data AppM a
Monad responsible for application related operations (initial setup mostly).
Functor AppM
Apply AppM
Applicative AppM
Bind AppM
Monad AppM
MonadEffect AppM
type App = AppM Unit
listenHttp :: App -> Port -> (Event -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Server
Run application on specified port and execute callback after launch. HTTP version
listenHttps :: forall opts. App -> Port -> opts -> (Event -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Server
Run application on specified port and execute callback after launch. HTTPS version
listenHostHttp :: App -> Port -> Host -> (Event -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Server
Run application on specified port & host and execute callback after launch. HTTP version
listenHostHttps :: forall opts. App -> Port -> Host -> opts -> (Event -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Server
Run application on specified port & host and execute callback after launch. HTTPS version
listenPipe :: App -> Pipe -> (Event -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Server
Run application on specified named pipe and execute callback after launch. HTTP version
makeHttpServer :: App -> Effect Server
Create a Node.HTTP server from the Express application. HTTP version
makeHttpsServer :: App -> Effect Server
Create a Node.HTTP server from the Express application. HTTPS version
apply :: App -> Application -> Effect Unit
Apply App actions to existent Express.js application
use :: Handler -> App
Use specified middleware handler.
useExternal :: Fn3 Request Response (Effect Unit) (Effect Unit) -> App
Use any function as middleware. Introduced to ease usage of a bunch of external middleware written for express.js. See
useAt :: Path -> Handler -> App
Use specified middleware only on requests matching path.
useAtExternal :: Path -> Fn3 Request Response (Effect Unit) (Effect Unit) -> App
Use any function as middleware only on requests matching path. Introduced to ease usage of a bunch of external middleware written for express.js. See
useOnParam :: String -> (String -> Handler) -> App
Process route param with specified handler.
useOnError :: (Error -> Handler) -> App
Use error handler. Probably this should be the last middleware to attach.
getProp :: forall a. String -> AppM (Maybe a)
Get application property. See
setProp :: forall a. String -> a -> App
Set application property. See
http :: forall r. RoutePattern r => Method -> r -> Handler -> App
Bind specified handler to handle request matching route and method.
get :: forall r. RoutePattern r => r -> Handler -> App
Shortcut for http GET
post :: forall r. RoutePattern r => r -> Handler -> App
Shortcut for http POST
put :: forall r. RoutePattern r => r -> Handler -> App
Shortcut for http PUT
delete :: forall r. RoutePattern r => r -> Handler -> App
Shortcut for http DELETE
all :: forall r. RoutePattern r => r -> Handler -> App
Shortcut for http ALL
(match on any http method).