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File metadata and controls

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journeysFromTrip(tripId, previousStopover, to, [opt])

to must be an FPTF 1.2.0 stop or station. See journeys() for details.

With opt, you can override the default options, which look like this:

	accessibility: 'none', // 'none', 'partial' or 'complete'
	stopovers: false, // return stations on the way?
	polylines: false, // return leg shapes?
	transferTime: 0, // minimum time for a single transfer in minutes
	tickets: false, // return tickets?
	remarks: true // parse & expose hints & warnings?


Note: As stated in the Friendly Public Transport Format 1.2.0, the returned departure and arrival times include the current delay. The departureDelay/arrivalDelay fields express how much they differ from the schedule.

As an example, we're going to use the DB profile:

const createClient = require('hafas-client')
const dbProfile = require('hafas-client/p/db')

const berlinSüdkreuz = '8011113'
const münchenHbf = '8000261'
const kölnHbf = '8000207'

const client = createClient(dbProfile, 'my-awesome-program')

// find any journey from Berlin Südkreuz to München Hbf
const [journey] = await client.journeys(berlinSüdkreuz, münchenHbf, {results: 1, stopovers: true})
// find the ICE leg
const leg = journey.legs.find(l => l.line.product === 'nationalExp')
// find the stopover at the stop you've just passed
const previousStopover = leg.stopovers.find(st => st.departure && new Date(st.departure) <

// find journeys from the ICE train to Köln Hbf
const journeys = await client.journeysFromTrip(, previousStopover, kölnHbf)

journeys will be an array of FPTF 1.2.0 journeys, as documented in journeys().