"Vision" section in the Blockly toolbox. Provides blocks and functions for computer vision operations. These functions and blocks are provided by the pyri-vision
package. By default, these function use device camera
, with calibration stored in global variables camera_calibration_intrinsic
and camera_calibration_extrinsic
. Use the "New Variable" button in the "Globals" panel to create these calibration variables.
vision_detect_aruco(aruco_dict, aruco_id, aruco_markersize, roi)
Detect ArUco markers using the OpenCV. This function returns the X, Y, Z, and Yaw components of the marker pose. Due to the low accuracy of Roll and Pitch, this function does not attempt to estimate rotation other than Yaw.
Returns a list of DetectedMarkers
structures. Use vision_aruco_detected_get_pose()
and vision_aruco_detected_get_id()
to retrieve the pose and ids of detected markers.
- aruco_dict (str): The ArUco dictionary to use. For example, DICT_6X6_250
- aruco_id (int): The ArUco ID to detect. -1 for all
- aruco_markersize (float): The size of the marker, in meters
- roi (BoundingBox2D): The region of interest. None (Blockly null) for full image. Use ROI variable editor to create ROI global variables.
Return (List[DetectedMarkers]): The detected markers
Get the id of a previously detected ArUco marker. Use list operations to get specific entries, otherwise returns value of first entry.
detected_marker (List[DectedMarker] or DetectedMarker): The detected markers
Return (int): The id of the detected marker
Get the pose of a previously detected ArUco marker. Use list operations to get specific entries, otherwise returns value of first entry.
detected_marker (List[DectedMarker] or DetectedMarker): The detected markers
Return (Pose): The pose of the detected marker
vision_template_match(template, object_z, roi)
Use planar cross-correlation image template matching to detect a known object.
Image templates are stored as global variables, and created using
the "New Variable" button in the global variable table. Select a previously captured
image, and crop to the desired object to detect. This function takes a specified
global variable name containing a template, and detects it in the current camera image.
This is a planar operation. object_z
is used to specify the height of the object
off the world XY surface. The world frame must be aligned with the table surface.
Returns a list of MatchedTemplate3D
structures. Use vision_matched_template_get_pose()
to retrieve the pose of detected objects.
- template (str): The name of the global variable containing the image template
- object_z (float): The Z offset of the object from world Z=0
- roi (BoundingBox2D): The region of interest. None (Blockly null) for full image. Use ROI variable editor to create ROI global variables.
Return (List[MatchedTemplate3D]): The detected markers
Get the pose of a previously detected template match. Use list operations to get specific entries, otherwise returns value of first entry.
template_match (List[MatchedTemplate3D] or MatchedTemplate3D): The template match(s)
Return (Pose): The pose of the template match