While matlab-qd is a complete framework, you do not have to opt-in to everything if you just want to use a single instrument driver from the project. Let us try using a Keithley 2600. Make sure its turned on and outputting a voltage.
>> keithley = qd.ins.Keithley2600(gpib('ni', 0, 1));
The above code creates an instance of the Keithley2600 class. The gpib
is from the MATLAB standard library.
Instruments have channels, you can query which by typing
>> keithley.channels()
TODO, put output here.
You can get and set channels using the commands getc
and setc
>> keithley.setc('v', 1.0); % The unit is volts.
>> keithley.getc('i')
TODO, put output here.
Not all channels support both setting and geting, for instance
>> keithley.setc('r', 1000);
Furthermore, you should not expect getc
to return the exact same value as is
set by setc
. For instance, if a Keithley is in current compliance, it will
limit the voltage, making the value returned by keithley.getc('v')
than what was set.
For further reference type doc qd.classes.Instrument
To configure an instrument, use methods on its instance. For instance
>> keithley.turn_off_output();
>> keithley.set_compliance('i', 10E-9);
Only common configuration options are usually exposed. If you need something that is not there, you can either add it to the drivers (see below), or bypass it by talking to the instrument directly.
>> keithley.query('print(smua.measure.analogfilter)');
For further reference see doc qd.classes.ComInstrument
In addition to setc
and getc
, you can set and get a channel by first
instantiating a channel object
>> voltage = keithley.channel('v');
>> current = keithley.channel('i');
>> voltage.set(3.0);
>> current.get()
TODO, put output here.
This lets you write code that works on individual channels, without worrying
about where these channels came from. A technique that is used extensively in
matlab-qd. All channels inherit from qd.classes.Channel
Many instruments support (or enforce) slowly ramping their outputs. Let us try this out. For the keithley 2600, here is how you set the ramp rate.
>> keithley.setc('v', 0);
>> keithley.turn_on_output();
>> keithley.ramp_rate.v = 0.5; % Set the ramp rate to 0.5 volts per second
>> tic; keithley.setc('v', 3); toc;
TODO, put output here.
Notice that setc
blocks until the ramp is complete. If this is not
desirable, you can use setc_async
(or set_async
on a channel object).
>> keithley.setc_async('v', 0); % This function returns imediately.
Notice, that if you call setc
or setc_async
again before the ramp is
complete, the ramp is aborted, a warning is printed, and a new ramp is
started. You can also call keithley.current_future.abort()
to abort any
running ramp.
If you left out the semicolon, you may have noticed that setc_async
a qd.classes.SetFuture
object. This can be used to wait until the ramp is
complete or to abort an ongoing ramp.
>> future = keithley.setc_async('v', 3);
>> future.exec(); % wait until the ramp is complete.
>> future = keithley.setc_async('v', 0); % start a new ramp.
>> pause(2.0);
>> future.abort(); % abort it prematurely.
The real strength of futures comes when you need to ramp several channels. For
instance, if you have six gates driven by DecaDACs that need to be ramped 1
volt at 0.1 volt/second, ramping one at a time with setc
would take 1 min.
However, this piece of code
f = [];
% First we initate all the ramping.
for i = 1:length(gates)
% Two futures, or a future and a [], can be combined with the & operator.
f = f & gates{i}.set_async(1.0);
% Wait until all the ramps finish
would only take 10 seconds. This method is used throughout matlab-qd. Note,
there is also a get_async
for instrument with long integration times.
Beyond being a collection of drivers with a uniform interface, matlab-qd also offers classes that will let you run basic measurements with ease. First we will look at two simple classes that we will use later.
The class qd.data.Store
exist to create empty directories in some base
folder into which data can be stored.
>> store = qd.data.Store('D:\Data\Me\');
>> store.cd('DeviceNr1959');
>> blank_dir = store.new_dir();
The class qd.Setup
is a class that knows every instrument in your setup.
>> keithley.name = 'keithley';
>> decadac = qd.ins.DecaDAC2('COM1');
>> decadac.name = 'dac';
>> setup = qd.Setup();
>> setup.add_instrument(keithley);
>> setup.add_instrument(decadac);
There is also an add_channel
The setup lets you lookup channels by name (preceded by the instrument name
and a /
). For instance
>> voltage = setup.find_channel('keithley/v');
>> voltage.set(0);
>> % or you can do
>> setup.setc('keithley/v', 0);
>> setup.setc('dac/CH0', 0);
and you can access instruments and named channels through the ins
>> setup.ins.keithley.turn_output_on();
It is standard practice, to make a function in a .m
file that sets up a
setup object for your setup.
The qd.q.Q
class is designed to make it easy to drive measurements. Let us
set up an instance, and run a measurement that creates an IV curve. The code
is explained below.
>> q = qd.q.Q(store, setup);
>> q.add_input('keithley/i');
>> q.sw('keithley/v', 0, 10, 100).go('IV curve');
The q object has an associated Store
so that it can conjure up blank
directories for its output, and a Setup
so that it can lookup channels by
name. The call q.add_input('keithley/i')
looks up a channel named
"keithley/i" in the setup, and adds it to a list of inputs held by the q
object. This list of inputs is used by all jobs spawned from the q object.
The call to q.sw('keithley/v', 0, 10, 100)
creates a Plan object,
representing the intent to sweep "keithley/v" from 0V to 10V in 100 steps. The
call to go('IV curve')
, executes the plan with the name of the output set to
"IV curve".
