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This is based on and makes use of the Vagrant based configuration of the Forklift project. Please see the Forklift documentation for all configuration options available when creating custom boxes.


  • Ansible 2.9+
  • Vagrant 1.8+
  • Vagrant provider plugin (follow vagrant instructions)
    • libvirt and virtualbox supported
  • Recommended: Vagrant sshfs plugin if using libvirt
  • Enabled virtualization in BIOS

Quick install requirements on Fedora

sudo dnf install ansible vagrant-libvirt vagrant-sshfs @virtualization
sudo virt-host-validate


Before using Pulplift, ensure that all submodules are updated and in place.

git submodule update --init

After your git submodules are installed, you can use vagrant up <box-name> to create a Pulp environment. A list of available boxes including your custom ones can be seen with vagrant status.

Setting up a pulp development environment

After you've set up the git submodules as outlined in the Setup section, you will need to clone the source code in the parent directory of the pulp_installer clone.

If you have any custom configuration options including plugin choice, see "Configuration" section below.

You can now spin up your development environment with:

vagrant up pulp3-source-fedora32

For more information about the development environment, please look into the pulp_devel role. See also pulp_installer.

Available Boxes

The aim is to provide every supported OS and major installation type combination for Pulp 3 based upon what is available from pulp_installer.

Base OS Boxes

The base OS boxes, such as centos7, can be used to spin-up a clean environment.

vagrant up centos7

Sandbox boxes

Sandbox boxes, such as pulp3-sandbox-centos7 can be used to do a standard install of Pulp for users.

vagrant up pulp3-sandbox-centos7

Source boxes

Source boxes, such as pulp3-source-centos7 can be used to do an install of pulp with developer tools & helper scripts/aliases for developers.

The example configuration requires that the pulpcore git repo directory and plugin git repo directories (e.g. pulp_file) exist in folders, under the same parent folder as pulp_installer, as they will be mounted on the box.

If using libvirt, the vagrant-sshfs plugin must be installed to mount.

vagrant up pulp3-source-centos7

FIPS box pair

The following source/development boxes are meant to be run together as a pair:

  • pulp2-nightly-pulp3-source-fips-a (Pulp 3 VM)
  • pulp2-nightly-pulp3-source-fips-b (Pulp 2 container that runs on top of the "a" VM)

To create or start them, this is the shortest command:

vagrant up pulp2-nightly-pulp3-source-fips-a && vagrant up --provider docker pulp2-nightly-pulp3-source-fips-b || vagrant up --provider docker pulp2-nightly-pulp3-source-fips-b

You will then do your Pulp 3 development on the A box, which includes the mongo client:

vagrant ssh pulp2-nightly-pulp3-source-fips-a

To destroy them, you must destroy b 1st, and you may need to force it:

vagrant destroy --force pulp2-nightly-pulp3-source-fips-b && vagrant destroy --force pulp2-nightly-pulp3-source-fips-a

NOTE: We repeat the command to work around a net-ssh "poll_next_packet' padding error" that is triggered about 50% of the time, the 1st time it is run only.

If you ever run into a situation where Vagrant cannot enumerate the VMs at all (vagrant status) because it cannot talk to the docker host (a), run one of the following:

  • vagrant up pulp2-nightly-pulp3-source-fips-a
  • vagrant destroy --force pulp2-nightly-pulp3-source-fips-b

If using libvirt, the vagrant-sshfs plugin must be installed to mount.

NOTE: FIPS is not supported by Pulp. These FIPS boxes, like all the other boxes with "fips" in their name, are provided for those who would like test their plugins in FIPS environment and potentially apply their own FIPS patches to Django.

Galaxy HA box set

The Galaxy HA boxes are designed to use private networking.

This requires extra configuration for libvirt users who are in user mode (qemu:///session), which is the default. This requires creating a network (galaxyng-ha) with a specific bridge name (virbr8).

