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Center for Health Data Science, July 2022


This markdown document contains of exercises for the introductory workshop on command line use, entitled Just Bash It, developed and hosted by Center for Health Data Science (HeaDS) at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (HeaDS), in collaboration with the University Library (KUB) Data Lab.
This one day workshop is targeted at biomedical and health researchers at the University of Copenhagen with no prior experience in bash command line use.

The workshop consists of a slideshow with slides to each section, in addition to hands-on presentations (code-along) and accompanying exercises.


A note on pseudo code

Some exercises and explanations in this document contain what is called ‘pseudo code’. Pseudo code is an abstracted way to write an idea of code. It will not necessarily run when executed, so do not copy pseudo code straight into the command line. Rather it explains the idea of how your code should be structured. We will explicitly let you know when a snippet is pseudo code.

Pseudo code can look like this:

wc [your file]

In the above example square bracets mean you need to replace what is between them with the actual file, expression, ect you want to use. The square bracets themselves are not part of the code. For example, if you wanted to word count the readme file, you would replace [your file] with


Exercise 1: Navigating Files and Directories

On your command line, go to where you have downloaded the course materials. If the directory is zipped, unzip it. (This might be easier to do with the graphical user interface).

  1. List the files and directories in the top directory Just-Bash-It. Which file was last updated? Which file is the largest?

  2. Go to the Examples directory and list its contents.

  3. Move the text file mytextfile.txt from the images folder to the docs folder. Confirm that is is in the right place.

  4. Make a copy of the mytextfile.txt file (now in docs) and rename the copy to whatever you’d like.

  5. Move to the Examples directory and make a new folder here called TEMP. Now move your copied file from point 4. above to the TEMP folder.

  6. Remove the whole TEMP directory including the file within it. Do you run into any problems with trying to do this?
    You need a flag to remove a whole folder, try the manual help for the remove command man rm to figure out what flag this is.


Exercise 2: Project Organization

Let’s get structured!

  1. Make a projects directory at /home/user/Desktop on your computer with all the sub-directories shown on slide 30 in the slideshow. You are free to name the project within the projects directory whatever you would like, e.g. Just_Bash_It, Intro_to_command_line, First_Project, etc..
    Cheat Sheet 1 in the slideshow will have the commands you need.

You should have downloaded the course materials including the raw data files to you computer, maybe it is in your downloads directory or perhaps you moved it somewhere else.

  1. Using the command-line, navigate to where you downloaded the course materials an go to the directory named Data, here you should see three files, all with the extension .gz. Move these three files to the project directory you have made and place them in the correct sub-directory.

  2. How large (in bytes and disk space) are the data files you moved from the course materials?

  3. Check the permissions of the data files from the course materials. Do you have permission to read, write and execute them? If you are not allowed to execute the, what is the reason for this?

  4. Make a new file called Readme within your project directory. Check the permissions of the file you just made and modify the permission of this file so the ‘group’ can write to the file (HINT:chmod).


Exercise 3: Working with Files

  1. Go to your project directory and edit the readme file you made in Exercise 2 using the one of the editors nano, vim or vi, emacs. N.B you might only have one of them installed!
    A readme file should contain information about what a certain directory contains, its purpose and who owns it/is the editor.

  2. Move to the sub-directory Data/Raw here you should have the three data files you moved from the course material directory.

Two of these files are fastq files, they contain RNAseq reads from a bulk-RNA sequencing experiment using Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress). The extension _R1 and _R2 denote that reads are paired-end (e.g. read 1 and read 2). The third file with the extension .gff, contains annotations of genes and other genomic feature from the organism of study, Arabidopsis Thaliana.

  1. Expand the GCF_genomicAnnotation.gff.gz annotation file while making sure you keep a copy of the compressed version.
    HINT: look into what flags/arguments need to be specified when decompressing).

  2. Try out the commands less, cat, head, tail on the expanded .gff file.

The file contains the fields (columns) shown below, and includes information on; annotation source, region, sequence start and end position, stand, as well as a column containing various information on the sequences, i.e. entry id, gene name, locus, ids, tags etc.

NC ID Source Region Start End Strand Gene transcript etc.
NC_003070.9 RefSeq exon 4706 5095 + gene=ARV1;locus_tag

Note how that the file header (first part of the file) is denoted by hastags.

  1. Rename the expanded .gff to Annotation.gff. Move the Annotation.gff to your Scratch directory.

  2. Look at the content of one of the two fq.gz files with RNA sequencing read, N.B. this time without expanding the file! How many lines are annotated for each read?


