This category measures whether a product has a known license and whether the license is an open source license
- Short description: Licensing and IP accessibility
- Is core category: Yes
- Priority: Medium
The following are indicators for consideration for this category
Indicator Name | Source | Description | Data Type |
Source Code Accessibility | Digital Square | Source code licensed X (N, Y)under an Open Source Initiative approved license | Boolean |
Source Code Accessibility | Digital Square | Software is structured to allow X (N, Y) local customizations and new modules and functionality without requiring forking of main code | Boolean |
Licenses (LC10) | DIAL OSC | The code is released under one of the preferred copyright licenses explained in the Apache Maturity Model's Licensing Principles | Boolean |
Licenses (LC60) | DIAL OSC | The project name has been checked for trademark issues, shown through freely-available documentation | Boolean |
License Declared | CHAOSS | What are the declared software package licenses? | Boolean |
License Coverage | CHAOSS | How much of the code base has declared licenses? | Numeric |
Top Level Declared License | Clearly Defined | A project has specific key file(s) at the top level of its code hierarchy such as LICENSE, NOTICE or similar (and/or a package manifest) containing structured license information such as an SPDX license expression or SPDX license identifier, and the file(s) contain “clearly defined” declared license information (a license declaration such as a license expression and/or a series of license statements or notices). This is a binary score element | Boolean |
File level license | Clearly Defined | Do files that can contain licensing and copyright information reliably carry such information? | Boolean |
SPDX Standard licenses | Clearly Defined | Are all the licenses standard SPDX-listed licenses? | Boolean |
See this page for information about the list of maturity sources