$ sudo virsh net-define vagrant/private-network.xml
$ sudo virsh net-start galaxy-ha

Then append allow virbr8 to /etc/qemu/bridge.conf

echo "allow virbr8" | sudo tee -a /etc/qemu/bridge.conf

Then, whether on libvirt or virtualbox, adjust the variables to your liking:

cp example.galaxyha-config.yml local.galaxyha-config.yml

Then start the machines in the correct order, "a" 1st:

vagrant up pulp3-galaxy-ha-a && vagrant up pulp3-galaxy-ha-b && vagrant up pulp3-galaxy-ha-c

You can then do all your development on either box "b" or box "c".

vagrant ssh pulp3-galaxy-ha-b

To halt the machines in the correct order, "a" last:

vagrant halt pulp3-galaxy-ha-c && vagrant halt pulp3-galaxy-ha-b && vagrant halt pulp3-galaxy-ha-a


Any of the pulp3 labeled boxes will both spin-up and provision the labeled Ansible installation scenario for Pulp 3.


Each box uses a playbook appropriate for the type of installation specified in the box name. Additional ansible variables are defined in example.user-config.yml for sandbox installations and for development installations respectively. If you need to change these variables, including choosing which plugins to install, copy one of these files to create a local variable file. Pulplift will first look for local.user-config.yml or, which are not checked into git. To overwrite those settings for an individual one of your vagrant instances, you can provide a local.<hostname>-config.yml.

Any of the Ansible variables can be set in this local variable file. Please see the README of each pulp_installer role for more detailed information.

Running a playbook directly

You can run an existing or custom playbook directly using ansible-playbook. For example:

vagrant up centos7
ansible-playbook -i forklift/inventories/ -l centos7 my-pulp-install.yaml

Configuring Vagrant to run on a HDD

Vagrant boxes that are libvirt-based use storage-pool to for VMs that are created. So to get a libvirt based pulp_installer box running on a HDD disk you need to:

  1. Create a new storage pool on your HDD
  2. Configure Vagrant to use that storage pool

Creating a new storage pool on your spinny disk

  1. Have a mounted, HDD, e.g. mine is mounted at: /run/media/bmbouter/2TB\ External/
  2. I wanted to have the VMs use a specific directory, so I manually created /run/media/bmbouter/2TB\ External/slow_pool.
  3. Use the interactive virsh tool to create a pool, e.g. pool-define-as slow_pool --type dir --target /run/media/bmbouter/2TB\ External/slow_pool
  4. Start the pool using virsh to run pool-start slow_pool.
  5. You could also mark the pool to auto-start with pool-autostart slow_pool.

Now you have the slow_pool.

Give Vagrant the storage_pool_name option

For pulp_installer this can only be done on the vagrant "box definition" itself. The and local.user-config.yml files only specifies Ansible variables. These are not the same as Vagrant box definitions, which for the pulp_installer live here

This is documentation for libvirt backends, and we're going to be using the storage_pool_name which is an option for libvirt_options. The docs referring to this are here.

In my case I wanted to modify the pulp2-nightly-pulp3-source-centos7 box, so I applied this diff:

diff --git a/vagrant/boxes.d/30-source.yaml b/vagrant/boxes.d/30-source.yaml
index 72b70b4..68876cc 100644
--- a/vagrant/boxes.d/30-source.yaml
+++ b/vagrant/boxes.d/30-source.yaml
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ pulp2-nightly-pulp3-source-centos7:
     reverse: False
   memory: 10500
   cpus: 4
+  libvirt_options:
+    storage_pool_name: "slow_pool"
       - "pulp-ci/ci/ansible/pulp_server.yaml"

Then I ran vagrant up pulp2-nightly-pulp3-source-centos7. I knew it worked because it showed me:

==> pulp2-nightly-pulp3-source-centos7:  -- Storage pool:      slow_pool
==> pulp2-nightly-pulp3-source-centos7:  -- Image:             /run/media/bmbouter/2TB External/slow_pool/pulp_installer_pulp2-nightly-pulp3-source-centos7.img (128G)