windows 11 (ARM64) or later
- (K)Ubuntu Linux 22.04 (x86_64) or later
- (K)Ubuntu Linux 24.04 (arm64) or later
- macOS 12 or later
When you compile Qt Creator yourself, the Qt version that you build with determines the supported platforms.
For instructions on how to set up the Qt Creator repository to contribute patches back to Qt Creator, please check:
See the following page for information about our coding standard:
- Qt 6.5.3 or later. The Qt version that you use to build Qt Creator defines the minimum platform versions that the result supports (Windows 10, RHEL/CentOS 8.8, Ubuntu 22.04, macOS 11 for Qt 6.5.3).
- Qt WebEngine module for QtWebEngine based help viewer
- On Windows:
- MinGW with GCC 11.2 or Visual Studio 2019 or later
- Python 3.8 or later (optional, needed for the python enabled debug helper)
- Debugging Tools for Windows (optional, for MSVC debugging support with CDB)
- On macOS: latest Xcode
- On Linux: GCC 10 or later
- LLVM/Clang 14 or later (optional, LLVM/Clang 17 is recommended. See instructions on how to get LLVM. The ClangFormat plugin uses the LLVM C++ API. Since the LLVM C++ API provides no compatibility guarantee, if later versions don't compile we don't support that version.)
- CMake
- Ninja (recommended)
The used toolchain has to be compatible with the one Qt was compiled with.
The official mirror of the Qt Creator repository is located at https://code.qt.io/cgit/qt-creator/qt-creator.git/. Run
git clone https://code.qt.io/qt-creator/qt-creator.git
to clone the Qt Creator sources from there. This creates a checkout of the
Qt Creator sources in the qt-creator/
directory of your current working
Qt Creator relies on some submodules, like litehtml for displaying documentation. Get these submodules with
cd qt-creator # switch to the sources, if you just ran git clone
git submodule update --init --recursive
Note the --recursive
in this command, which fetches also submodules within
submodules, and is necessary to get all the sources.
The git history contains some coding style cleanup commits, which you might
want to exclude for example when running git blame
. Do this by running
git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .gitignore-blame
These instructions assume that Ninja is installed and in the PATH
, Qt Creator
sources are located at /path/to/qtcreator_sources
, Qt is installed in
, and LLVM is installed in /path/to/llvm
Note that if you install Qt via the online installer, the path to Qt must include the version number and compiler ABI. The path to the online installer content is not enough.
Note that /path/to/Qt
doesn't imply the full path depth like:
, but only $USER/Qt/6.4.3/gcc_64
See instructions on how to get LLVM.
mkdir qtcreator_build
cd qtcreator_build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G Ninja "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/Qt;/path/to/llvm" /path/to/qtcreator_sources
cmake --build .
Ensure all prerequisites for building Qt are installed: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/linux.html https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/linux-requirements.html
If they were installed before building Qt and xcb plugin is missing try reinstall them with
sudo apt-get --reinstall <package_name>
Reset building configuration for Qt libraries at '/path/to/qt_sources'
cmake --build . --target=clean
and remove CMakeCache.txt
rm CMakeCache.txt
Try building Qt source again.
These instructions assume that Ninja is installed and in the PATH
, Qt Creator
sources are located at \path\to\qtcreator_sources
, Qt is installed in
, and LLVM is installed in \path\to\llvm
Note that if you install Qt via the online installer, the path to Qt must include the version number and compiler ABI. The path to the online installer content is not enough.
Note that \path\to\Qt
doesn't imply the full path depth like:
, but only c:/Qt/6.4.3/msvc2019_64
The usage of slashes /
is intentional, since CMake has issues with backslashes \
, they are interpreted as escape codes.
See instructions on how to get LLVM.
Decide which compiler to use: MinGW or Microsoft Visual Studio.
MinGW is available via the Qt online installer, for other options see
https://wiki.qt.io/MinGW. Run the commands below in a shell prompt that has
in the PATH
For Microsoft Visual C++ you can use the "Build Tools for Visual Studio". Also
install the "Debugging Tools for Windows" from the Windows SDK installer. We
strongly recommend using the 64-bit version and 64-bit compilers on 64-bit
systems. Open the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS <version>
from the
start menu items that were created for Visual Studio, and run the commands
below in it.
md qtcreator_build
cd qtcreator_build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G Ninja "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/Qt;/path/to/llvm" \path\to\qtcreator_sources
cmake --build .
Qt Creator can be registered as a post-mortem debugger. This can be done in the options page or by running the tool qtcdebugger with administrative privileges passing the command line options -register/unregister, respectively. Alternatively, the required registry entries
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug
can be modified using the registry editor regedt32 to contain
qtcreator_build\bin\qtcdebugger %ld %ld
When using a self-built version of Qt Creator as post-mortem debugger, it needs to be able to find all dependent Qt-libraries and plugins when being launched by the system. The easiest way to do this is to create a self-contained Qt Creator by installing it and installing its dependencies. See "Options" below for details.
