# specific to code from remote debugging : PTVSD ptvsd # the essential wheel pywin32 # Qt4/5 first pass (wheels) PyQt5 PyQtWebEngine pyqt5_tools ##Pyside2 # compilers no mingwpy yet in Python3.5) #mingwpy cython pycparser cffi # numeric stones numpy scipy sympy Pillow matplotlib pandas pandas-datareader # sql - data adodbapi pyodbc SQLAlchemy sqlparse sqlite_bro baresql mysql_connector_python pg8000 ipython_sql db.py xlrd XlsxWriter pymongo redis # high numeric numexpr h5py python-hdf4 tables cytoolz blosc netCDF4 xarray Pulp scikit_learn scikit_image # gui jupyter ipython spyder # seaborn wants patsy and statsmodels for lienar modeling seaborn patsy statsmodels holoviews brewer2mpl mpld3 # web beautifulsoup4 lxml html5lib requests simplejson flask #blaze bokeh twitter # dev complements cx_Freeze pytest # nose jedi pep8 pyflakes pylint numpydoc twine # other networkx nltk PyAudio sounddevice pyserial reportlab # Pierre Raybaut Stack (PyQt5 only for now) guiqwt PythonQwt guidata # for dask bloscpack lmfit # Qt formlayout pyqtgraph # yet other julia oct2py scilab2py rpy2 # remember me why certifi click docopt PyOpenGL # python3 # rope_py3k # rope sphinx_rtd_theme Sphinx greenlet rx backports-abc bottleneck # wheelhouse-uploader apache-libcloud (is heavy) Markdown pystache bqplot pymc prompt-toolkit ptpython geopy idlex wordcloud mkl-service docrepr #when mingwpy # 2018-02-25: bybye theano # Theano # pymc3 # lasagne # scikit-neuralnetwork widgetsnbextension ## 2020-09-27 jupyterlab3 issue ipyleaflet zarr pycodestyle altair nbconvert pypandoc emcee astroML # waiting list # wpca # dead 2020: pythreejs # flexx scikit-optimize jupyterlab # removal list: # pyhdf # dill (removed 20160612 as it depends on pyreadline) pyflux husl nbconvert_reportlab #ggplot (replaced per plotnine) snakeviz # not enough room nbdime python-Levenshtein fuzzywuzzy scikit_fuzzy imageio altair-widgets xlwings # parallelize (and replace celery) joblib dask[complete] # dask 'bag' and 'delayed' cloudpickle toolz partd #preparing parquet python_snappy brotli jupyterlab_launcher vitables supersmoother # requires pyarrow feather_format pybind11 pygame plotnine mpldatacursor mpl_scatter_density altair_widgets jupyter_sphinx pywinusb moviepy dask_searchcv ## 2020-09-27 jupyterlab3 issue ipympl paramnb #pb with zict depedency of streamz & distributed streamz # temporarly removed #spyder-reports #spyder-terminal #spyder-notebook #require readline cvxpy # Win64 only now: # no more: prettytensor # Tensorflow_world ###edward ###Keras ###keras_vis ###Tensorflow_cpu ###tensorflow_probability ##keras-tuner # pytorch eco-system ##Torch ##torchvision ##botorch terminado Send2Trash pdvega vega_datasets regex loky pyzo intake ruamel.yaml parambokeh hvplot # end of requirements.txt #waitin 3.7 clrmagic cvxopt #cyordereddict (no more in python>3.7) gmpy2 numba ##pyarrow ##feather_format pythonnet cvxpy mypy fastparquet datashader mlxtend rise ppci simpy # too big just doc pyviz #ipyvolume trio trio-asyncio imbalanced-learn #for rpy2 tzlocal simplegeneric astropy panel gdal geoviews pygbm hypothesis geopandas pyepsg rtree mercantile snuggs #(20 Mo) pysal rasterio #kalman filter quantecon kiwisolver # automate notebooks 2019-04-26 papermill pycosat autopep8 black pyinstaller # wait spoofing end https://github.com/pbugnion/jupyterlab-sql/issues/89 #jupyterlab-sql #z3_solver ##winrt # swifter uses modin-0.7.4 + pickle5: two problematic dependancies as of 2020-07-27 #swifter ##paramiko python_language_server pexpect #swagger flask (still no asyncio choice) flask_accepts flaskerize # flask_RESTplus ... shall be now flask-restx quart datasette hypercorn #complementing asgi stack databases[sqlite] altair-transform altair_data_server pydeck ##ibis-framework folium shap plotly tranquilizer #nbdev umap-learn flask-sqlalchemy virtualenv pipdeptree nlopt flask-session python-dotenv httpie flask-Mail asgiref lz4 #cgohlke astuce for numba-0.50 importlib_metadata # new dl # mxnet jupyter_bokeh dask_ml dask_labextension ## not yet in 3.9 # wasmer voila jupyterlab-widgets fastapi