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Deploy cMDTBuildLab at Azure

Pavel Andreev edited this page Aug 19, 2017 · 14 revisions

In June 2017, Microsoft announced availability of Hyper-V-enabled virtual machines at Azure. So today, you can deploy the MdtBuildlab to the cloud!

Install Azure Resource Manager Module (run as Administrator):

  Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted
  Install-Module AzureRM

Before begin, check Azure region with Hyper-V-enabled VMs (size Standard_E2s_v3):

$resources = Get-AzureRmResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Compute
$locations = $resources.ResourceTypes.Where{($_.ResourceTypeName -eq 'virtualMachines')}.Locations
foreach ($loc in $locations) {
    if (Get-AzureRmVmSize -Location $loc | ?{$_.Name -eq 'Standard_E2s_v3'}) { Write-Host $loc }

Start PowerShell ISE as user. Run script:

  $location   = "West Europe"

  # Set path to deployment template:
  $deployment = "c:\Projects\Build\cMDTBuildLab\Azure\MDTBuildLabAzure.json"

  # Deploy MDTBuild fabric:
  $StartTime = Get-Date
  New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name MDTBuildLab -Location $location
  New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName MDTBuildLab -TemplateFile $deployment
  $EndTime = Get-Date
  $ElapsedTime = $EndTime - $StartTime
  $mins = [int]$ElapsedTime.TotalMinutes
  Write-Host "MDT Lab was builded at $mins min." -ForegroundColor Green