Exercise 4: More Bash Commands - Part 1: wc, sed & cut

You will now test out some of the new commands introduced in the slide show and the command line presentation.

Go to your directory Scratch where you should have a copy of the unzipped GCF_genomicAnnotation.gff.gz file named Annotation.gff, which you made in exercise 3.5 above. For inspiration on how to solve the questions below have a look at slide 46.
N.B Remember if you are not sure what arguments (flags) a given command has you can always use man [name_of_command]to see what flags (arguments) a command takes.

  1. Figure out how many, lines, words and characters the Annotation.gff file contains using wc.

  2. As we are not interested in the header lines, denoted by hastages, remove these from the Annotation.gffand name the new file Annotation_tmp.gff. To do this you can employ the command sed, see pseudo code below. You will need to figure out the line numbers of the first line and last line to remove. What do you think the d refers to?

sed '[number first line],[number last line]d' Annotation.gff > Annotation_tmp.gff

Have a look at the Annotation_tmp.gff. Does it look correct now, i.e. no headers with hastags? And does it have number of lines you expect it to have?

  1. Use the command cut to make a new file which contains only fields 3,4,5 (i.e. columns with region, start and end) from the Annotation_tmp.gff and name it whatever you’d like. Check that the file looks correct.

We also would like to have the gene names. They are in field 7 in the Annotation_tmp.gff, but field 7 contains itself several entries ids, gene name, locus, tags etc. separated by a ;. We refer to such separating characters as delimiters. One could say that field 7 contains sub-fields delimited by ;.

  1. We want to get the sub field starting with gene=, this is the gene name. To extract this information we will use cut twice. First, we will cut out column 7 from Annotation_tmp.gff and name that temporary file something. Then, we cut the temporary file to get field 5

Run the code provided below. Try to understand what happens in each line. Particularly:

  • What do the flags -d and -f do?
  • Why are we setting the -f flag to 5 not 7 (HINT: field vs sub-field)?
cut -f 7 Annotation_tmp.gff > col7.tmp
cut -d ';' -f 5 col7.tmp > gene_names

Check that the file looks correct after extraction, i.e. does it seem to the the field you are interested in?

  1. We would like to remove the repetitive gene= in each line to just obtain the clean gene name. One way to get this is to do a search and replace with sed. The syntax is shown as pseudo code below. The sed command requires you to specify what pattern to match [pattern to match] and what pattern to replace it with [Replace with]. The patterns are separated by slashes and the whole expression is encased in quotes '.
sed 's/[pattern to match]/[Replace with]/g' [input file] > [output file]

For the pseudo code chunk figure out:

  • What the input file should be?
  • Change [pattern to match] to the pattern you want to match and [Replace with] to what you want to replace with (HINT: replace with empty/nothing).
  • What does the s and g denote?
  • Run the command and save the output to whatever file name you’d like.


Exercise 4: More Bash Commands - Part 2: sort, paste, awk & grep

  1. You should now have one file containing only field 3, 4 & 5 (question 2.) and one containing only the sub-field with gene names from field 7 (question 5.).
    Paste these two files together into a single file using the command paste, name this file Annotation_Gene.gff. You will need to use the flag -d to specify what kind of delimiter should be used to paste the fields together, you should use a tab-delimiter, denoted '\t'.

  2. Run and decipher the command below.

awk -F '\t' 'OFS="\t" {$5=$3-$2}{print}' Annotation_Gene.gff > Annotation_Gene_Len.gff
  • What is the output of the command?
  • What does the flag -F specify?
  • What does OFS="\t" mean? HINT: Google this!
  • What is going on inside the curly brackets?
  1. Let’s have a look at the content of your final file.
  • Are there any gene sequences with length 0 in the annotation file? - Try the command sort with flags -k 5
  • What is the name of the gene with the longest sequence, annotated in your file? - Try the command sort with flags -k 5 -nr
  • Does our organism of study, Arabidopsis Thaliana, have the TERT gene? - Try the command grep.
  • All living organisms have polymerase genes, including Arabidopsis Thaliana. How many types of POL genes are annotated?
  • How many gene annotation lines in the file pertain to transfer RNA (tRNA)? - Try the command grep with flag -c.
  1. Your new file Annotation_Gene_Len.gff does not have any headers on each field. Make a new file called header.gff, use nano for this, copy the content below into the file and close/save it.
Region    Start   End   GeneName    Length

Now, use the command cat to bind header.gff and Annotation_Gene_Len.gff together. Name the output Annotation_[TodaysDate].gff

When you have checked at the file looks correct, move the file to your Results directory - N.B go to the sub-directory and check that you have moved it correctly!. You can now remove (delete) all the temporary files in your Scratch directory. WELL DONE!


