Oh wow.. you have been working hard and adding new commands like crazy huh?
Perhaps your mind is elsewhere sometimes and you forgot how to trigger your commands?
I got you.. Running this python will grab your custom sentences (6th line in all your yaml files)
and send them back to you with an notification.
- 1: Intent Script
If you dont have it already, create the file intent_script.yaml
in the /config dir and fill in the code below.
(dont forget to reference it in configuration.yaml
with intent_script: !include intent_script.yaml
- 2: Custom Sentence
Create a folder called custom_sentences
inside your /config dir.
Inside that folder, once again create a folder named with your language code. sv
for swedish, en
for english.
In that folder you create a file and name it whatever you want, but remember it, cause it will be referencesd later.
I will use IntentName.yaml
as an example here, fill this yaml file with the code from below.
- 3: Shell command
Create the file 'shell_command.yaml' file in your /config dir and paste in the code below. This will allow you to call the script easily later.
- 4: Python Script
Within your /config dir, create a file called list_all_commands.py
Paste in the code from the bottom of this page.
Dont forget to change to your language code if your not a swetard.
- service: shell_command.list_voice_commands
data: {}
response_variable: result
- service: notify.mobile_app_YOUR_iPHONE
message: "{{ result['stdout'] }}"
title: Voice Commands
name: default
text: "{{ result['stdout'] }} "
language: "sv"
- sentences:
- "vad ska jag säga"
- "vad kan jag säga"
list_voice_commands: "python list_all_commands.py"
import os
# Define your language code here \/
directory = "/config/custom_sentences/sv/"
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
if filename.endswith(".yaml") or filename.endswith(".yml"):
file_path = os.path.join(directory, filename)
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
if len(lines) >= 6: