diff --git a/examples/export.html b/examples/export.html
index 9a2fce5ce..945dc7218 100644
--- a/examples/export.html
+++ b/examples/export.html
@@ -1,148 +1,29 @@
- Leaflet.DistortableImage Example
+ Leaflet.DistortableImage Example
diff --git a/examples/js/export.js b/examples/js/export.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3022fd439
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/js/export.js
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ let map;
+ (function() {
+ map = L.map('map').setView([51.505, -0.13], 13);
+ map.addGoogleMutant();
+ map.whenReady(function() {
+ img = L.distortableImageOverlay('example.jpg', {
+ corners: [
+ L.latLng(51.52, -0.14),
+ L.latLng(51.52,-0.10),
+ L.latLng(51.50, -0.14),
+ L.latLng(51.50,-0.10),
+ ],
+ mode: 'lock',
+ });
+ // create a second image
+ img2 = L.distortableImageOverlay('example.jpg', {
+ corners: [
+ L.latLng(51.51, -0.20),
+ L.latLng(51.51, -0.16),
+ L.latLng(51.49, -0.21),
+ L.latLng(51.49, -0.17),
+ ],
+ mode: 'freeRotate',
+ suppressToolbar: true,
+ });
+ let json = [{"nodes":[
+ { "lat": "41.8200378187", "lon": "-71.4034409085" },
+ { "lat": "41.8199873593", "lon": "-71.4030021564" },
+ { "lat": "41.8196229772", "lon": "-71.4029728831" },
+ {"lat":"41.8198214546","lon":"-71.4034614433"}
+ ],
+ "cm_per_pixel": 23.0934,
+ "src": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/grassrootsmapping/warpables/312455/test.png"},
+ {"nodes": [
+ { "lat": "41.819898342", "lon": "-71.4035387139" },
+ { "lat": "41.819898342", "lon": "-71.4028493862" },
+ { "lat": "41.8195005594", "lon": "-71.4028493862" },
+ { "lat": "41.8195005594", "lon": "-71.4035387139" }
+ ],
+ "cm_per_pixel": 35.8578,
+ "src": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/grassrootsmapping/warpables/320983/test.png"}
+ ];
+ // customize the function that starts up the export
+ const fetchStatusUrl = (mergedOpts) => {
+ const form = new FormData();
+ form.append('collection', JSON.stringify(mergedOpts.collection));
+ form.append('scale', prompt("Choose a scale or use the default (cm per pixel):", 100) || mergedOpts.scale);
+ form.append('upload', true);
+ const reqOpts = { method: 'POST', body: form };
+ const req = new Request(mergedOpts.exportStartUrl, reqOpts);
+ fetch(req).then((res) => {
+ if (res.ok) {
+ return res.text();
+ }
+ }).then(mergedOpts.handleStatusRes);
+ };
+ // receives the URL of status.json, and starts running the updater to repeatedly fetch from status.json;
+ // this may be overridden to integrate with any UI
+ const handleStatusRes = (data) => {
+ statusUrl = data.split('please visit, ')[1];
+ /*
+ if we are getting status updates, repeatedly fetch the status.json:
+ this.updateInterval = setInterval(() => {
+ const reqOpts = {method: 'GET'};
+ const req = new Request(`${data}?${Date.now()}`, reqOpts);
+ fetch(req).then((res) => {
+ if (res.ok) {
+ return res.text();
+ }
+ }).then(opts.updater);
+ }, opts.frequency);
+ */
+ // but in this example, we're not; we just get the URL of the finished image;
+ // we should initiate the download?
+ window.location = statusUrl;
+ };
+ // initialize the collection:
+ imgGroup = L.distortableCollection({
+ exportOpts: {
+ collection: json, // here we override the image data sent with a custom set
+ fetchStatusUrl: fetchStatusUrl,
+ handleStatusRes: handleStatusRes,
+ exportUrl: '//', // used to
+ exportStartUrl: '//', // used to initiate the export
+ // From this alternative exporter, we'll get a response like:
+ // "Your Image is exporting, to load Image please visit,"
+ // So, we can splice like this: response.split("please visit, ")[1]
+ // and get
+ // Noting, however, later we will expect to get a full Google Cloud Storage URL.
+ // remaining defaults are as follows, in /src/edit/DistortableCollection.Edit.js:
+ // collection = opts.collection || this._group.generateExportJson();
+ // frequency = opts.frequency || 3000;
+ // scale = opts.scale || 100; // switch it to _getAvgCmPerPixel !
+ // updater: function(json) {} // a function to handle the result of repeated fetching of the status.json file
+ // fetchStatusUrl = opts.fetchStatusUrl || _defaultFetchStatusUrl;
+ // handleStatusRes = opts.handleStatusRes || _defaultHandleStatusRes;
+ // exportStartUrl = opts.exportStartUrl || '//export.mapknitter.org/export';
+ // exportUrl = opts.exportUrl || 'http://export.mapknitter.org/';
+ },
+ }).addTo(map);
+ imgGroup.addLayer(img);
+ imgGroup.addLayer(img2);
+ });
+ })();
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