#+OPTIONS: ^:nil
We run PubSeq tooling and webservice inside Guix containers, both for development and deployment. The alternative is to use pip, but YMMV on that one.
GNU Guix can be installed on any Linux distribution without disturbing it because all files are store in /gnu/store. GNU Guix comes in Debian these days:
sudo apt-get install guix
As a normal user
guix pull
alias guix=~/.config/guix/current/bin/guix
guix package -A python
Lists all python packages and all should be well. Alternatively use the GNU Guix installer following these docs.
Another way to install this tool is inside a GNU Guix Environment, which can handle installing dependencies for you
- Set up and enter a Guix environment with the necessary dependencies. After installing Guix run:
guix environment -C guix --ad-hoc git python openssl python-pycurl nss-certs
- Install the tool. From there you can follow the user installation instructions. In brief:
pip3 install --user schema-salad arvados-python-client
Pip installed the following modules
arvados-python-client-2.0.1 ciso8601-2.1.3 future-0.18.2 google-api-python-client-1.6.7 httplib2-0.17.1 oauth2client-4.1.3 pyasn1-0.4.8 pyasn1-modules-0.2.8 rsa-4.0 ruamel.yaml-0.15.77 six-1.14.0 uritemplate-3.0.1 ws4py-0.5.1
- Run the tool directly with
guix environment guix --ad-hoc git python openssl python-pycurl python-magic nss-certs python-pyshex -- python3 bh20sequploader/main.py example/maximum_metadata_example.yaml example/sequence.fasta
Note that python-pyshex is packaged in http://git.genenetwork.org/guix-bioinformatics/guix-bioinformatics
so you'll need it to the GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH - see the README in that repository. E.g.
env GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH=~/iwrk/opensource/guix/guix-bioinformatics/ ~/opt/guix/bin/guix environment -C guix --ad-hoc git python python-flask python-pyyaml python-pycurl python-magic nss-certs python-pyshex python-pyyaml --network openssl python-pyshex python-pyshexc minimap2 python-schema-salad python-arvados-python-client --share=/export/tmp -- env TMPDIR=/export/tmp python3 bh20sequploader/main.py --help
Latest successful Guix run
env GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH=~/iwrk/opensource/guix/guix-bioinformatics/ ~/opt/guix/bin/guix environment guix --ad-hoc git python openssl python-pycurl python-magic nss-certs python-pyshex python-arvados-python-client python-schema-salad minimap2 -- python3 bh20sequploader/main.py scripts/uthsc_samples/yaml/AL_UT14.yaml scripts/uthsc_samples/yaml/AL_UT14.fa
To run the web uploader in a GNU Guix environment/container run it with something like
guix environment guix --ad-hoc git python python-flask python-pyyaml python-pycurl python-magic nss-certs --network openssl -- env FLASK_ENV=development PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:./bh20sequploader FLASK_APP=bh20simplewebuploader/main.py flask run
* Serving Flask app "bh20simplewebuploader/main.py"
* Environment: production
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: off
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
WIP: add gunicorn container
Currently the full webserver container deploy command looks like
penguin2:~/iwrk/opensource/code/vg/bh20-seq-resource$ env GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH=~/iwrk/opensource/guix/guix-oinformatics/ ~/iwrk/opensource/guix/guix/pre-inst-env guix environment -C guix --ad-hoc git python python-flask python-pyyaml python-pycurl python-magic nss-certs python-pyshex python-pyyaml --network openssl python-pyshex python-pyshexc minimap2 python-schema-salad python-arvados-python-client --share=/export/tmp -- env TMPDIR=/export/tmp FLASK_ENV=development FLASK_APP=bh20simplewebuploader/main.py flask run
Note: see above on GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH.
cd bh20-seq-resource/scripts/db_enrichment
edit input_location.csv
guix environment guix --ad-hoc git python nss-certs python-rdflib -- python3 country_enrichment.py
guix package -i python-requests python-pandas python-jinja2 python -p ~/opt/python-dev
. ~/opt/python-dev/etc/profile
Guix has a package for virtuoso-ose we use
guix package -i virtuoso-ose -p ~/opt/virtuoso
Create a data dir
mkdir -p /export/virtuoso/var/lib/virtuoso/db
chown $USER /export/virtuoso/var/lib/virtuoso/db
Add an ini file
cp ~/opt/virtuoso/var/lib/virtuoso/db/virtuoso.ini .config/
And run from the data dir
cd /export/virtuoso/var/lib/virtuoso/db
guix environment --ad-hoc virtuoso-ose -- virtuoso-t -f
Visit http://localhost:8890/sparql
To update the turtle files do
guix environment -C guix --ad-hoc python python-requests raptor2 curl --network -- python3 ./scripts/update_virtuoso/check_for_updates.py cache.txt dba dba
where dba is the default password.
Auspice is developed by the Nextstrain team and we use it for exploring the phylogenetic tree. It does not scale well beyond 5,000 SARS-CoV-2 virusses, so we need to limit the input set!
Auspice runs on a separate port.
Running on port 4001 using your repo:
Install node with Guix
~/.config/guix/current/bin/guix package -i node -p ~/opt/node
Load Guix environment variables
. ~/opt/node/etc/profile
Run server after fetching data in ./data
cd auspice
npm install --global --prefix node_modules .
env PORT=4001 ./node_modules/bin/auspice view --datasetDir ./data