YAML special characters (e.g. #, [, ], ...) are not allowed for input values in code blocks. You need to wrap the whole input up by single quotes.
If we have a bunch of tags (say #tagName) to track. This will leads to 'Error parsing YAML' because of the # charactter.
searchType: tag
searchTarget: #tagName
Instead, wrapping the input by single quotes will do the work.
searchType: tag
searchTarget: '#tagName'
or simply
searchType: tag
searchTarget: tagName
Hex color codes must be wrapped in single quotes.
searchType: tag
searchTarget: weight
lineColor: '#F08080'
Wrap the whole input by single quotes.
searchType: tag
searchTarget: weight, push-up
lineColor: '#F08080, #008080'
If we want to track value-attached tags not matched the standard format of Tracker, for example, weightlifting: 20.5kg. We can use search type text
with regular expression in searchTarget
searchType: text
searchTarget: 'weightlifting:\s(?<value>[\-]?[0-9]+[\.][0-9]+|[\-]?[0-9]+)'
The whole input should be wrapped in single quotes because of the special characters.
Tracker accepts two types of array input.
- YAML Array
A YAML array input can be represented as: ['value1', 'value2', 'value3'].
- Value Separated by Comma
Use values separated by comma: value1, value2, value3 Or single quoted string: 'value1, value2, value3'