This is an update to jsonpointer. It adds usability functions and options for perfomance optimized use.
- Test: fix failing tests when using go 1.14. c51da06
- Head,Tail,IsEmpty: added methods to get the first token, all tokens after the head and to check if a given pointer is empty c51da06
- RawDescendant,NewPointer: methods that allow to directly append to the current pointer without safety checks and a way to create a pointer with pre-allocated memory for performance intensive use cases c51da06
This is the first proper release of jsonpointer. In preparation for go 1.13, in which go.mod
files and go modules are the primary way to handle go dependencies, we are going to do an official release of all our modules. This will be version v0.1.0 of jsonpointer.
- Parse: fix incorrect handling of empty url fragment strings (5919095)