Note that unlike on Unix, you cannot overwrite executables that are running. Thus, if you want to work on Qt Creator using Qt Creator, you need a separate installation of it. We recommend using a separate, release-built version of Qt Creator to work on a debug-built version of Qt Creator.
Alternatively, take the following template of CMakeUserPresets.json
reference. Write your own configurePreset inheriting cmake-plugin-minimal
to build with IDEs (such as QtCreator, VSCode,
CLion...etc) locally:
"version": 4,
"cmakeMinimumRequired": {
"major": 3,
"minor": 23,
"patch": 0
"configurePresets": [
"name": "custom",
"displayName": "custom",
"description": "custom",
"inherits": "cmake-plugin-minimal",
"binaryDir": "${sourceDir}/build/${presetName}",
"toolset": {
"value": "v142,host=x64",
"strategy": "external"
"architecture": {
"value": "x64",
"strategy": "external"
"cacheVariables": {
"CMAKE_C_COMPILER": "cl.exe",
"CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH": "c:/Qt/6.4.3/msvc2019_64"
If you do not have Ninja installed and in the PATH
, remove -G Ninja
the first cmake
call. If you want to build in release mode, change the build
type to -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
. You can also build with release
optimizations but debug information with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
You can find more options in the generated CMakeCache.txt file. For instance,
building of Qbs together with Qt Creator can be enabled with -DBUILD_QBS=ON
Installation is not needed. You can run Qt Creator directly from the build
directory. On Windows, make sure that your PATH
environment variable points to
all required DLLs, like Qt and LLVM. On Linux and macOS, the build already
contains the necessary RPATH
s for the dependencies.
If you want to install Qt Creator anyway, that is however possible using
cmake --install . --prefix /path/to/qtcreator_install
To create a self-contained Qt Creator installation, including all dependencies like Qt and LLVM, additionally run
cmake --install . --prefix /path/to/qtcreator_install --component Dependencies
To install development files like headers, CMake files, and .lib
files on
Windows, run
cmake --install . --prefix /path/to/qtcreator_install --component Devel
If you used the RelWithDebInfo
configuration and want debug information to be
available to the installed Qt Creator, run
cmake --install . --prefix /path/to/qtcreator_install --component DebugInfo
To disable the build of the experimental QML Designer plugins and their dependencies,
use the CMake option -DWITH_QMLDESIGNER=OFF
. The QML Designer plugin requires additional
testing for specific Qt versions. If that can not be provided we suggest to disable it.
Support for the perf profiler
requires the perfparser
tool that is part of the Qt Creator source package, and also
part of the Qt Creator Git repository in form of a submodule in src/tools/perfparser
Compilation of perfparser
requires ELF and DWARF development packages.
You can either download and extract a prebuilt package from
https://download.qt.io/development_releases/prebuilt/elfutils/ and add the
directory to the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
when configuring Qt Creator,
or install the libdw-dev
package on Debian-style Linux systems.
You can also point Qt Creator to a separate installation of perfparser
environment variable to the full
path to the executable.
Set the following CMake definitions in order to configure and build only parts of Qt Creator. Note that dependencies are not automatically handled.
The Clang code model uses Clangd
and the ClangFormat plugin depends on the
LLVM/Clang libraries. The currently recommended LLVM/Clang version is 14.0.
Prebuilt packages of LLVM/Clang can be downloaded from https://download.qt.io/development_releases/prebuilt/libclang/
This should be your preferred option because you will use the version that is shipped together with Qt Creator (with backported/additional patches). In addition, MinGW packages for Windows are faster due to profile-guided optimization. If the prebuilt packages do not match your configuration, you need to build LLVM/Clang manually.
If you use the MSVC compiler to build Qt Creator the suggested way is: 1. Download both MSVC and MinGW packages of libclang. 2. Use the MSVC version of libclang during the Qt Creator build. 3. Prepend PATH variable used for the run time with the location of MinGW version of libclang.dll. 4. Launch Qt Creator.
You need to install CMake in order to build LLVM/Clang.
Build LLVM/Clang by roughly following the instructions at http://llvm.org/docs/GettingStarted.html#git-mirror:
Clone LLVM/Clang and checkout a suitable branch
git clone -b release_17.0.6-based --recursive https://code.qt.io/clang/llvm-project.git
Build and install LLVM/Clang
mkdir build cd build
For Linux/macOS:
cmake \ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -D LLVM_ENABLE_RTTI=ON \ -D LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;clang-tools-extra" \ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<installation location> \ ../llvm-project/llvm cmake --build . --target install
For Windows:
cmake ^ -G Ninja ^ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ^ -D LLVM_ENABLE_RTTI=ON ^ -D LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;clang-tools-extra" ^ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<installation location> ^ ..\llvm-project\llvm cmake --build . --target install
Qt Creator is available under commercial licenses from The Qt Company, and under the GNU General Public License version 3, annotated with The Qt Company GPL Exception 1.0. See LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT for the details.
For more information about the third-party components that Qt Creator includes, see the Acknowledgements section in the documentation.