The JSON-like Binary Tag (JBT) file format - A simple file format developed for store binary data: game save, world, ...
#include <iostream>
#include <jbt/jbt.hpp>
int main() {
jbt::init(); // required
// build jbt tag
jbt::tag player(jbt::tag_type::OBJECT);
player.set_string("name", "qninhdt");
player.set_bool("is_living", true);
player.set_ushort("health", 100);
player.set_float("pos_x", 10.0f / 7);
player.set_float("pos_y", 4.8f / 7);
player.set_float("pos_z", -94.0f / 7);
jbt::tag axe(jbt::tag_type::OBJECT);
axe.set_string("type", "tool");
axe.set_byte("power", 12);
jbt::tag sword(jbt::tag_type::OBJECT);
sword.set_string("type", "weapon");
sword.set_byte("power", 90);
jbt::tag inventory(jbt::tag_type::LIST);
player.set_tag("inventory", inventory);
// save tag
jbt::save_tag(player, "player.jbt");
// read player data
jbt::tag xplayer;
jbt::open_tag(xplayer, "player.jbt");
// print tag to terminal
std::cout << xplayer;
health: 100us,
inventory: [
power: 12b,
type: "tool"
power: 90b,
type: "weapon"
is_living: true,
name: "qninhdt",
pos_x: 1.428571f,
pos_y: 0.6857143f,
pos_z: -13.42857f