Instead of calling q.add_input('keithley/i')
to set "keithley/i" as a
default input for all measurements, we could also have replaced the last two
line above with
>> q.sw('keithley/v', 0, 10, 100).with('keithley/i').go('IV curve');
This would have included "keithley/i" in this job only, and not in any
subsequent jobs. There is also a without
method to temporarily remove a
default input.
Methods such as add_input
and sw
that take a channel by name also accept
channel objects. We will demonstrate this below, where we also show how to
nest multiple sweeps.
>> gate = setup.find_channel('dac/CH0');
>> q.sw(gate, 0, 10, 20).sw('keithley/v', 0, 10, 100).go('Gate dependence');
This will do 20 IV curves, one for each value of the gate. The output will be placed in one file.
To cancel a running job, execute qd.q.abort
in a seperate instance of
matlab. To find out when a running job will finish, execute qd.q.eta
in a
seperate instance of matlab.
The Q class and the q module in general contains many interesting ways to
piece together more advanced jobs. These are explained in detail in the
document +qd/+q/concepts.md. You can get a quick
reference for the Q class, the Plan class, and the q module by typing
doc qd.q.Q
, doc qd.q.Plan
, or doc qd.q
in the Matlab prompt, but
arguably, the comments in the sources are easier to read than the generated
TODO, show an example here of more advanced usage.
The data files generated by matlab-qd are simple ascii files designed to be easy to load into most software, including gnuplot. That being said, matlab-qd also provides a versatile tool to browse, plot, and load data outputted by the run classes. Let us fire it up
>> brw = qd.gui.FolderBrowser(store.loc);
You should be able to find your way around the window that pops up (note, you can dock the dialog) and plot the IV curves we did earlier. You can plot any two or three columns in the data file agianst each other. Typically you would run the folder browser in a separate MATLAB instance so that you can view data as it is being recorded.
The folder browser object (the one we assigned to brw) has a few tricks up its sleave. First of all you can access the currently plotted data through the brw.tbl.map property. This is a containers.Map (a standard MATLAB class) with one entry per column in the data file. The columns are arrays of doubles.
>> figure; % Let's do some manual plotting.
>> plot(brw.tbl.map('keithley/v'), brw.tbl.map('keithley/i'));
If you name (see below) your channels such that they do not include characters
that are invalid in matlab identifiers (like "/"), then the tbl struct gets
the columns as fields allowing you to save some typing. I.e.
is the same as brw.tbl.current
You can add a column to the currently plotted data using the inject_column method
>> voltage = brw.tbl.map('keithley/v');
>> current = brw.tbl.map('keithley/i');
>> brw.inject_column('conductance', current ./ voltage);
The computed data is not stored anywhere. Since you might want to compute some derived column the same way for all data. There is a method to register a function to be called whenever you plot a data file.
>> brw.add_pseudo_column(@(tbl, meta) ...
brw.tbl.map('keithley/i') ./ brw.tbl.map('keithley/v'), 'conductance');
Now all data you plot will get a conductance column. The syntax above is for lambda functions in MATLAB. Ignore the meta parameter for now. You could also write the above code using a function handle (though only in a file, not at the prompt). The above code could look like
% Put this code in 'load_my_folder_browser.m'
function brw = load_my_folder_browser(device_name)
brw = qd.gui.FolderBrowser(['D:\Data\Me\' device_name]);
brw.add_pseudo_column(@conductance, '');
% @conductance is a handle to the function below
function column = conductance(tbl, meta)
voltage = tbl.map('keithley/v');
current = tbl.map('keithley/i');
column = current ./ voltage;
Exceptions thrown in a metafunction are turned into warnings, and that column will be skipped when the data is plotted.
Lots of information is available to the computer when a run is started. For instance, settings of equipment can be queried, temperatures of the cryostat, etc. and it would be a shame to throw it all out. Therefore matlab-qd has an interface by which instruments and other object can expose a detailed description of their state. This kind of information is called meta information in matlab-qd.
You can see the meta information for an instrument, channel, or setup by using the qd.util.describe function
>> qd.util.describe(voltage);
Lots of text ...
Notice that the description is broken into two secions. One called Object which contains the description of the voltage channel, and one called Register which contains a description of the Keithley. The Keithley is included because the description of the voltage channel refers to it by name. If the description of the Keithley in turn referred to other objects, they would also be put in the register, and so forth.
Here is a simplified version of qd.util.describe so you can see what it does
function describe(thing)
register = qd.classes.Register();
object_description = thing.describe(register);
register_description = register.describe();
nicely_print(register_description); % This function doesn't really exist.
Notice how the describe method of thing takes the register as an argument, so that it can add to it.
You may have noticed that each section of the output from qd.util.describe
is in JSON format. When you execute a run, it does
something similar to qd.util.describe and puts the output in a file called
in the data folder. You should look at some of the meta.json
files that were generated earlier. Since JSON is a very common and very simple
format, readily available parsers exist for practically every programming
language in existence. This makes it easy to load meta information into
whatever language you use for data processing, MATLAB or otherwise.
Sometimes you want to change the coordinate system you use to set channels. For instance, you might want to use spherical coordinates for a magnet, or do a linear transformation on gate channels to eliminate capacitive cross-talk. For instances such as these, matlab-qd has channel combinator, which take one or more base channels to generate a new set of channels.
TODO. For now, look at the sources in qd.comb.
TODO. For now see qd.ins.SR830LockIn for a standard instrument, and qd.ins.Keithley2600 and qd.ins.AgilentDMM for instruments using the async interface.