Exercise 5: Redirection & Pipes

  1. Copy (cp) the GCF_genomicAnnotation.gff from your Data/Raw dir to the Scratch dir. This is done by specifying the path to where the copy should go. Move to the Scratch directory.

Lets try some piping (chaining) of commands.

  1. You will chain four commands with pipes (|), step by step:
  • Remove the header rows (those beginning with hastages) in the file, like you did in point 2, Exercise 4, above
  • Extract (cut) the column that contains the annotation Region (exon, CDS, etc.).
  • Sort the extracted column with sort
  • Get the unique elements from this column with the command uniq
  1. Re-run the command line you used above, but this time redirect the output directly to the Data/Generated directory by specifying the path and the name you would like the output file to have. Check the Data/Generated directory to check that you have correctly made the file.

  2. Using a single command line, figure out the name of the microRNA (miRNA) gene which has the smallest genomic starting coordinate. You will need to combine commands cut, sort and grep to archive this. HINT: miRNA gene names begin with MIR.

  3. You will now redo points 2-6 from Exercise 4 (parts 1 & 2) above. You should end up with a file containing the 4 columns: Region, Start, End and GeneName (only). To archive this, chain together commands from points 2-6.
    N.B: You do NOT need to do everything in one command line, but try to reduce the number of intermediate files to as few as possible. It is possible to get the output file in two command lines (i.e. only one intermediate file). HINT: the commands do not need to be combined in the same order as in Exercise 4, in fact, they shouldn’t be.


Exercise 6: Part 1: Shell Scripts

We will now save the commands from exercises 4 and 5 in a script so we don’t lose them and can easily re-run our analysis with a different gff file.

We will use the history command to easily get a record of what we have done so far.

First, let’s see how much is in your history:

history | wc 

If you have a lot of commands saved in your history you might only want to see the last 20 or so. This command will show you the last 20:

history | tail -n 20
  1. Create a new file, either with the command line or the editor of your choice, and name it This is the file which will contain your script. A script is just a collection of commands that are executed one after another.

  2. Using your history, copy the commands you used to solve exercise 4 into Save it.

  3. Run by calling bash. Does it run without error? If not, correct what is wrong until it does. Check that it creates the correct files, i.e. they should look the same as when you manually executed the commands.

  1. Add lines to your script that will remove the temporary files created. Check that the files are indeed removed, and no other files have been deleted by accident. If you did delete something you can just re-download the respective file from github.

  2. Now replace the name of the input file, GCF_genomicAnnotation.gff.gz, with an argument so that you can run your script on different input files. Test that this works.

  3. Run your script on ecoli.gff.gz by passing the file name as an argument.

Exercise 6: Part 2: Loops

  1. Make a short script with a for loop that does the following:
  • go to the data folder
  • for each zipped file, i.e. each file ending with .gz:
  • display the file name
  • display the first 10 lines without unzipping the entire file like you did in Exercise 3, question 6.

Exercise 7: Software Installation, Upkeep & More

In this exercise we will install first a package manager and then use this package manager to install a software.

  1. Installer:
  • For OS X systems:
    Install Homebrew (N.B this may take some time), figure out how to do it here (is is one-liner in the command line):
  • For Ubuntu and Linux systems, Windows (WSL) systems & MobaXterm users: You most likely already have apt-get installed. Figure out what version you have? HINT: --version.

Now that you have installed a package manager you will use it to install a command line tool on your laptop. We will install FastQC ( which is a tool for quality control of DNA and RNA sequencing reads.

  1. FastQC:
  • For OS X systems, Ubuntu/Linux systems & Windows (WSL) systems:
    If you already have fastqc installed, then update it, otherwise install using the appropriate install command for your system.
  • MobaXterm users:
    You will need to install perl before you can use fastqc:

We will check that fastqc is correctly installed and works by running the tool on our two files (_R1.fastq and _R2.fastq) containing sequencing reads.

  1. Move to the Data/Raw/. Modify and use the command below to run fastqc. You should specify the path to the directory you want the output to go to, in this case Data/Generated/.

Have a look at your output.

Extra: Try using open to open a file (xlsx, docx, etc.) and an app (browser, Rstudio, etc.) via the command line.